Yeah W.W is the only consistent dev I've seen, we get more content in 3 months than most other games receive in a year. It's actually disgusting how TERRIBLY BAD 90% of devs are with their time management. I suppose I wouldn't even view it so bad if there wasn't this religious cult following behind them (patrons) that follow their work as if it's the second coming of Christ and will FOR SURE deliver.
Spending time on monthly renders instead of the game's fucking renders, copious dev logs *cough* Desert Stalker *cough* or give "proof of life" god forbid. I think the worst though is when they work on 2 or even 3 games at once *cough* Where It All Began/Summer's Gone & NaughtyGames *cough*, unfortunately a lot of good devs suffer from this. I dunno if it's because they get writers block or something so they try to spice it up with a second story to veer their imagination a bit but it ALWAYS doubles the fucking waiting if not quadruples it.
Arguably even worse is when they put a game on hold to go work on yet ANOTHER project, and then wonder why no one gives a shit about their new work *cough* Succubus Covenant *cough*.
Then after all is said and done, you got maybe 2 shitty sex scenes you didn't want, the devs kick up their feet and goes, "Sorry it took so long guys, I'm really happy with the results, unfortunately it took a lot out of me and I'll have to go on a vacation (usually forever)." Meanwhile we got W.W over here who just put out his biggest update yet, took like what a 5 day break? And then was already back to working the grind talking about how healthy of a consistent time table he has for his schedule and the game, and they're a SMALL DEV! Some of these big fuckers make more in a month than most people will ever make their whole lives and don't even have to work+develop, I'm pretty sure W.W is still working if I'm not mistaken on top of the game.
Devs really need to just focus on the work, I'm more than happy not getting a special Christmas cookie render or your daily fucking grind motivation for how you develop the game. W.W gives maybe 3-4 dev logs between several weeks about the general progress and a lil personal stuff, a teaser he's going to ACTUALLY INSERT into the game anyways (looking at you special renders, glorified background pieces of shit) and then bam; released to the public about a week after that beta, that simple.