Uhh, it isn't stole... you can't stole from yourself, you only cheating people, nothing more...There is much talk in here about things stolen, yet have you considered or given credit to those games which use characters from other games. Most of which are shared on F95 freely under assets.
Does anyone know the amount of time and effort that goes into making these 3d visions of loveliness (aka adult females just to clarify). Or the time that is set away from the art board in developing the story.
I have not researched this character or seen if it's assets are available currently on F95, but if I remember correctly, think one can find on the forum or on another free forum that shares free assets of this game which the original was abandoned. And thus being the character and said game was abandoned can we not conclude this as an attempt to salvage said game or give life back to it.
Thanks for your time in reading my post.
And as always if you enjoy the work and the effort of your devs and artist please support them. Thanks again.