Mar 6, 2021
Might have something to do with the fact that you actually went and facepalmed 9 of my posts (some dating back to february last year) because I facepalmed one of your posts today.
Now I don't know what the reaction threshold is, but you probably hit it by doing this with multiple people who disagreed with what you were saying. If you don't like what people are saying on this forum just use the ignore function ;)
I just facepalm in reaction to your pointless facepalm, now I ask, who doesn't respect someone who disagrees with an opinion?
Sorry, but I'm already losing patience with people like that, not for facepalm, but for the reason, I even take facepalm for harmless questions in some games. You were just the last straw.
Although I think the reason is in my signature spoiler, Now if the person is offended by that, I can't help it.

Deleted member 1371697

Naughty Attic Gaming
Game Developer
Apr 19, 2019
Apparently your last comment was deleted, so I'll leave the answer in this one right here.
I was going to leave a heart, but I hit my reaction threshold today (I didn't even know it existed).
Anyway, I love the game, I love that hot Mom and sister.
Don't be put off by these people, I know sometimes it's hard to swallow, but unfortunately the internet is full of people like that, defeated, frustrated with their lives, and come in places like these to denigrate people, offend them, and distill the your hate. People like that are to be pitied, nothing more.
I know it's hard to filter this out, but just try to take something really worthwhile from comments like this, and focus on comments (even critical ones) made politely and respectfully.
Keep up the great work, unfortunately I can't donate, but I'd really like to. And I look forward to level 9, where it looks like it's going to be crazy.
I deleted my message myself.
Sometimes, I write down my thoughts and frustrations without thinking.

And, I also know that comments like that can actually act like an bullseye for those kind of people.
If you say you dislike something, you always have those people that intentionally do it more and more.

But, yeah. There is a reason why most developers tend to stay away from this website.
Not because of the Piracy, because we've all pirated in our lives at some stage.
But the hate that runs through this website at moments.
(I am not talking about everyone, of course. There are plenty of normal/kind people here as well :) .
Hate that have caused developers to leave this website or even caused developers to stop developing because they could take it anymore.
(And, I'm not talking about personal hate. I'm talking about people hating on something that you are working 80+ a week on, and even consumes all your free time. That project that you work on with passion and love.)

It's a dagger straight into your heart when that happens.
The more passion you put into something, the more it hurts when people hate on it, and I think a lot of people know that I put a lot of passion in Sweet Affection.

And, those same people who spread so much hate around, they are also the surprised/angry ones when a developer stops when most of the time, they themselves are responsible for that.

Now, I'm not saying that I'm going to stop, that's never going to happen.
But, there will come a time when the hate becomes too much, where me and my team ends up leaving this website.
And, I think no one wants that to happen, right?
I mean, back when I was playing a lot of H games here, I loved seeing a developer actually being a part of the community and helping out.

I understand why the mods can't really keep an eye out anymore though.
The website has grown so much the past 2 years that they are doing the best they can.
Even though I know it's never going to happen, it would be nice if people just treat each other with a bit of respect and kindness.
No one likes feeling like crap and no one wants to log in this website and feel down.
We all want to feel happy and smile.
(But, hormones and being frustrated is, unfortunately a very bad combination leading into very impulsive actions.)

Thank you for your kind words though. :)
People like you are the reason why I'm still here on this website.

The fans, the people that love our work and even the people with constructive advice.
I want as many people as possible to enjoy our work after all, and knowing someone likes it... that makes me happier than you can realize. :)
Last edited:
Mar 6, 2021
I deleted my message myself.
Sometimes, I write down my thoughts and frustrations without thinking.

And, I also know that comments like that can actually act like an bullseye for those kind of people.
If you say you dislike something, you always have those people that intentionally do it more and more.

But, yeah. There is a reason why most developers tend to stay away from this website.
Not because of the Piracy, because we've all pirated in our lives at some stage.
But the hate that runs through this website at moments.
(I am not talking about everyone, of course. There are plenty of normal/kind people here as well :) .
Hate that have caused developers to leave this website or even caused developers to stop developing because they could take it anymore.
(And, I'm not talking about personal hate. I'm talking about people hating on something that you are working 80+ a week on, and even consumes all your free time. That project that you work on with passion and love.)

It's a dagger straight into your heart when that happens.
The more passion you put into something, the more it hurts when people hate on it, and I think a lot of people know that I put a lot of passion in Sweet Affection.

And, those same people who spread so much hate around, they are also the surprised/angry ones when a developer stops when most of the time, they themselves are responsible for that.

Now, I'm not saying that I'm going to stop, that's never going to happen.
But, there will come a time when the hate becomes too much, where me and my team ends up leaving this website.
And, I think no one wants that to happen, right?
I mean, back when I was playing a lot of H games here, I loved seeing a developer actually being a part of the community and helping out.

I understand why the mods can't really keep an eye out anymore though.
The website has grown so much the past 2 years that they are doing the best they can.
Even though I know it's never going to happen, it would be nice if people just treat each other with a bit of respect and kindness.
No one likes feeling like crap and no one wants to log in this website and feel down.
We all want to feel happy and smile.
(But, hormones and being frustrated is, unfortunately a very bad combination leading into very impulsive actions.)

Thank you for your kind words though. :)
People like you are the reason why I'm still here on this website.

The fans, the people that love our work and even the people with constructive advice.
I want as many people as possible to enjoy our work after all, and knowing someone likes it... that makes me happier than you can realize. :)
I agree, I've been here since 2016, I had other accounts, I asked them to delete them for me, sometimes it got to a point where it became impossible to stay here. I stayed out for a while, after the dust settled I came back. I try to get involved as little as possible. My comments are largely to clarify doubts, but unfortunately I still find myself arguing, and sometimes I end up saying some things I shouldn't. There are some out there who really know how to take people seriously.
But I try to avoid people like that as much as possible, I even apologized for the facepalm I gave to one there, but there are times when patience really leaves us.
There are few developers who are active here, some come and offend them. I don't know, I know it's complicated for moderation, but I think the punishments for this type of conduct should be tougher.
Anyway, thank you for this game that I like so much, and I hope you can put up with these ungrateful types, and really care about who cares about you.

Darth Vengeant

Active Member
May 6, 2020
Good to know that you are in the position to speak for everyone that plays this game. (y)

But, seriously.
I really don't understand your rant.
We've been progressing this game the same way for years now.
- First we implement the hourly events
- Then, we'll implement the special events.
- And, then we'll progress into the new level.

It's been like that and will continue to be like that.
We've been keeping people updated about the progress and they know what they can expect from us, always.
There is no secret agenda or stalling, no... we are just grinding out the updates as we've always done.

And, not only that.
We regularly ask people about the direction that we are taking, and that is exactly what we do...
We listen to our fans and supporters.

Now, that you don't like the dialogue or this type of game, I'm perfectly fine with that.
As mentioned many, many times already, I know that Sweet Affection isn't for everyone.
And you know? I'm fine with that.
If you just want us to skip through the levels and ignore all the dialogue and just get to the naughty stuff, well... I'm sure you can find plenty of titles on this website that will suit your need.

Sweet Affection is not only about that H-content, even though there is PLENTY of it.
It's also about the dialogue and the characters and their relationships together.
And, I can already promise you... that is not going to change. ;)

But, ultimately... I do wish that we could develop Sweet Affection faster, yes.
But, in case you don't know... we are not Ubisoft or FromSoftware.
We don't have hundreds people working on our projects.
No, there is ONE person working on all the content (me), and one person coding it. That's it.
And we are going as fast as we can while sticking to our direction.
But, the more we grow as a creator page, the more people I can hire and the faster we can go.
But, we had to start from scratch a couple months ago, so we are still in the process of building everything back up. :(

And, luckily. I know that plenty of people DO love the content that we produce each and every month. :)
And for you guys, we keep coming back to talk with you and share the latest news and our updates. :)

But, this is the last time I'm going to comment about the direction of the project or defend the content that we produce.
Feels like every month there is someone else starting up that same discussion and I'm kinda starting to get tired of it.
(I don't mean the messages from the past couple of days though.)
If you don't like it, that's a shame. but, I can't make everyone happy.
The best I can do is to do my best and sticking to what I want and what I think my supporters/fans want and giving them what I promised them. (A finished product).

If people ask in the future again about this, you can direct them to this post. :)
A lot of that worked early on in the game, and I didn't mind it then frankly, but it doesn't work now that the story and relationships have progressed. The hourly, daily, weekend stuff isn't working anymore, not in the amount you are doing. It's content just for the sake of content, filler, it doesn't fit with the progression anymore.

You are not understanding the long winded dialogue complaints. If you were in a conversation with someone would you want them to always take 5 min to get the point, or would you rather they take 30 seconds? I am going to assume you would take the 30 second route. Right? Would you want to hear I love you over and over and over again nearly every time you spoke? No. Would you want most of the long winded conversations to be recycled or redundant from previous dialogue? No. This is the issue with your dialogue, it takes too long to get the point the keeps repeating previous dialogue in the long drawn out road to get there. Not only that, 75% of it is not intriguing or interesting to want to pay attention to, because you can skip to the end of 100000 lines and still get the point of the conversation. I fail to see the point on these long drawn out lines of dialogue that really add nothing to the game but time. A lot of the content in this game now seems to be content just for making content. Not getting to the point and proper story progression for 6 months.

You say you feel the need to "defend" your game. You don't need to defend it. However, you do need to accept critical criticism. I do not hate the game, much of it I have enjoyed. At least up until a certain point. But, not much now. I would say the game was ok up until the sister and mom found out you screwed/love both of them. Then it has veered off into redundancy. I feel the game would be better without 20 min long lines of dialogue, I understand your reasons, but they don't work well. Yes, character development, story progression, but you can get there better and more enjoyable without having to have long winded conversations continually to get there. Because people don't talk like that man. My and other's criticisms are explaining how and what we think would make the game so much better. And, yes fixing some of these "complaints", even if you did it in a small amount, would make the game better and more enjoyable.

Don't feel attacked. Don't feel hated.
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Active Member
Sep 25, 2019
still can not install on android, help pls
If I remember correctly, androids have a max install of 2gigs. The LQ is a little bit over 3.6. There was a compressed version, but the quality wasn't up to dev's standards and was removed out of respect.


Oct 12, 2019
Is there any way to download previous updates, I have 0.8.2 and now 0.8.4 to 0.8.5, I understand there is no point in keeping all the links, but if there is a way to get the links to 82 to 83 and 83 to 84 then everyone can avoid downloading the entire game if they are behind by 2-3 versions or more

Deleted member 1371697

Naughty Attic Gaming
Game Developer
Apr 19, 2019
Is there any way to download previous updates, I have 0.8.2 and now 0.8.4 to 0.8.5, I understand there is no point in keeping all the links, but if there is a way to get the links to 82 to 83 and 83 to 84 then everyone can avoid downloading the entire game if they are behind by 2-3 versions or more
If you search for my older posts on this thread (Usually the ones around the 14th).
You should find all the posts containing the patches, going back 6 updates. :)
  • Red Heart
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Nov 4, 2021
Got this error when trying to view Laura's Level 3 Events gallery. I took a look in the specified location and the file in question is zero bytes. Is this a problem in the build, or did something just go wrong when I extracted the update ZIP? If it's the latter, can someone please provide the file so I can manually replace it?


Active Member
Sep 25, 2019
Got this error when trying to view Laura's Level 3 Events gallery. I took a look in the specified location and the file in question is zero bytes. Is this a problem in the build, or did something just go wrong when I extracted the update ZIP? If it's the latter, can someone please provide the file so I can manually replace it?
If this does not work, make a copy of the Level 2 of the same time and relabel. It is just a slightly different pose.

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Active Member
Sep 25, 2019
I noticed this a couple of times before so I did a search...
Instead of "[M]'s thing" it is written as "[M] her thing" so we see "Mom her thing"

In total I found:
[ M ] her - 18 times
[ S ] her - 405 times

"Her" would work in some cases without the [M/S], but others refer to your [M/S] so those would need an apostrophe S and no "her"

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EDIT: Had to put spaces in [ S ] to avoid strikeout text.
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Deleted member 1371697

Naughty Attic Gaming
Game Developer
Apr 19, 2019
I noticed this a couple of times before so I did a search...
Instead of "[M]'s thing" it is written as "[M] her thing" so we see "Mom her thing"

In total I found:
[ M ] her - 18 times
[ S ] her - 405 times

"Her" would work in some cases without the [M/S], but others refer to your [M/S] so those would need an apostrophe S and no "her"

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EDIT: Had to put spaces in [ S ] to avoid strikeout text.
That is some of the dialogue that I mentioned that I'd like to smooth out when I have the time.
But, it's not our top priority, at this moment. (It doesn't ruin the game, after all).
But, certainly something I want to take care later this year. :)
View attachment 1832027
Got this error when trying to view Laura's Level 3 Events gallery. I took a look in the specified location and the file in question is zero bytes. Is this a problem in the build, or did something just go wrong when I extracted the update ZIP? If it's the latter, can someone please provide the file so I can manually replace it?
Hmm, strange. I just tried to replicate the same error, but that didn't happen for me.
I'm going to investigate a little bit more to make sure that's solved in the 0.8.6 update.


Dec 31, 2019
So can someone explain to me, what the difference between RiA and this one is?
i get that its a remake of previous one. but the last version of RiA i've played was 0.6.11
whats the major difference between the two of them?


Jul 24, 2017
So can someone explain to me, what the difference between RiA and this one is?
i get that its a remake of previous one. but the last version of RiA i've played was 0.6.11
whats the major difference between the two of them?
Nothing, just a rename

Deleted member 1371697

Naughty Attic Gaming
Game Developer
Apr 19, 2019
So can someone explain to me, what the difference between RiA and this one is?
i get that its a remake of previous one. but the last version of RiA i've played was 0.6.11
whats the major difference between the two of them?
Yeah, as Azero said.

Sweet Affection and Research Into Affection are one and the same game.
We just re-named it about 18 months ago because Sweet Affection fits better and some other reasons. :)

Content wise, everything that was in 0.6.11 is also in 0.8.5, and much, much more. :)
  • Yay, new update!
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Dec 31, 2019
Yeah, as Azero said.

Sweet Affection and Research Into Affection are one and the same game.
We just re-named it about 18 months ago because Sweet Affection fits better and some other reasons. :)

Content wise, everything that was in 0.6.11 is also in 0.8.5, and much, much more. :)
Thank you both ! :)
And i very much are looking forward to discover everything new :D
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