Hey, I was replying some scenes and I caught something very interesting regarding the MC on his first evolution regarding The Eye.
While we explore our Truth, if we choose "Do Not", Eisheth tries to pry on our crimes, and the MC replies this while talking about Klaus:
Eisheth: Fine, Klaus Aldain, was that you?
MC: No.
Eisheth: ...That was a quick answer. Are you sure?
MC: Certain. Was talking to god when he got killed.
Eisheth:...Smells truth. Fine.
I could be mistaken, but I never saw anyone point this out while discussing the topic of The Eye. Do you think this refers to the evolution trance itself rather than the eye? and if so, how would MC drop this massive shell here but never comment it in any other scene outside an evolution trance? (I'm not counting the choice "For the glory of God" since that happened during the same trance and I didn't link it with The Eye originally).