You are not a Patianct type I see.
I prefer waitto see results but you keep shotingit down like some sort of virus. I don't say that itcould be boring it could have more scen as Female as Maleone same amunt if we choose me personly as FMC to start from.
You trat Femal lik e she were a plage, what if the deve cut out all Female mC youwouldopen the champine to have good time. The only thing Iread from you is hate over Female MC, by calling her boring at that thta wuoulnd't make sence. Come Female MC is interesint differently form Male and youdn't want that?
I like changes and you don't like that changes. This why I see Female MC more apealing then Male one. Each one of them had their own thing. I t could be great but I see for yougann upset you if it happen. Female MC hater got it.
I know I'm not one to judge someone's grammar or spelling but please...please invest into autocorrect.
I'll try and decipher this now:
No, I'm not particularly the waiting type but if its good enough then I'll wait, Superhuman is worth the wait even if I go nutty sometimes but I assure you if the next update was literally 3 to 4 months waiting for FMC content I'm dipping from this thread faster than you can say Shadow and return when there's ACTUAL content that moves shit forward.
I, as I said before DO NOT care about FMC content rather it was in or out it has no impact on me because I avoid it unless for power or skill gain (which you ignored me saying btw). I don't treat it as a plague, I treat it as something I do not care about because it has no appeal to me, get this through your skull.
The FMC has ZERO difference personality wise from Male MC, they are EXACTLY the same but one has a female build with tits and a vagina while the other a male build with a dick and balls, I connect more with the second because I am male and relate more to the male.
She is therefore boring to me, there's nothing different other than gender and even you know that.
I like changes btw I don't like changes that have make no sense narratively at this point in the game, you want the whole community who clearly like the direction its going to add in a gender choice for the protag that would require us MONTHS of waiting that would have to scale with all the content that currently exists, do you understand that you troglodyte?
At the end of the day I could careless about FMC content I don't hate it but it has ZERO impact on me in any way possible. The same goes for some of the girls in the game I could careless about their content...does that mean I hate them? No, just means they lack appeal to me.
Jesus it's like arguing with my 6 year old sister.