
Active Member
Dec 4, 2018
all this for like two fucks, then the Liz NTR goons, Yall just weird, you actively watch the girl you wish you could date get fucked by some old dude and then
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eh i won't speak for everyone but i see the player as a character seperate from me (just think of myself as someone watching whats happening). I just wanna see some hot ass scenes, and more often then not, ntr scenes are hotter because of the drama and character emotions involved in the scenes.

Besides, the player has like six other waius and a trap for me, one of which is an exact replica of Liz with a different personality. I think he's doing good regardless. He also enjoys getting cucked so even thats a win.


Active Member
Dec 4, 2018
I wonder if there will ever be an option to commit to one girl, i remember alexis hinting at that if you mention how your seeing multiple women, i think I've made it clear alice is my favorite, If that happened which girl would yall settle down with?
In real life? Emily no questions. Literally just a chill goth singer with confidence issues that you help her out with. Nothing but wholesome fun.

No way im getting involved with that mafia shit thank you very much.

But as the player? think its pretty obvious from my above response.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2018
I wonder if there will ever be an option to commit to one girl, i remember alexis hinting at that if you mention how your seeing multiple women, i think I've made it clear alice is my favorite, If that happened which girl would yall settle down with?
Claudia, wholesome waifu supremacy!

Although if Weird let's us fuck Shadow...I'm going with the best granny :cool:


Active Member
Jul 13, 2021
It's interesting to see how people choose their favorite characters.

I personally value honesty during conflict. I have a strong preference for those with a purpose for which they are unapologetic, they know and accept their own nature without denials and rationalizations, and they are mostly blunt about where they stand in comparison to the rest.

Scope matters. My MC is also a bad person. He likes change and conflict. He doesn't give a fuck about HERO and Ella's atrocities and the reason he likes being a hero to the public is because he understands that winning under constraints and having accountability is important for growth. He cares about the big picture and is always ready for a challenge.

For these reasons I really like Michael, I have a certain respect for Jake who tried to uphold his ideals even under extreme circumstances (although he fucked up quite a bit in the mean time), while I think that Deryl is a jerk. A likeable one, but a jerk nonetheless. Also Henri has made a great first impression.

Of the girls,

I think Ella is exactly what the MC needs to grow fast. She is relentless and while her love is conditional, I'm perfectly fine with these conditions. I feel that she really loves the MC and she will do anything to see him succeed. Of course she can be annoying at times because she is tight lipped, but she doesn't lie. She just doesn't answer.

Alice also is a great person and a great influence for the MC. She was raised in conflict and forced to develop a mindset that allows her to do whatever she sets her mind to. MC can really benefit from having such a person in his life. They have great chemistry and compliment each other's weaknesses.

Lastly Nyx. She is cool as fuck and acts a bit like the rich aunt that wants to mentor the protagonist. She is also unapologetic and her attitude is very attractive to me.

Of course, all three of them are evil as fuck and have various degrees of crazy, but it's ok. So is my MC.

Characters on the "petty" side like Nico and Alexis are not very attractive to me. One mixes cockiness with denial, the other acts like a pathological wageslave. Sure they have redeeming qualities and both are highly competent and hot. But..

Of the rest of the main girls, I have a soft spot for Liz because she is humble in a very odd way. She protects her friends, she doesn't take herself too seriously, she adores her sister and wants to do everything with her even if she knows she is naturally better at most things. I enjoy her apathy because she can become extremely cruel but it's not her intention to do so.

I kind of dislike Tiffany. For all her bluntness, I always feel like she is hidding something. I'm not even sure why she tries to hide the fact that she wants to best her father, even if "besting" means "killing". She thinks about this in a very "Sith rule of two" way. Dexter would probably be proud of her.


Engaged Member
Aug 21, 2018
Boy in real life i'm already marry to a crazy goth chick is to late for me. save your own ass don't put your dick in crazy. Now i have to be Ready for her and her crazy friends crap because my dog is a coward who bails as soon he feels they are clóse so yeah no more goth chicks for me XD


Oct 14, 2019
you know this might be very late but in this update we were able to see the rebis Derly's monster, but I have never seen this pink monster mommy at all reb.jpg
what is she where does she appear because I didn't see her when I play the dead end where he monsterfied so I'm kinda confuse. Can anyone explain to me if she even appear this update.


Dec 6, 2020
you know this might be very late but in this update we were able to see the rebis Derly's monster, but I have never seen this pink monster mommy at all View attachment 2695024
what is she where does she appear because I didn't see her when I play the dead end where he monsterfied so I'm kinda confuse. Can anyone explain to me if she even appear this update.


Jun 18, 2018
you know this might be very late but in this update we were able to see the rebis Derly's monster, but I have never seen this pink monster mommy at all View attachment 2695024
what is she where does she appear because I didn't see her when I play the dead end where he monsterfied so I'm kinda confuse. Can anyone explain to me if she even appear this update.
They are there in the battle scene. And really quite small


Engaged Member
Jul 13, 2018
If we had to choose a solo LI? :unsure:

Mommy 4th aside, if I had to choose one person, it would be Alexis. This really shouldn't shock anyone at all. I've been simping for her the longest out of any character. Legit, when she first appeared in game, I already loved her. This was with the OG art style too, by the way. That's how you know I genuinely wanted her a lot.

Not only is Lexi hot as hell, she's also caring in her own way, if she likes you. If the MC had a problem during his sessions, she genuinely wanted to help him with it. Even warning him to be careful with Tiffany. Sure, she's lazy and tries to get out of her responsibilities at times but at least she's honest about it. She doesn't have a habit of lying, even when she doesn't know the MC well. She even told us how her power work and is most likely loyal as hell.

Admittedly, this might be because of Deus influence as he told Malik and possibly the others in Team Lucifer that they'll be working closely together. So she might naturally find us more trustworthy after that. She also knows we helped Clark too so that also probably played a part. Either way, it seems like Lexi has a decent amount of trust in us. She didn't even really mind that we saw her naked, though she did seem to think we were being a sussy perv. Then again, I already fucked her.

The other important thing is, she's also smart and strong as hell. I don't have to worry about her being a damsel in distress. Even Ella and the Origin MC struggled to actually damage her body. Even though she's a bad matchup for them, power wise. I also don't have to worry about her betraying me for the enemy or some higher goal. She doesn't really have any hidden agendas, that we know of currently.

So with that, Lexi is perfect for me, honestly. She genuinely seems to want to take it easy and live comfortably. She's probably decently wealthy as a Lieutenant. She doesn't stir drama up and tends to mind her own business. She's not confrontational, unless she has to be. Her morals are closely aligned with my own. She doesn't mind killing people here and there while being extremely prejudice towards people who betrayed her. The cherry on top of it all is, she's a redhead.

So yeah, if I could go full solo in game, Lexi would be my wifey. The second candidate would be Alice with maybe Nyx as my third choice.


Engaged Member
Jan 9, 2021
WW's last post on Kemono : (it's from Patreon, just with a delay, the poll he's talking about already is there)

Yo, how's it going?

Things are going good where I'm at. Took a few days off after the update's release, but I've been back in full throttle for a while now, trying to get us much work crammed in now as I can before Diablo comes out, so I have time to play and work later on.

So yeah, update is coming along well. Thankfully it's not as ridiculously time consuming as the last one. There's some nice progress in the plot, but no huge battles or anything, maybe a scuffle here or there.

Oh yeah, I wanted to say thanks as well for all the love I've been getting from the last update. The response has been so overwhelmingly positive, it exceeded my expectation by far. I'm really glad you guys enjoyed it, it always feels good to see something you put a lot of effort into, being positively received. Oh and thanks for the criticisms as well, even the more negative comments have mostly had something worthwhile to say, and while I won't promise I'll implement the criticisms, I'll at least keep them in mind going forward.

Anyway, that's it. Might do a h-scene poll next week, so be ready for that. I'll see you all later.


Active Member
Aug 30, 2019
Been replaying through trying to spot everything I missed or had forgotten about, I'm up to the middle of the Prison Arc right now.

Here's a few key thoughts in case anyone is interested or wants to take a second glance at memory lane:

1. Misc:
-I miss Channel Weird, we need that shit back and to be able to sleep with the host.

2. History:
-Relearning the history of the Great War was really nice, I remember that segment being very interesting. The fact that there was no world wars prior is also fascinating. If I'm not mistaken there are also only 2 continents? Laguanna? and something with a G, I still have a terrible memory despite just replaying this but oh well, I remember more than before.

3. Michael:
-He will never betray us, I think somewhere down the line he may want to fight us man to man in an epic serious showdown, but it's not going to be this "strive for more power" 180 personality like everyone seems to believe. He was fiercely loyal in the beginning and still is up to now, I know there's a bit more light about him later on with his siblings and Dad but I'll get back there when I get there, my opinion still stands.

4. Alice:
-She's a national treasure. I feel like a lot of us who aren't with the CHURCH OF SUPREMACY take what she does both on an emotional level and beneficial level for granted. Indirectly helps us against Kenny (buying time), has a friendly parent (rare), gets us a car, essentially was the first to offer paying work, helps us against Klaus (he was already after us via the diner and warehouse), BATHES us of our wounds, emotionally supportive in prison with the addition of offering resources, and there's only more for me to relive. I think regardless if I'm full Hero or Corrupt, I'm always keeping her in my corner no questions asked.

5. Tiffany:
-She is kind of a cunt. She really doesn't have any redeemable qualities and essentially tries to play off blackmailing us like it's just another Tuesday.

6. "Plothole"?
-Not sure if this counts as a "plot hole" or more so just a darker look into a specific character. So during the Kenny Massacre, it's mentioned that Christine broke out a window? But Emily was still inside...I find it odd that Christine didn't take one of her best friends with her to escape but maybe I'm misremembering. Regardless if that was the case or not, what I find most bewildering is Ella in this regard. I think it's mentioned later (end of this current update) that she went through great lengths to get the Nyx power for Christine AND Emily. But during this party, it almost seems like she cared very little about either of them. Especially when you consider she warned Christine beforehand about their Middle School Massacre ahead of time, why not warn Christine or Emily THIS time? The way I saw it was that she DID get Christine out, but didn't care enough for Emily at the time? I dunno, it also begs the question why she suddenly cares about us, yet in the beginning of our relationship she seems very keen on enslaving/killing us multiple times. Whether that be delivering us to the 4th in chains, or murdering us upon knowing we had deep memory powers.

-My guess for the MC empathy? I honestly think Ella has given up on whatever plan she has in store, or at the very least isn't AS heavily motivated in HER involvement as she was at the beginning of the game. I think this stems from her not being chosen after receiving her 5th Evolution, and noting that WE were her only hope now or whatever (not replayed up to there yet). She kind of gets sentimental during the last training option and has a "heart to heart" somber look to her, along with mentioning that she would be routing for OUR victory against her whenever it may arise. And then there's the lastest update in which if we get taken over by the Origin she looks ridiculously sad, not because we failed but more because we weren't us anymore. In addition she also seems to have history with us (Emily Christine letter) AND OUR PARENTS? I remember I believe it's during dinner at her Orphanage that she mentions we are like our Mom or Dad or something along those lines I'll have to look back at it but it stuck me say the least.

7. Ella:
-Regarding everything mentioned above and more, I really studied Ella this time around and I just CAN'T bring myself to hate her. Maybe I'm just crazy but I genuinely enjoy having her around and while she can be an annoying cunt that much I can acknowledge; I still find more joy having interactions with her than I do other characters. Probably Stockholm syndrome or something but I can count FAR more characters I hate more than her. I won't name names in fear of upsetting some people on here, plus it'll make my argument look even stupider because I'm a petty prick, but all in all, I think I see her more as an oddball friend than an enemy. And YES, even if she was a guy I think I'd still feel the same way. I can't really explain it she's just a perplexing character I can't wrap my head around, but in my heart I know I don't hate her or even dislike that much is for sure, she can be a conniving bitch though.

8. Jake:
-Jake is an awful person no 2 ways about it. I'm going to stop simping for Ella for a sec and acknowledge the fact that she is a manipulative cunt and DEFINITELY had most of a hand in his mindless downfall, but he still had the power to stand up for himself mentally or just use his brain and he never did. The SECOND he gets powers and Ella hints on him just being less of a pussy, he immediately goes to dark thought territory where he's manipulating Amber and Liz, Jess, etc. He pretty much gets a nasty opinion of us right off the bat just because Ella said so, aggressive outbursts in the Mia debate for identity revealing, he's just not a good guy plain and simple. He's the type to reveal his true nature once he gets a taste of power and people like that kind of sicken me, especially considering we were nice to him 24/7, the genius did the bare MINIMUM to think for himself. I've been in abusive relations personally and I didn't turn into a cunt to those close to me just because I suddenly got confident, instead I started standing up for myself and for those close to me AGAINST the abusers (i.e Ella), it's not an excuse (mindset wise). I will never like him regardless if I am doing a Hero Route, and I can't wait to re-kill him.

9. Dad and Jeff:
-So I think it's time to revaluate my opinion of whether or not they are "in the know". As of the Prison Arc they are still gone for a month or so, and with that along with the future evidence I know; I'm gonna drop what I believe to know about them.

-Jeff we've probably got the most info on out of the two. With that in mind I don't think he knew about monsters before hand, I think he probably investigated a few of the murder cases and wanted to indulge more on the matter via learning about Klaus's Montorento Prize goal or whatever it was called (the fairy). In this month gap it is all but confirmed that he indeed at least ended up with Dad and seeing a monster, but before that month I think he was just trying to piece the puzzles together, puzzle being if monsters existed that is. I don't think he saw us in the Kalus car crash fight, and I don't think he knew about Superhumans, though he probably did know about Klaus's strength and probably chalked it up to Markus's enhancement serum or something.

-Dad is a fucking MYSTERY man, I never truly realized how fucking SUS he was until I replayed and while I still believe he doesn't know about monsters until the same time with Jeff; he IS hiding SOMETHING. The MC claims he works for the government, but that's just what he told him, probably as a form of alibi. We know Dexter knows him, but people seem to forget Dexter fucking knows EVERYBODY and why wouldn't he? I'm assuming he knows Dad from him shifting around and sticking his nose in Dexter's business, NOT because of monsters or government work or whatever the fuck you people have convinced yourselves with him knowing. The government was fuckin clueless of monsters and what not, and H.E.R.O was even MORE closed off about the info than them, you think dear old Dad knew about it? No. I really do think he's just like Jeff being that they're both curious, smart, and trying to weasel their way into the powers that be. It IS worth mentioning he placed us at the same Hospital we got our scars looked at under his name, so it's reason to believe he has SOME money under his belt, if he knew we were superhuman, he wouldn't have bothered giving up the cash in the first place; hospitals are fucking expensive, and that was a top of the line one. Overall I think he's just a curious comical side character that found out IN THE MONTH GAP and NOT knew since ethe beginning of the game, that goes for both of them, though there is probably something involving our Mom that he knows some more details on I'm sure.

10. Visions of the Future?:
-It's either during the Miniak Embrace or a dream sequence, but if I'm not mistaken there is literally a lien where the MC in his own words goes over the Numbered Lords. He says something along the lines of "7-12 have already..." Can't remember the beginning of it. And if I'm not crazy, Valravn says that EXACT same line later on when we encounter him...which means we saw some form of the future? We see Memories of monsters we've never even encountered like Oscar's or Danica's, but they all said gibberish, it's odd that we get an EXACT LINE from THE FUTURE of a monster who hasn't even said it yet, unless I'm misremembering making this entire point completely irrelevant.

11. Mom:
-This'll be my last and shorter points, our Mother's death. Something I somehow NEVER noticed before; was that when we went upstairs to check in our parents' room, the fuzzy sound added with the black lined red image was that of a MONSTER FOR SURE. I believe the last line during that sequence was "M-Mom..?" Or something like that, so I saw it more as we RECOGNIZED whatever that was AS Mom rather than some random monster than snuck into the house. It would explain the scars but NOT the memory loss unless it was from the trauma. It is noteworthy that we do remember her though, we didn't completely forget about her, but what's odd is that we have no flashback OF her, no moments of reflection, nothing, just her death instance.

-So I can't BELIEVE I'm saying this as an Ella simp but if it's true my opinion on her will drop to 0 REAL FUCKIN QUICK. I think I've seen this theory floating around so forgive me if I'm stealing it; but WHAT IF Ella not only tried turning out Mom, but also WIPED our Memory of the events. It's not far fetched if we take into consideration what I mentioned earlier; about how I believe there's a line at Orphan Dinner where Ella mentions us reminding her of our Dad or Mom or something I WISH I could remember the exact line. But that strikes me not only as suspicious, but also gives me a signal of familiarity? almost as if Ella was trying to find someone compatible with the 3rd and 4th gene, IF this gene is hereditary (not 100% sure) it would make sense that she tried with Mom, perhaps her mentality failed and Monsterfied her, she returned to whatever semblance of home she could remember (i.e Kenny recognizing people and Bailey remembering things), and we stumbled upon her coming through the window into bed and she scratched us, Ella realizes the failure and as she has before on occasion stopped the monster and then used her Memory powers on us as perhaps she didn't know Mom had a next of kin with the gene or fear of making another orphan like she was. This would explain why we were top of the list, the familiarity of watching us and knowing us prior to our meeting at the beginning of the game, the parents comment, the fondness, etc. The only downside to this theory is the timeline, it doesn't add up at all, it also doesn't explain her willingness to kill us or use us like a Fleshlight to the 4th on all those beginning cases. Correct me on any of it if I'm wrong or missed something, I can't remember everything.

Anyways that's all worth mentioning for my replay up to where I am, I'll probably make another post if it's worth mentioning once I replay the rest, which will probably consist of Monsters, Other Character Opinions, Revaluating Characters, etc.

Edit Corrections:
-So Ella mentions our parents when she tells us how she evolved, replay that whole scene and you'll find the same "odd" line I found if you pick the "No" option.
-Christine jumps out of the window upon hearing the commotion but still doesn't explain why she left without Emily. Phone smashed sure, maybe her fight or flight kicked in, oh well. But that STILL doesn't explain why oh so caring Ella didn't warn Christine OR Emily, when she's shown the exact opposite on multiple occasions later on.
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