Of course Ella will not respect her promise to Jake, that's obvious but I was expecting that after we kill Jake that his mind control fuckery would "dispel" from everyone affected, saving Mia in the process, but maybe we can cure her before and use her to make Jake lower his guard and kill the fatfuck
Except Mia's case isn't just mindfuckery. He didn't just lock up her mind, he fried her brain because he's too much of a fuckup to not do stupid shit to his friends because some hot bitchy goth tells him to and he wants to be a good lapdog.
Even if his power's effect dissipated on his death, her brain wouldn't heal back up magically since he caused actually physical damage to it, sadly.
I wish so too, but seems physical changes are "easier" than mental ones, and even MC showed can enter in other minds in some degree nothing states it can change them, but who knows, seems his powers are adaptable, so... time will tell.
Well, during his "experiments" in prison, the MC does state that making other's bodies repair damage felt far easier than modifying. I noticed that mention because it felt like it was some sort of hint that fixing Mia's brain with that power wouldn't be far from his reach with practice and carefull use of his powers...