
Jul 21, 2019
Hi all,

I know J..D has already replied to most of you but I just wanted to give you my view on some of these comments/questions.

Instead of replying to each comment I've just tagged a few of the most recent ones and will answer it as a group as some of the comments revolve around the same topics.

1. The Updates: "Having Lack of content"

This is one of the reasons why I prefer that the (Dev Builds) of this game stay private "IE: Not leaked for public play".
That reason being that the content between (Dev Builds) is in fact, small.

The (Dev Builds) are not meant to be playable public builds, they're a way for us to give our supporters a hands-on show and tell of what we have worked on and what we are currently working on. "Along with getting some feedback/bugs reports"
Instead of us just showing them some pictures in a patreon post.

The reason I am explaining this is because of what I'm about to say next :

For those of you that played the last "leaked" version which was (Dev Build:0.5.7f)
The "New content" that's gone into the builds between said build and this public one is not going to seem like a lot.

That's because these last 2 dev builds were finishing off the rest of level 5's content, re-doing some of the older level dialogs along with going back and implementing the rest of the level 3-4 Diary pages due to us implementing this new game mechanic. "more on this later".

So yes, I can 100% understand why you would be disappointed by the "lack of content" between these 2 versions.
Because the (Dev Build 0.5.7f) was never meant to be played by the public as it wasn't ready yet.
Playing from a (Dev Build) - (Dev Build) isn't something I'd suggest if you want to enjoy the game/updates.
As these (Dev Builds) are a hands-on show and tell for our supporters, never meant to be played as an actual update.

To give this a more numeral representation :

(Dev Build 0.5.7f) --> (Public Build 0.6.0b) only had a total of 319 new (images/animations) (8 events total)
The majority of the content between these builds was dialog orientated (for the events, diary pages, text messages, etc)

But if you had played between :
(Public Build 0.5.0) --> (Public Build 0.6.0) there was a total of 1,839 (Images/animations) (28 events total)
The Majority of the content between these builds being the level 5 events.

Which would have "Hopefully" felt as though the update was actually worth playing.

2. Polishing off "old content"

This is unavoidable, the game is still in development and is going through changes with every update.
Story development changes and with those changes and old dialog needs to be tweaked slightly to match the new dialog.

With development comes change/improvements such as the implementation of the new Diary System.
We didn't implement this until the characters were at level 4 and with that, it meant we needed to go back and implement the diary pages for the older levels as well.

Which yes, this meant that the time between the public releases (0.5.0) - (0.6.0) was much longer due to having to go back and implement this missing content, but now that it has been done, moving forward with this mechanic will be much easier as we're now only focusing on the new content for it rather than the old missing content.

You need to understand that we run these ideas past the people that are supporting us finically before committing to any of them, to see if they like the idea, to see if they believe it'll improve the development of the game moving forward.

An example of this is with our latest Patreon poll regarding the missing content for M&S outside of the home and how we should go about implementing this content over the next (0.6.x) builds.
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3. Progression with the characters is slow.

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Now, if you're referring to the characters taking a long time to get to the "Sex" stuff.
This is by design, we're not creating a game that after 5-10 minutes of gameplay you're magically able to have sex with every character in-game, if that's what you're looking for then this game is simply not for you.

This game is about slowly progressing the main characters (Mom and Sis) into falling in love with you and doing things with you that they otherwise wouldn't.

Unlike the other characters we have planned for the game, M&S takes the longest to do the "lewd" things with as they're also getting past the "taboo" aspect of their relationship.

Other characters for example : (M's secretary) obviously not in-game right now.
Won't have that "taboo" aspect to get past, meaning their progression will be much faster.
"Plus, not having to create 13 events for them each level will also help"

4. Too much "Grind".

As for as I am aware, "grind" usually entails repeating the very same action over and over again to build up enough of something before being able to progress.
" Perhaps this word has developed a different meaning over time "

There should be no reason to repeat the same exact event in this game before being able to progress with them.
I mean, there are 13 events per character per level.
Most of those events have 1-4 choices to choose from.
Meaning there should be no reason to repeat the same event/choice for the current level you're on with the characters.
Avoiding any "grind" unless you yourself play the exact same event/choice.

With each love level of the characters, the events themselves will "generally" be the same but the choices/outcome will change as they start to fall in love with the main character.

This game isn't designed so that you give them a kiss on the cheek and all of a sudden they have their legs spread open.
It's about getting to know the characters, playing each of the events/choices and seeing their reaction for that level.
When their affection is high enough and you're ready, then progressing them to the next love level.
Which in term will change those events slightly, maybe in the previous level they were really angry when you walked in on them changing and screamed at you to leave, maybe this time "because they love you more" they won't scream, but simply ask you to leave after you give them a once over with your eyes.

But, maybe this comes across as "grind" to most people and if so, fair enough, it just means that this game isn't for you.

5. Overall.

If you don't like certain aspects of the game or you find it too "grindy" or too "slow" then that's okay.
Not everyone is going to enjoy it, we understand and accept that.

We just thank you for taking the time to give it a try!

Hi Dazo23,

This... I actually apologize for, I read your comment and was confused as I thought we already added this.
It wasn't until booting up the game that I realized I had forgotten to ask our coder to implement it...

This will be added/fixed in the next public build in just under 2 weeks.

Hi MrHanni, Mordred93

We've received a lot of feedback regarding the diary UI / confusion regarding unlocking them etc.
Due to this "while J..D continues working on the level 6 content" I'm planning on re-doing the UI for the diary pages over the next couple of days.

Making it clear how many pages there are to be unlocked, maybe a little hint on how to unlock them etc.
Overall, from what I have planned in my head, I'm sure it'll make it much easier.

It's 5.5gigs to download all of the versions.
If you only want the android version, only download the android version which is 1.8bg.
Mega :
Nopy :

This is a bug we keep running into with the Android releases.
The bug itself is actually on Ren'py's side when it comes to the android builds running on different android versions.
As it's only affecting around %20 of our android players.

That being said, we are working on a temp fix for the next public build in 2 weeks' time.
Sorry for the incontinence.

If anyone knows how Ayrik can pass this I'd very much appreciate it.
Is there a 6b Android version yet?
please read what was posted by boomatica

Boom's Attic Games

Game Developer
May 27, 2017
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New Member
Aug 11, 2018
This is one of my all-time favorite adult games. The genres fits me 100%, love the models and animations and the writing is of acceptable+ quality. Thanks for making this, I'll keep playing updates are they come along.
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Reactions: bagre1 and Mytez


Active Member
Dec 24, 2018
ignore the smallfrie guy. slow corruption where they choose it themselves and slowly fall into immoral love/lust is the best. Much better than ooga booga i add 100 corruption points now you suck my dick.
I hate corruption or incest titles but I totally agree with your comment, it's kind of impossible to actually corrupt a grown adult that person has to want whatever it is your after as much as you do.


Feb 12, 2018
Where did the cheat menu go? The Plantpot in the player's bedroom no longer opens the cheat options?


Engaged Member
Dec 17, 2016
My issue with the game is that there is no actual RESEARCH going on, we have some mary sue MC who knows it all. I mean if it wasn't in the name of the game it wouldn't be so bad, but it's so on the nose it can't be overlooked. Perhaps a fix to this would be, I dunno, doing some research on affection, in the hours when the family is away at school/work?
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Oct 15, 2019
Oh please, can you compress the Android version? Its to heavy for both, my mega account and my poor plenty of games tablet. Thanks, I want to play lv 6 now *-*


Apr 30, 2018
Seems that the old saves does not work. Get stuck in a loop over a day with grandma comming again and again...


Active Member
Jul 16, 2017
its ok, i confess honey select is good made for this. im glad i can cheat, i dont want grind again. nice game


Engaged Member
Jun 16, 2019
Clicking on profiles produced this:

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:
File "game/Phone.rpy", line 295, in <module>
KeyError: '6'

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:
File "game/Phone.rpyc", line 295, in script
File "C:\Games\Games6\ResearchIntoAffection-0.6.1-pc\renpy\", line 1183, in execute
show_imspec(self.imspec, atl=getattr(self, "atl", None))
File "C:\Games\Games6\ResearchIntoAffection-0.6.1-pc\renpy\", line 1139, in show_imspec
expression = renpy.python.py_eval(expression)
File "C:\Games\Games6\ResearchIntoAffection-0.6.1-pc\renpy\", line 2059, in py_eval
return py_eval_bytecode(code, globals, locals)
File "C:\Games\Games6\ResearchIntoAffection-0.6.1-pc\renpy\", line 2052, in py_eval_bytecode
return eval(bytecode, globals, locals)
File "game/Phone.rpy", line 295, in <module>
KeyError: '6'

Research Into Affection 0.6.1
Thu Dec 12 13:54:42 2019

Rollback clears it without problem.

Deleted member 1371697

Naughty Attic Gaming
Game Developer
Apr 19, 2019
Clicking on profiles produced this:

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:
File "game/Phone.rpy", line 295, in <module>
KeyError: '6'

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:
File "game/Phone.rpyc", line 295, in script
File "C:\Games\Games6\ResearchIntoAffection-0.6.1-pc\renpy\", line 1183, in execute
show_imspec(self.imspec, atl=getattr(self, "atl", None))
File "C:\Games\Games6\ResearchIntoAffection-0.6.1-pc\renpy\", line 1139, in show_imspec
expression = renpy.python.py_eval(expression)
File "C:\Games\Games6\ResearchIntoAffection-0.6.1-pc\renpy\", line 2059, in py_eval
return py_eval_bytecode(code, globals, locals)
File "C:\Games\Games6\ResearchIntoAffection-0.6.1-pc\renpy\", line 2052, in py_eval_bytecode
return eval(bytecode, globals, locals)
File "game/Phone.rpy", line 295, in <module>
KeyError: '6'

Research Into Affection 0.6.1
Thu Dec 12 13:54:42 2019

Rollback clears it without problem.

As you can see by the "known bugs" tab.
That bug is already known and will be taken care of a.s.a.p

For the rest,
Thank you all for your kind words and I am really glad that most of you seem to enjoy our game.

We put a lot of time, effort and love into Research into Affection.
So to see that people like it, love it and are a fan of it... well, it makes it all worth it :)

So again,
Thank you :)
3.10 star(s) 111 Votes