Oh do I SO feel the same.
There are FAR more users here that do NOT like these 2 provided content, yet stay quiet and just roll with it.
Then you get some that simply ignore the games altogether while finding ways to avoid it.
I came on here with the same complaint a few years ago, (and I am against incest) then came to the realization that I could sort through the listings while looking at the content tabs on the top of the screen.
Often there was no indication that they were REALLY young looking 18 year old (I saw one that kept yelling that she was 33 ffs)
SO when you don't find a LOLI tab or something related, head down to the in-game pictures which should give you a good idea of what the story will contain.
That works for me when dealing with pedo content that's trying to hide it's pedo content, though the incest part I mentioned isn't QUITE so easy (it's still manageable when you learn a process that works for you).
Patreon doesn't allow that sort of thing here so the creators simply use Landlady to a repetitive degree that's mind-boggling!
With THAT scenario, you get to RENAME those characters and roles, just type in THEIR names for the titles, this solves it pretty well, aside from the times they mention, WHAT but she is my NANCY/ SHEILA/ RACHEL, etc/
Oh and don't bother complaining about things like this, since there are WAY too many trolls that literally LOOK for anyone complaining..about literally anything.
So let the laughing and facepalm emojis roll right off, and continue testing out the content available.
OH and most importantly, when you DO find projects on here you really enjoy, show some love to the creators by either following them on Patreon and donating a dollar a month, or "buy them a coffee" a one-time donation to show you care about the direction they are taking the story in...oh and above all. have FUN on here.