I need walkthrough
Get best melee weapon ASAP, it might be worth it to use gun before you get access to it (first area has very little zombies).
With upgraded weapon you can kill zombies safely by staying one row/column away from them. Upgraded weapons also deal more dmg.
After that, backpack upgrades are good, gun upgrades are only useful for later levels.
Killing zombies gives xp which gives more max health, so you should kill all zombies you find. Zombies never respawn on new day.
Avoid picking up trash items like leaves or paper, go into inventory to discard them. (in first two areas you might have to take them as there are little good items. Wood and cloth are the best trash items)
Goods can only be sold at night, by talking to merchent north of your hotel.
New zones are unlocked by completing all scenes from previous zone. This might require picking up and selling condoms, and for 3rd zone also running out of condoms after that.
In zone 3 you have to explore the sewers (entrence in the middle of intersection), and follow the left path. Some parts of sewers cannot be accessed, so don't worry if you can't.
Hospital zone (4th) is when fighting is the hardest, you should have upgraded gun and plenty of bullets by this point. It shouldn't be an issue since you can make plenty of cash in zone 3.
Final zone allows you to sleep overnight which is necessery to both finish up netorare storyline and access events with side characters. I'd advice to use gallery uncock after finishing instead of getting all those events, as going down through factory map 10 times in a row is a needless chore.