I thought so too, but even going through a maximum corruption route still don't seem to understand most/any monster text. Though I have yet to cross the Valravn fight so maybe later on ? Not sure.
DrakoGhoul has posted multiple screenshots of at least partially translated monster speech. Lets ask them.
That's basically facts. Most games on this site are very shallow in their writting, basically just a vessel for the smut and fap material. Strip the smut, they crumble.
Superhuman ? Honestly, if you removed the smut, the game would still be extremely good in its own right. WeirdWorld has a mastery in writting that is very apparent when you give the game enough time to suck you in.
And I'm someone who passed on it multiple times
specifically because of the art, at first, way before WW started getting better at it.
The story has lots of moving parts and threads that intertwine way before you actually get enough informations to understand, and there are still plenty of questions that don't have clear answers, and likely won't for some times. And once we get those, we'll see how many breadcrumbs were left everywhere for us to figure out, if only we had linked them together.
That happened multiple times already. Myself,
DrakoGhoul and a third member (who disappeared long ago sadly) have spent way too long talking wild theories, for example.
It's a game where the smut is additive to the story, rather than the story being made to bring the smut.
As for the characters, they are believable because non of them are just complete charicature. Don't get me wrong though, they start from a template (Liz as the unserious bored athletic genius, Amber as the struggling twin trying to keep up, etc), but they aren't limited just to that, like most smut games do. They aren't 2 dimensional, ironically from being in a 2D visual novel.
They have more to their personality than their template, and thus, aren't complete charicature just there to hit quotas. They are their own persons, which is why you get invested and attached
to the point of wanting to wipe that bitch boy off the map next update.
Superhuman is, easily, one of the TOP 10 games on this website, in my opinion.