
Active Member
Jul 13, 2021
So to clarify, Necro is avoidable?
There is one necrophilia scene where you titfuck a corpse if you want.

The other scene is basically monster sex but the girl had died for a few minutes and then was resurrected as a monster zombie of sorts.

All scenes are completely avoidable.
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Zeca Suez

Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2018
Ella's in your pocket during the Eisheth scene at the end of this update. She's verbally shocked to see Eisheth there when she arrived for the twins.
Yeah but I don't know if she stayed in there for when he runs into the Moon twins and Shen or if she slipped out to watch the Eisheth fight or chose to just observe the MC from a safe vantage point away from the action. I am not saying that it is more likely than her just staying put but it is a possibility which we might or might not find out an answer to in the next update.

Also if she stays with the MC when he transforms for combat then that in a way means she is in his body when he is armored up... if the doll has any of Evo 4/5 Ella's abilities then that is a dangerous place for her to be for the MC, if she decides to attack from within during a critical moment while the MC is fighting someone else. That could end badly since she could stun the MC while he needs to dodge an opponent.
Also wonder if she then moves around in the MC's body when the Male twin guy eradicates a section of the MC's body. Just curious.

Ella used the serum she stole for her 5th evolution.
Thanks for clearing that up, my memory is vague as hell when it comes to older updates.

I believe Ella is just rotten to do the core, and remembers stuff only she wishes to. She tries to create a memory lane where she is right, but evidence suggest what she does is butchering people.
I think it is more of a "the road to hell is paved with good intentions" kind of deal... because of her rough childhood she wanted to just be strong so no one could victimize her and so she could protect her friends ... and then the power just corrupted her making her hunger for more and more power and while she herself thought she was doing good she ended up hurting others and reached a point where she at her core believes she is some kind of savior of humanity turning people into her version of Ubermensch by turning normies into hybrids while what she is actually doing is just experimenting on people and ruining the lives of mere mortals, going about causing massacres. So its more like a self-delusion rather than a I am just evil, kind of situation.

I'd be more interested in what kind of scene would occur if we bright lil Ella into the room of dead big Ella, perhaps get a couple of separate scenes and touch moments.
I have an irresistible urge to high-five you on that. There would be 6 usable holes in the room and the MC could easily adjust tentaclecock size to Doll or Full-size versions ... imagine if the MC just fucks her back to life in there, him and Ella do share one parent monster. Don't wanna go too crazy and declare the MC's baby batter the new elixir of life for hybrids though. Although ya that would'nt be a bad alternate ending... MC just getting pleasurably worshiped by hybrids...ofc he would have to first be strong enough to not be turned into a potion farm by H.e.r.o.
Honestly the Best thing about Ella is how she is down for all the Freaky sex stuff and she is the perfect sexual partner for the MC since both possess nearly unmatched regeneration and shape shifting abilities. The amount of Fun things they could do is only limited by ones Imagination.

Regardless of all that I do hope the MC learns to use his skills to knit flesh and bone and heal others soon. Sine that would be a great ability to have when next time we have a choice to save a character or let them die. Also a great ability to have during times of war.

Perhaps they can merge or be combined/reabsorbed? Only thing I seriously do not want is a nearly fully restored Ella running lose on HERO base and potentially releasing all the Monster Prisoners. I do not want to deal with that headache or aftermath or the blame.
The Doll does seem to be a contingency plan for Ella so i am sure it definitely has knowledge of some way of reviving or replacing the dead Ella. Perhaps one of the two vials we found to activate the doll had some kind of core extract from original Ella and all she needs is to be in the room where the corpse is and then she can put that liquid on the corpse and the live tissue will reactivate the dead tissue or trigger her regeneration and bring her back.
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Personally I was hoping the activation of the doll took some blood or other "fluids" from the MC so she would have some kind of bond to the MC, as others here have clearly stated before, Doll Ella is too adorable/sexy to lose permanently. Didn't know we needed it so bad until we had it. But the Developer probably has a good reason to not give us an option to just activate her or activate and bind her to us.

Also, there was a scene of Ella Using the EvoSerum and becoming Lv.5 after escaping HERO base and nearly killing Jake with her Aura, then killing a hero agent and making the girl agent duel Jake.
I see... thanks, I think I will definitely have to reload an older save and replay her infiltration, seems there's too much important stuff I don't remember from back then.

Zeca Suez

Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2018
+1 to that... also submitting a request for more monster ladies just to fill up the harem. Love how the monster girls here are the Perfect amount of Monster and Girl... no chicks with dog/cat/rat/bat shaped ears glued on. Except Ella when she wants to be a Neko for the lols.

Anyone tried a no sex or only one LI route? How were the power levels?
Why ? Why would you just go for one and reject all the fun ?

This aligns with pretty much everything mentioned in the game. It explains how MC will be capable of surpassing Superhumans have been at it for far longer and they are already level 5, how Duncan is capable of matching level 5s in raw power and how Ella, despite being a newborn level 5, completely trashed him.
I can't exactly pin point where and when, but I do remember some explanation after MC's secret identity gets nuked, that I basically understood as: "Reaching Evolution 5 basically means that the upper cap on your potential is eliminated, you can keep progressing upwards almost infinitely after that but like with all other stages/evolutions it just keeps getting harder and harder to advance your power further the more milestones in power that you cross."

While for most other Hybrids reaching Evo5 might mean that their physical body has reached its peak and can only be strengthened further by improving their special abilities, in the MC's case his special main special ability is his body so he could theoretically become the strongest in existence, and as we know he is additionally gifted with more than just that one ability and has creative ways of using both abilities to fan out his skill sets even more.

Which made him vulnerable to some exotic attacks by higher level individuals.
Well... that is why they have to water him now. Poor guy won't have another meal till the MC Masters his ability to transform others and other things.

Also I agree, My understanding was also that while Duncan was capable of matching most Evo5's in raw power physically and usual lazer beams and elemental energy attacks and such... he just didn't have enough resistance against Ella's ability to manipulate his body at the cellular level. Ella just had been practicing that specific weird ability even since her lower evolutions, it was basically her 10,000+ times practiced kung-fu kick.
Either Ella figured out a way to transform objects permanently without recharging them or some way of making his body maintain its new form while using his own energy. Or he is just going to change back when her abilities effect runs out like a de-buff.

Parasite Black by Damned Studios.
Excellent suggestion. But I hope that developer fixes the saves issue soon. It sucks when you can't continue from your own previous saves.


Aug 10, 2018
I can contribute an idea:
A power that can mind hack superhumans and make them believe with all their senses that they can no longer use their powers, believe their bodies get reverted back to the time before they are superhuman, thus render them super ineffective. They are aware that they are being mind hacked, and can try to make their powers work again, but no use. The effects of this power don't last forever, and will subside eventually, but it can make a superhuman near useless in critical moments. Their powers can still work subconciously, they only don't work conciously while under the effect.

The user of this power needs to touch to work the power. In future developments, this user can use the power from a distance. The user calls this power "Nulify power", while they are aware that their power is mind control type, not a real nullify type. In further developements, this user can share that they develop their power based on impressions from their meetings with possessor(s) of real nullify powers.

The nullify power user can become one of the key roles in the plot. MC can have choices: to agree with the nullify user and erase all superpowers and close "monter gates" (the gateways monsters use to come to human world). Or MC can disagree and ruin above plan and keep superpowers and monters in human world.
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Nov 18, 2023
+1 to that... also submitting a request for more monster ladies just to fill up the harem. Love how the monster girls here are the Perfect amount of Monster and Girl... no chicks with dog/cat/rat/bat shaped ears glued on. Except Ella when she wants to be a Neko for the lols.
I despise those "normie" monster girls. They all look the same, just with different sets of ears.

...turning people into her version of Ubermensch...
Fun fact: Nietzsche coined the term "Übermensch," which has no negative connotation. Using an "argumentum e contrario," certain ideologues coined the derogatory antonym "Untermensch." Anyway, I agree with you that Ella is the classic trope of: I want to change the world, and in order to do so, I'm willing to go over corpses.
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Zeca Suez

Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2018
Zeca Suez
View attachment 3137730
You almost made an entire page by yourself, chill out dude
(jk don't ever stop)
This was bound to happen eventually...
Well I assume people would read their specific replies depending upon their specific time restraints. Theorizing possibilities for such a game are almost endless. Specially for a protagonist with such abilities. As briefly mention in that Giant Cauldron full of word soup that i posted above. A male and female combo with regeneration + shape-shifting abilities ... the possible outcomes would be nearly limitless. I remember having this exact same discussion with an ex almost a decade ago. MC and Ella could have nearly endless kinky fun...
Ontop of that there is the Deep, dark and interesting lore that the comes along with the base porno game stuff which we just have to dig for, cannot resist it. Additional bonus that the MC is not just a Shape-shifter but also has mental powers which just expands all the possibilities ...blah blah blah blah...

TL;DR : Love game too much, shutting up = impossible ! Hungry for update. Sorry for eating up thread. :cry:

Just curious if we can get to the same power levels. An experiment.
I am not gonna try it of course, too tedious.
I might be wrong but most of the development of abilities both skills and power is not really dependent on any romantic routs, just training initially and later on Monster artifact/body-parts and syringes of the "Good Stuff" from H.e.r.o. and S.i.n. as far as I remember all evolutions so far are mid combat. Except maybe in Tiffany's case where you can straight up tell her your goal for helping her is more power and then a few months later she gives you some of the H.e.r.o. roids to pump up your power by a bit.
All romance scenes are most likely skippable, you would see a naked chick/monster here and there but am pretty sure you could go through the game without putting your dick in anything. Except maybe Christy... I think she rapes the MC and then brands him as her BF at one point. Not sure if the lose "virginity to Christie" scene is mandatory or not. Probably is.

A power that can mind hack superhumans and make them believe with all their senses that they can no longer use their powers, believe their bodies get reverted back to the time before they are superhuman, thus render them super ineffective. They are aware that they are being mind hacked, and can try to make their powers work again, but no use.
So this person's ability is like a powerful mental block that locks a person away from their power instead of physically depowering them or altering them biologically. Just makes it so their abilities no longer respond to their commands and stay in a dormant state ? that could work. Speculatively that could work even as a de-monsterizing ability.

Though if such a person is added to the plot as a turning point in the direction of the storyline is entirely up to the author. They might have something better in mind already, judging by their track record so far he/she never fails to create a good narrative so it is possible they already have a good plan which might or might not be this.

Only problem would be if there are people out there whose abilities automatically make them dangerous and turning off their active control just means that they won't be able to hold their powers back from going berserk... Like that Chick with the iron blood... the one who makes giant sword blades... Alexis Allaband (Love the Wiki so helpful when I forget character names.) If I remember correctly her body generates Iron almost non-stop and she has to hold herself back to once in a while go to a safe room in H.e.r.o. basement and purge the excess iron so she doesn't become a threat.

Another thing to consider... In most cases where we have witnessed someone going from human to hybrid the Physical human body first breaks down and then is recreated as a hybrid. The Human Dies and then is Reborn. Both the MC and Michael literally melted right after getting their powers. Don't think we get to see Alice's rebirth since the MC needed a nap after playing with all that hot plasma. So maybe if someone could actually sever the mystical inter-dimensional connection that hybrids have to some ancient parent monster's pool of energy which powers their abilities, their physical bodies would still be quite a threat to normal humans and would in no way be normal.

I despise those "normie" monster girls. They all look the same, just with different sets of ears.
Those girls with weird ear types were good maybe back when Floppy disks were popular. The more monstrous the better now.
Unrelated Note: Was slightly disappointed that gorgon monster lady didn't give optional multiple fellatio with her "snake hair" but I guess it was probably for the best... can't really trust people you just met... specially if they are monster chicks and their head-full of venomous petrifying snakes.
Fun fact: Nietzsche coined the term "Übermensch," which has no negative connotation. Using an "argumentum e contrario," certain ideologues coined the derogatory antonym "Untermensch."
Yes, I meant in Ella's mind she is Improving humanity for the better by empowering them and the few 100's that die to every failed attempt are just... oh well got to kill a few chickens to find those eggs for my omelette. She doesn't think of herself as a villain, maybe not even as a hero but just as someone that is doing something that is necessary to be done if some trace of human civilization is to survive past the inevitable arrival of clawed and fanged things from the vast deep and dark parts of the universe.

Yeah, a certain individual with a funny moustache kinda ruined that philosophy's whole public identity. The way I understood it Nietzsche just meant to tell everyone to try to be better than how they are, improving themselves purely on wanting to be better and thus indirectly improving the world around them. He just said it in a contemplative way to get those good ole brain juices flowing.
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Nov 18, 2023
Those girls with weird ear types were good maybe back when Floppy disks were popular. The more monstrous the better now.
Unrelated Note: Was slightly disappointed that gorgon monster lady didn't give optional multiple fellatio with her "snake hair" but I guess it was probably for the best... can't really trust people you just met... specially if they are monster chicks and their head-full of venomous petrifying snakes.
We definitely need more "monstery" monster girls. I'm just hoping for a threesome with Aglaecwif and Eisheth later on.

Yes, I meant in Ella's mind she is Improving humanity for the better by empowering them and the few 100's that die to every failed attempt are just... oh well got to kill a few chickens to find those eggs for my omelette. She doesn't think of herself as a villain, maybe not even as a hero but just as someone that is doing something that is necessary to be done if some trace of human civilization is to survive past the inevitable arrival of clawed and fanged things from the vast deep and dark parts of the universe.
As you pointed out, good intentions pave the way to hell. Ella (Ella Doll) has good intentions, as her recent conversation with Emily demonstrates, but she isn't afraid to use violence and cruelty. Ella is a morally ambiguous character who possesses one of the "Dark Triad's" personality traits — Machiavellianism — which serve as the foundations of a good Anti-Hero.

Yeah, a certain individual with a funny moustache kinda ruined that philosophy's whole public identity. The way I understood it Nietzsche just meant to tell everyone to try to be better than how they are, improving themselves purely on wanting to be better and thus indirectly improving the world around them. He just said it in a contemplative way to get those good ole brain juices flowing.
The concept of "Übermensch" was used not only by the mustachioed man, but also by some Bolshevik revolutionaries such as Trotsky. It's an ideology of continuous self-improvement, whether intellectual or biological. Let's come to an end here before we get too far away from the topic. I don't want to get smitten by a mod's off-topic ban-hammer.
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Engaged Member
Jul 13, 2018
Just curious if we can get to the same power levels. An experiment.
I am not gonna try it of course, too tedious.
Yes, you get around the same amount of power. Nothing happens from rejecting all of the women. Most of the power points and skills are tied to the story and MC's decisions throughout it. Most of the women are side content and largely don't provide stats. I didn't romance Alice, Tiffany, Amber, Liz, or Emily on one of my playthroughs and my stats ended up just about the same.


Active Member
Jul 13, 2021
I can't exactly pin point where and when, but I do remember some explanation after MC's secret identity gets nuked, that I basically understood as: "Reaching Evolution 5 basically means that the upper cap on your potential is eliminated, you can keep progressing upwards almost infinitely after that but like with all other stages/evolutions it just keeps getting harder and harder to advance your power further the more milestones in power that you cross."

While for most other Hybrids reaching Evo5 might mean that their physical body has reached its peak and can only be strengthened further by improving their special abilities, in the MC's case his special main special ability is his body so he could theoretically become the strongest in existence, and as we know he is additionally gifted with more than just that one ability and has creative ways of using both abilities to fan out his skill sets even more.
The scene you are looking for is Xanthe's lesson on Evolutions.
The main gist is that level 1 and 2 Superhuman bodies can contain a limited amount of energy. At level 3, this changes, and the ceiling is removed. For all intents and purposes, a level 3 can reach the heights of power under the right circumstances. However higher level Superhumans gain power at a faster pace, so in practice, it's almost impossible.

For level 5s in particular, the Superhuman body is assumed to lose the capacity for further evolution (there exist hints that this may not be true), it stops manifesting new abilities, but the Superhuman can continue gaining power at a faster pace than he used to, and improve his already existing abilities.

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Yes, you get around the same amount of power. Nothing happens from rejecting all of the women. Most of the power points and skills are tied to the story and MC's decisions throughout it. Most of the women are side content and largely don't provide stats. I didn't romance Alice, Tiffany, Amber, Liz, or Emily on one of my playthroughs and my stats ended up just about the same.
Cheerleads give Skill points (fairly important), Liz, Emily and Angelina give corruption points if you choose to.
No power stat increases though as far as I recall.


Engaged Member
Jul 13, 2018
The scene you are looking for is Xanthe's lesson on Evolutions.
The main gist is that level 1 and 2 Superhuman bodies can contain a limited amount of energy. At level 3, this changes, and the ceiling is removed. For all intents and purposes, a level 3 can reach the heights of power under the right circumstances. However higher level Superhumans gain power at a faster pace, so in practice, it's almost impossible.

For level 5s in particular, the Superhuman body is assumed to lose the capacity for further evolution (there exist hints that this may not be true), it stops manifesting new abilities, but the Superhuman can continue gaining power at a faster pace than he used to, and improve his already existing abilities.

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Cheerleads give Skill points (fairly important), Liz, Emily and Angelina give corruption points if you choose to.
No power stat increases though as far as I recall.
Rejecting them doesn't prevent the stats though, which is what he was asking. You don't have to romance Jess or Tess to gain those skill points. It's gained by merely doing the quest itself, same as the Asura fight with Nico. Skipping on romancing Liz, Emily and Angelina doesn't really make the MC Power weaker as well.

Remember, the question was if skipping sex scenes with characters would make you weaker.
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