Honestly, this is a prime example of a sequel that not only disrespects, but actively hates you, the player.
You have to grind to GET BACK to the content that was in the prequel. Not that any of it is here. The first game was so bloated and focused on RNG that, even though it's one of the few sandbox games that are ACTUAL sandboxes with a decent amount of content, playing it was a chore and it was marked as "complete" with unfinished and missing content because it was probably just as bad to make as it was to play. My only thought is: it's harder to cheat in Unity. But... This is a single player game? Why should the dev care what you do with your time in the game? Because Unity is harder and more time consuming to develop in. The engine is, almost unilaterally, a worse experience to play in. And Unity's recent... developments, mean it's developer unfriendly as well. Every aspect of this is a downgrade for all parties involved. There's also the fact the "first" game was a sandbox so there's no way to ever have known where the player was, in terms of stats, by the end of the game. ESPECIALLY across engines. So, all that time and effort you slogged through in the first game? Here's a total reset because fuck you, that's why. I honestly believe that the title of the other game is what the dev calls all the players of his games.
Both games are solely dependent on RNG, which AT BEST, makes this closer to a shitty rogue-like than a sandbox. Meaning all that time you grind, to try to get the scene you can ONLY see ONE arbitrary day of the week? Fuck you, RNG says it's not gonna happen this time. And that next skill you need to get? Fuck you grind for pennies you pay pig bitch.
To anyone that reads this, I just hope you value your time more than the dev of this game does. Time's all you have, don't waste it here.
Edit: To the people that gave this 5 stars recently, not because it's a five star game but because you want this to have a higher rating. That's not how rating and critique work. If you don't accurately give an honest score, you aid warring between those that think the game is "Eh, fine" and the rest of the world that are exhausted from clicking through the RNG. That's called being a shill. Just because you like past works, or even some aspects of this one, doesn't mean you can't be disappointed in the new works.