seems i misst some Chances to gain Power, have only 8. can someone Spoiler all ways to gain power? would be usefull
I don't know all the ways- but if you only have 8- there are a few things I can think of.
If you didn't train once before you encounter the thugs in the diner you miss out on the opportunity to choose the "fight" option. This option grants you +1 power and +1 skill. After you beat them you can choose to consume one of them- which grants you +1 power and + 1 corruption
In the first boxing match you have if you choose to "use your full strength" instead of "rely on skill" you will gain +1 power. If you "rely on skill" you will gain +1 skill. Pretty sure if you do all the trainings and handle the other two events like I listed you should have 10 or more power. I think its possible to get 10 without the corruption- but I haven't double checked.
Some people said the other corruption gaining events also grated you power- but I didn't notice it in my play-through: if it is the case though then - when you are the party choose the " I should have killed him" option instead of the "this is my fault" option. Since it is a corruption gaining event. I think there is one more event where you can gain corruption- but I don't know what it is.