- Jul 13, 2018
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- 12,992
MC - For the MC, I already thought of an unique way to utilize his memory ability in a way that's both broken but also fitting for his progression.I got a question for you guys, this'll just be curious guesswork, but what do you guys think about the capabilities and abilities a Lvl 5 of the current (and former) characters would have:
1. Definitely making black holes and what not (just on an earthly scale like her monster).
2. Perhaps learning to not just control the gravity as a destructive force, but maybe being able to manipulate what's already there around others (kind of like a telekinesis).
1. Perhaps he has lightning manipulation/conjuring on his left arm, and radiation energy/destructive and/or explosive power out of his right arm.
2. We really have little to go on, but it's gotta be BIG if it's the 2nd's power plus another monster.
1. I've thought about this for a while and it may just be one of the most broken outcomes imaginable. Wind Guy is ridiculous, but what if with the capability of mind reading at lvl 5 AND shape shifting, we could even clone the abilities of other Superhumans for a time. Or downright do something along the lines of the 1st's (Jake's) abilities.
2. We would definitely be impervious to mental attacks which is a ridiculous passive.
3. Perhaps we could even shapeshift into monsters we touch, using some of their ungodly strength like that of the animals on earth (like Xanthe's cell suggestion).
4. Perhaps we can even manipulate the genetic makeup of other objects and living organisms, down to the atomic level (like the MC claimed not possible at the time).
5. Ella is our only real reference point, but she's only ever flexed on us and others as of getting her lvl 5 status.
1. What if he could mass light manipulate the multiple people.
2. Perhaps even being able to change the reflections of light or other lights to resemble his power of stopping, speeding up, etc.
3. Perhaps he gains more lights instead of just red/green/yellow, maybe black is blindness for a period, blue is a mental attack, and purple is a surge of emotions, the list goes on.
1. Tits McGee's monster was ridiculously powerful, so perhaps her power has something to do with time as it's limiter.
2. Within x amount of seconds, she could crucify those she gazes upon, much like her monster.
3. Her X's would obviously be able to reach astronomical size.
4. They say you are less human the more you evolve, it's a stretch but what if she was capable of looking either in multiple directions and focusing on objects/individuals at once, or even gained a thored either permanent or temporary eye.
5. Reflections are also probably capable by this point, being able to bounce off of each other until she can see her target que number 6.
6. Enhanced eyesight, perhaps even x-ray vision.
1. He's just a Dragonball character.
2. Expanding further, he could probably make a barrier like that Russian guy in Solo Leveling (if you know you know).
3. Spirit Bombs capable of nuking nations obviously.
4. etc. etc. Dragonball!
SN. Odd one, but there is a reason lvl 5s are regarded as God's essentially, we can't disregard the non combat oriented.
1. Mind games for her/him, probably a long the lines of Jake moreso than us, obviously at a mass area.
2. I don't know how else I could explain it, perhaps the mind control is more intimate.
SN. Her most was pretty fuckin powerful from what we know, someone else will have to backtrack to research further; I'm too lazy.
SN. Arguably capable at end game to be the strongest, his monster was the 1st (if we aren't counting that Unknown Monster has a spawn).
1. He could probably Attack on Titan an entire continent.
2. Perhaps the mental manipulation of placing thoughts goes so deep, that it roots out reliving memories as if you were there, sort of like the surreal experience if you kill Jake.
3. Making a sort of Matrix experience kind of like the 2bd point I made, as if you were fighting your entire life, only to find out it was for a few minutes in your head and he already has you in life support.
4. Exploding brains, superhuman or otherwise.
SN. What I fuckin said about the MC, god damned mystery to this dad, for all I know she's fuckin the Unknown Monster behind her parent's back and that's why it was there so they could run off together, who knows.
-Laurie or Lauren (is it Laurie? Oh well):
SN. Elsa, need I go on?
1. Those knifes will turn into swords most likely, which will eventually turn into ice manipulation.
2. Perhaps we could even see freezing your blood stream.
3. Freezing the air.
SN. She's kinda op if it grows to that length, it's kind of like the Wind Guy in that regard.
4. I could see a stronger version of ice, I'd even dare say Black Ice (invisible) that she could use as a sneak attack of sorts.
5. Able to change her body to ice much like Wind Guy changes to wind.
6. Could probably dawn some ice armor, much like Wind Barrier (I'm sensing a pattern...)
I'll update this later on my personal thoughts, I'm getting tired so I'll probably nap, what are your thoughts, perhaps we can help Weird World's creativity for the future.
That being him using his own memories to store himself in his target's mind by injecting pieces of his memory into them. That way if his body is completely destroyed, he can regenerate from within their memories but it would only be a thing for a lvl 4 and above MC for balance sake. He would also completely be able to take over the target's body and shapeshift it into his own body if they're too weak compared to him. It's perfect for escaping but also lethal if the enemy is weakened during the fight.
Michael - I can see him getting a passive radiation armor/aura that benefits his h2h fighting style he loves like Malik's(Fire lvl 5) and Bernard(Wind lvl 5). Also possibly being able to coat his weapons in radioactive energy for extra damage. Maybe Lightning too but it depends on what power he inherits.
Alice - Obviously a giant Black Hole vortex for her evolution but also small gravitational pulls that pulls her enemies into her range. Also a passive aura like Klaus but it repels attacks more strongly.
Danica - She's already lvl 2 so we're likely seeing her best utilisation of her cross projectile ability. If she evolves to lvl 3 then I can see her cross ability being able to seal her enemies ability to move, depending on what part of their body she locks on. It would allow her already devastating ability to be even more destructive when her target is locked in place.
Jake - with his evolution, I can see him using his authority to project his mind through the target under his control. It would cover his weakness by being able to directly control their actions like a pilot or VR helmet to see through them. Sort of like a hive mind, is more of what I'm thinking.
The others, I can't think of at this moment. Deryl's would be clones I guess but someone already has that ability. Demi's is a bit close to Jake's powers but it makes everyone else Yandere Simps for her. I can't really think of a good one for her. That's about it for me.