
Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2020
I don't dislike Jake, I just think he should die for all that he did to the MC and his friends. Some might say Ella played a part but she didn't force him with some of that stuff. He chose to do it himself.
Yeah. Manipulation is a two man job. the "victim" has to let themselves be manipulated for it to work. Might not be conscious, but in Jake's case, the guy choose not to question Ella. He's as responsible for being manipulated as she is.

What about Danica? She paid the price and turned over a new leaf afterwards. She also has the benefit of not messing with any of our friends and kept it strictly between us throughout all of our altercations.
As weird as it is to say, Danica had honor. She went for her target, and only her target, unless someone put themselves specifically in her way. She could have used underhanded tactics, but she didn't. She was supposed to kill the MC, she went for the MC directly.

Jake uses the MC's friends against him. He could have pretty much turned them all against him, turned every one of his female friends into his slaves if he so choosed. The more that arc goes, the more it shows that Jake is letting go of any morals without making any effort to hang on to them.

Given enough time, he'd become just as bad as Ella, except worse due to his power.
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Engaged Member
Jul 13, 2018
I hope its not finale
Our mc just barely got to evo lv 2
there are two more evolution to explore
Not for the entire game lol. Just for Jake's storyline. We're probably nowhere near the end. Might not even be at the halfway point yet. After Jake, I'm guessing we're diving into Ella, figuratively and possibly literally. Or it could be more into Hero Organization. Ella's monster is going to cause chaos so we'll have to wait until this update to see where it goes.


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2020
After Jake's arc, we have three points that can come into focus.
1. The HERO. Deus' message was cryptic as hell, and it's likely going to be expanded upon soon.
2. Ella's pair of monster. She released one, kept the other on standby. It's extremely likely that the next arc will have to do with at least the one she sent. Maybe at some point the other will join, or it'll be for a next arc.
3. Charlie. If you know the concept of Chekov's gun, you'll get that since Charlie has been shown a few times now, that's not random. She's going to come into focus soon.

Allan Trumbull

Forum Fanatic
Sep 10, 2021

The only things he did was not tell his friends about his powers and accidentally hurt a certain girl, which he deeply regrets.

I agree he's a very dangerous wildcard, but if MC would kill him there would be no chance to heal a certain girl.
Nah. Just takeover his powers


Engaged Member
Jul 13, 2018

The only things he did was not tell his friends about his powers and accidentally hurt a certain girl, which he deeply regrets.

I agree he's a very dangerous wildcard, but if MC would kill him there would be no chance to heal a certain girl.
And MC killing everyone that could be a danger to him would make him no better than Ella, who some people claim is evil, even though she runs an orphanage for homeless children (without sexually abusing them) and is a good mommy.
Only thing? Jake used his powers on our friends several times. He made our female friends flash him, hurt Mia after trying to hurt Deryl and threatened to kill him if the MC left prison. The same prison that he put the MC in, himself. Depending on how you played, he also tries to make you kill yourself with his powers. We're way passed this sympathy act. The fact that he made(or think he made) Deryl his puppet to serve him afterwards is way too far.

As for the MC killing everyone who's a threat part. We don't or I should say I don't intend to. Danica was a threat and I let her go, twice(optionally). I will do the same with members of Hero. The difference is Jake has shown he's not trustworthy, again and again. He does more harm than good at every chance because he's very easy to manipulate. Not to mention, Jake is the one who felt the need to target the MC first, in case you forgot. He's used his power(or tried) on us, unprovoked, on several occasions. Are we supposed to just sit back and take his bullshit while he toys with the MC and his friends unchallenged?

As for the Mia healing thing, Jake most likely isn't needed. If he was then he wouldn't need Ella specifically for it. Most likely it has something to do with Ella's powers which in turn mean the MC himself can fix her too. The reasons to keep Jake alive(or excuses in some cases) grow thinner and thinner each update as he mess up over and over again.


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2020
Well yeah, but have to put yourself in his shoes.
He's a fat virgin loser, that got bullied in school and was friendzoned by the only female friend he ever had... (I know this must be very difficult for most people here to imagine)
...then suddenly Ella comes along:
A beautiful big-tiddie-goth-girl that saves him from his miserable life being giving him the 2 things he's always wanted (love and power).
Ella must, at least subconciously, be like a goddess for him and he also is deeply indebted to her for what she gave him.
It's basically like MK-Ultra (just without the torture) - Jake is in a brainwashed-like state when it comes to Ella.
I believe he's slowly snapping out of it though, starting to distrust his goddess, and will eventually heal a certain girl together with MC's new powers.
I know more about what he lived through than you might think. Yet the first thought I had was that, even with such a reversal, backstabbing a guy that not only was friendly to you contrary to most other people (if not everyone else), but also stood up for you against someone you deemed untouchable, is fucked up. When you're bullied because you're an easy target at school, you keep your very few friends close.
He choose to consider he didn't need you anymore since he had powers. He choose to ruin your life because he could. Simping or not, Ella doesn't seem interested in his dick in the slightest, so I highly doubt she's making him believe he'll get anything out of her. He choose the easy path because he's a coward. He went from being used by Jared to being used by Ella. He didn't changed his situation, he just traded one bully for another and kicked out the only person protecting him in the process.

I agree he's a very dangerous wildcard, but if MC would kill him there would be no chance to heal a certain girl.
I'd say false. The prison "experiment" scene states clearly that the MC finds out healing others is very easy, as the body tends to try to fix itself on its own, function that ends up fuelled by his power. Jake didn't brainwash her, he wrecked her brain, fried it, caused physical damages. Damages that the MC can heal. That's something Jake could have known if he had bothered to talk with the MC rather than backstabbing for the potentiality that someday maybe Ella would think about considering the idea of helping him. Because when she says she will, even a 4yo would notice she doesn't think a word of it.
Sure, before the prison part, the MC didn't knew how to do that, but he did know for quite a bit that it was a possibility. And the MC is league above Ella when talking about being trustworthy. Especially since she's not "some girl" for him, but his friend as well as Jake's.

Also my money is on the high possibility that, when she wakes up/gets healed, if Jake is still alive, she'll be terrified of him, which is likely going to wreck him and cause him to do something stupid.

And MC killing everyone that could be a danger to him would make him no better than Ella, who some people claim is evil, even though she runs an orphanage for homeless children (without sexually abusing them) and is a good mommy.
Yeah. It's not like Ella's known by now to pretty much never do anything without ulterior motive or anything.
She totally runs that orphenage out of pure compassion and the goodness of her heart...
sarcastic wink.png
Seriously she might not be abusing them or outright torturing them, but if you think she's doing it for a purely altruistic purpose, you're fooling yourself. She clearly proved she doesn't value other people's lives.


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2019
Jake uses the MC's friends against him. He could have pretty much turned them all against him, turned every one of his female friends into his slaves if he so choosed. The more that arc goes, the more it shows that Jake is letting go of any morals without making any effort to hang on to them.
As the typical mind gamer villain.
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Jan 20, 2018
Well yeah, but have to put yourself in his shoes.
He's a fat virgin loser, that got bullied in school and was friendzoned by the only female friend he ever had... (I know this must be very difficult for most people here to imagine)
...then suddenly Ella comes along:
A beautiful big-tiddie-goth-girl that saves him from his miserable life being giving him the 2 things he's always wanted (love and power).
Ella must, at least subconciously, be like a goddess for him and he also is deeply indebted to her for what she gave him.
It's basically like MK-Ultra (just without the torture) - Jake is in a brainwashed-like state when it comes to Ella.
I believe he's slowly snapping out of it though, starting to distrust his goddess, and will eventually heal a certain girl together with MC's new powers.
While I agree with you on the "put yourself in his shoes" there is a line between victim and aggressor and in Jakes case, he is the later. That and, he does look like he is snapping, but not in the good way. So yeah, no mercy.
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May 8, 2017
The big problem with Jake really doesn't even involve his actions in the story.

Jake is just... extremely mentally unstable in terms of mood switches, worldview, morality compass. And this is REALLY bad. He's constantly trying to switch between who he was, who he wants to be, who Ella wants him to be, and he's just doing nothing well. He's not being some self-serving mutant like Ella or the other villains, he's not a superpowered friend like the superpowered friends we got, he's not being his old self just with superpowers.
Also, his powers are absurdly powerful right from the start. Forget my talk about our MC having "biological singularity" powers where he keeps evolving new traits until he reaches godhood. Jake has already reached that level. He just fucking took over half the government.

The guy is a living bomb. The only way I can see Jake surviving is if HERO takes him in and basically fridges him into some therapy trajectory.

And Jake being a living bomb means he can and will do damage to EVERYONE that he's involved with, us and Ella. I'm actually expecting Jake to become Ella's archilles heel.


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2020
Also, his powers are absurdly powerful right from the start. Forget my talk about our MC having "biological singularity" powers where he keeps evolving new traits until he reaches godhood. Jake has already reached that level. He just fucking took over half the government.
Actually it's not all that powerfull, for powered people. The prison part shows that the MC now barely needs a few minutes to overcome the mental control, which heavily suggest that it's a matter of willpower and being conscious of the fact, which is way normal humans are so easily manipulated : they have no idea about his powers.
Or it might just be that only powered people can break the mind control.
Or it's the MC himself since, as I stated in a previous post, more than shapeshifting, the MC's power seems to be Adaptation. To me, he seems more to be unlocking new abilities/mutations depending on what the situation needs, half the time.

The guy is a living bomb. The only way I can see Jake surviving is if HERO takes him in and basically fridges him into some therapy trajectory.

And Jake being a living bomb means he can and will do damage to EVERYONE that he's involved with, us and Ella. I'm actually expecting Jake to become Ella's archilles heel.
Very likely Jake won't survive. He's already too far gone, even trying to negotiate fails since he refuses to doubt Ella or consider other possibilites than those he went full throttle towards.
But I doubt he's going to be Ella's downfall. Even if she likes his powers, she doesn't seem to care much about the fate of her puppets in the long run.


Sep 18, 2018
Very likely Jake won't survive. He's already too far gone, even trying to negotiate fails since he refuses to doubt Ella or consider other possibilites than those he went full throttle towards.
I think he's close enough to the line that whether or not he survives will be almost entirely decided by how the developer uses him in this update. I wouldn't be surprised if we even get to choose what happens to him, though I don't know how much hassle that would make for the dev.
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Deleted member 2553135

Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2020
he surely knows that MC doesn't die from a simple gunshot by now.
The whole prison fight was just a harmless dick comparison I think.
That is incorrect (unless Jake is acting). He is confused when Ella tells him the MC is alive, and explicitly says that he now knows he is stronger because you are dead (after he kills you in prison). Thus, he did actually want to kill the MC.


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2019
Jake is stronger than the mc though, isn't he? Jake gave the mc a simple command, "touch your nose" and the mc was completely powerless to stop him.

Jake might actually have even more potential than the mc. MC went through hell fighting a guy much stronger than him to evolve while jake just used his abilities almost casually.


May 8, 2017
But I doubt he's going to be Ella's downfall. Even if she likes his powers, she doesn't seem to care much about the fate of her puppets in the long run.
Well, yeah. It kinda depends on how you see Ella's position in the story.

I think Ella is a very clever girl, but not clever enough to play chess with the big boys (I mean Mr. Robot-hand and whatever the monsters are planning). Eventually she's going to end up cornered (like in that one Dead End where Ella dies fighting a monster and we end up dying to that same monster shortly after), and we'll get a choice to help or let her rot/die/get eaten/become a lab rat.

I wouldn't be surprised if Jake's little government take-over puts him on the radar of mr. Robot-hand, and that in turn puts Ella on the radar of mr. Robot-hand.


Engaged Member
Jul 13, 2018
Well, I'd say the things Jake did were pretty harmless so far (apart from taking over the government).
He was probably just bluffing about killing Deryl and he surely knows that MC doesn't die from a simple gunshot by now.
The whole prison fight was just a harmless dick comparison I think.

MC being able to heal Mia alone by absorbing Jake's powers also is uncertain.
Jake is becoming basically an expert on his own powers and it isn't guarenteed MC will be able to use them as well as Jake if he absorbs them, unless I forgot some lore.
What are you talking about? Jake isn't needed at all to heal Mia. His power set doesn't work like that. It's the MC's and Ella's power that he needs. Why would the MC need to steal Jake's power when he has the power to heal Mia himself?

Also saying Jake is harmless ignores everything he did. He didn't know the MC would survive the gunshot until after Ella told him. He actually thought the MC was dead. As for Deryl, he turned him into his puppet immediately after that scene(we don't know yet if it's Ella or the real one yet).

Like, you can't just say that Jake trying multiple times to use his power to control the MC is just harmless fun. Him putting the MC in prison was solely because he couldn't fight the MC straight up. The MC, prior to the prison thing, did absolutely nothing at all to Jake. Everything that happened is because of Jake's own paranoia and jealousy.


Sep 18, 2018
Jake is stronger than the mc though, isn't he? Jake gave the mc a simple command, "touch your nose" and the mc was completely powerless to stop him.

Jake might actually have even more potential than the mc. MC went through hell fighting a guy much stronger than him to evolve while jake just used his abilities almost casually.
I think it's more so that a power like Jake's isn't exactly common, so it's hard to build up defenses for. The big problem with his power is that if someone can break through the mind control, he's essentially just a really healthy human, a far cry from being able to do anything to literally any other powered. Also it seems to have been shown, that the more outrageous the order is, the easier it is to break.
If the mc's power as other's suspect is adaptation, given a couple more encounters with jake, he probably won't be able to control us in any meaningful way ever again.


Sep 18, 2018
What are you talking about? Jake isn't needed at all to heal Mia. His power set doesn't work like that. It's the MC's and Ella's power that he needs. Why would the MC need to steal Jake's power when he has the power to heal Mia himself?
Wasn't there some sort of line that jake said, that he needed more control over his powers in order to properly heal mia?
I was under the impression it was a tag team deal, where MC or Ella fixed the physical damage, while Jake went about making sure there isn't any lasting mental defects.
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Deleted member 2553135

Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2020
Wasn't there some sort of line that jake said, that he needed more control over his powers in order to properly heal mia?
I was under the impression it was a tag team deal, where MC or Ella fixed the physical damage, while Jake went about making sure there isn't any lasting mental defects.
I found 1 line at day 54 that implies that. Jake says "I still need to hone my powers to do my part, I've almost got it, but I need a little more control if I'm going to fix her safely."
However, MC and/or Ella probably can fix it themselves also would be my guess.
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Engaged Member
Jul 13, 2018
Jake is stronger than the mc though, isn't he? Jake gave the mc a simple command, "touch your nose" and the mc was completely powerless to stop him.

Jake might actually have even more potential than the mc. MC went through hell fighting a guy much stronger than him to evolve while jake just used his abilities almost casually.
No, Jake isn't stronger. That command thing only worked because they're near the same lvl and he still had his hook in the MC. He evolved easily because his path is different from the MC's. The MC has to consume and train because his power is physical. Jake's power deals with the mental aspect while his body is still nearly human, durability wise. The MC actually could kill Jake with one lethal strike but he couldn't get pass the defensive aspect of their powers.

Also, the prison fight showed that the MC let his defense down because he knew the gunshot to the head wouldn't kill him. If Jake continued the command of "Kill yourself", without the gun part, Jake would've died as the MC's power was overpowering him.

As for potential, it's not comparable. They're both under different Numbered Monsters(Jake is under the 1st and the MC is under the 4th). Ella only tells Jake that to stroke his ego and get him to fight the MC, who he feels inferior too.
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