4.10 star(s) 101 Votes


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2017
Oh, let's hope some Hero can share that 0.32 update with us soon OxO

Yeah, especially Kirito is really a damn chameleon of personalities :D.
He got a brain upgrade at the start of part 2, then he was angsty about his dick size, flirting with Liz, then raped Asuna, but both shrugged it off like nothing. Now, he turned into a jerk, starting right in the morning by saying Inoda shouldn't waste his gift on Asuna, then insulting Inoda for no reason, and finally, just being an asshole during the quest. The day before, he was an ordinary nice dude.

The last part will probably be explained by NTR Logic. It was because of the debuffs, maybe even including what happened between Asuna and Inoda, but he was a jerk all day.

It seems like Fujino is trying way too hard to make Kirito look worse, so Inoda looks better, I presume, but things don't work that way. Just because someone murdered someone doesn't make other murderers better; it's just stupid logic^^
Or maybe he don't know what to do with him, to keep him relevant to the story aside from beeing there to be cheated on.

I mean, If you look from a medical perspecitve on thinks, the main cast is absulutely mental. :ROFLMAO:
Inonda is an obsessive maniac.
Asuna cognitive dissonance.
Kirito has split personalities.

tbh, I have lowered my expectations for the further story to the minimum now, I look forward to new scenes, and if something original happens, I would be glad.
Something extra to add there that many don't consider with the update as a whole, Part 2's "full reset" after the Rainy Night that so many people disliked was ALL Fujino. This wasn't affected by any polls or opinions or comments, this was something Fujino did entirely of his own, update 0.1 was like this without anyone else's input, so it's clear Fujino WANTED this, while a lot of people wished that what happened this update was exactly how Part 2 started. Fujino was the one who wanted to go the 'realistic' part by resetting things between Inoda and Asuna after the rainy night and complicating the plot, while further complications could be blamed on the polls or on him trying and failing to please everyone, but that particular approach that he's now having to rush? That was all him, nothing anyone else thinks or tries to speculate will change that :O He wanted to try something new and he displeased a lot of his "fans" by doing so, and that resulted mostly in the mess of going back and forth the past few updates were. Kirito, Inoda, Asuna, and even Suguha going back and forth with their personalities/awareness of things are also directly caused by that, he could have continued writing Kirito like in part 1 if he hadn't reset things at the start of Part 2 for the sake of new systems and trying the new approach he wanted, for example, and then everything probably slowed down a crawl because "slow burn" won that very first poll he published (Still think those public polls were a terrible idea, ESPECIALLY that he outright never limited them to one vote per google account as he should have), but the very first biggest shift most people disliked originally was something he did all on his own and had planned since before he even left China.

I also disagree on Nothing's take regarding Suguha being "inconsequential"...this is just if you see things as someone who thinks the only real "main plot" is the Asuna/Inoda one, but Fujino clearly didn't do that. In his previous games there was always just a fixed main plot and then "secondary stories" that were either unrelated or just tangentially related to the MC, but once again, for SAO he wanted to try something else, and Suguha was written more like a 'secondary heroine' than a sidestory like he says she is...we had several mini-sidestories back in Part 1, Suguha stood out differently: It didn't matter that she was not "real" NTR (Which I always have pointed out she wasn't), Fujino WROTE HER specifically to be "kinda NTR" towards Kirito, she rewrote her canon backstory and personality and even made sure all her scenes WERE specifically directly related to Kirito all the time they happened (Kirito always was either around, indirectly listening/watching without realizing, etc), and more, she was written from the get-go for, as far as this game was concerned, feel like someone else being "stolen" from Kirito without him realizing. While I do agree it would not be NTR under normal circumstances, Fujino wrote her and her story to specifically be the second most relevant thing in the game and still another "NTR" source of Kirito back in Part 1, when the game seemed as simple as "everyone around Kirito being stolen away" (Which was also what made her seemingly new development back in the Update before this latest one so unique and interesting as it was something you would never expect coming from how cliche-forced her story was back in Part 1 and seemed to still be until now).

If anyone could be considered 'inconsequential', it would be Alice, as she's the one whose plot was the most shoehorned in and Fujino clearly has struggled with developing her story the most, to the point she's now basically not even directly related to Kirito at all, she's being "NTR-ed" from Klein, who nobody really gives a shit about XD Liz 'saved' herself from this in the eyes of many because she was pushed to be part of the main plot, but that's all, if she hadn't been written to be involved in the Inoda plot most people would be thinking about her the same they're thinking of Alice, Sinon and even Suguha, despite Suguha being clearly established back in Part 1 as the second most relevant female in the whole game...the issue is that, as this update proves, nobody gives a shit, because everything most people wanted to see was Inoda fucking Asuna and her getting stolen from Kirito, nothing else. Fujino could have never gotten off in the tangent he tried to with part 2 and everyone would have loved it, the fact most people loved this update despite how clearly rushed and 'off' it felt proves that this is what most of his fans want plain and simple and nobody really cared much about he story's growth or for Fujino attempting new things with a slow-burn approach, sadly.

Now then, I myself have no issue with Inoda finally getting Asuna, it was about time honestly and Fujino sadly dragged out the plot in way too many directions trying to please everyone while also trying something new himself, but it doesn't change the fact it really felt rushed if you look at this from a whole-game-perspective rather than how much time people IRL has been waiting for this.

Even with that I still think that went well in general honestly, I'm just hoping that now that we have arrived here that particular aspect can just go on without issues and that the new approach of the Suguha story (As I don't really care much for the Alice one tbh) didn't get discarded for it. However, Fujino's health and motivation are at the end of the day the main thing to focus on, especially as it seems that despite what he says he has worked overtime to fix several bugs and issues with this latest update, so if he decides to just get things back as they were before, I will only wish him the best :O
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Active Member
May 4, 2020
The end of update pidgeon says as much.

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"Of course, last month's comments also made me reflect on the production and gave me some new directions." = I tried to please some people by making Inoda a nicer character and people didn't like it. Or it could refer to the endless dialogue of that update.

"As a creator, I may not be able to meet everyone's needs, so I may need to stay firm in my own vision." = I tried to please others and it didn't work so I should just make the game I want to make.

Maybe you interpret his words differently.

Objectively, this update is a huge return to form. Part 1 was ALL like this. Go to school, do a thing, catch some peeping scene, go to FOG and see some battle harassment, with the consequences getting worse each time. The other characters? Side content. Inconsequential and used to pad out the perv forum, or show little snippets of lewd action between other scenes.

Then Part 2 happened. Massive snapback away from the Stormy Night in which Asu/Ino first fucked. Huge regression to the story, and the known start of the Administrator fuckery. We've spent 4 updates working back up to that point, wasting time expanding the side character stories while Inoda fucks around with Kyoko, tries to regain Asuna's trust and plays his part in Liz' scheme.

Everything about Sugu? Inconsequential, so far. Not one thing she's done or said has had any impact. Its all 'she's fucking Hebishima' or 'she's not fucking him right now'. She's not Kirito's girlfriend; there was never any chance they'd hook up, have kids or get married. It's not even netorare; Sugu's story is just a corruption story of a single girl, but it already peaked back in Part 1. She's not Kirito's girlfriend, so spending time with her that doesn't result in any progress with the Asu/Ino plot is just time wasted. And Sinon too; what impact has she had on the story? There is not enough space in an RPGM game to focus on the side characters as much as Asu/Ino. Sugu/Alice/Sinon can't have an equally deep story without, as the updates up until now have been, shifting the focus away from Asuna and Inoda. So (in my opinion) they should be kept to cameo's and snippets to not dilute the focus of the game. At least Alice is building up to a (probably) NTR story, if she's been slutting even before Klein met her. I'm hoping her whole plot that lead you to a house next to the brothel leads to some kind of peeping scenario down the line, otherwise what was the point?

Notice I exempt Liz from that list? It's precisely because she's made herself important to the main plot, by being Inodas accomplice. Even though I don't like her scenes or the implications, at least she's relevant.

I think a lot of people who like the Sugu plot and want to see a lot more of the other girls see this as a game where all the girls and their stories are equally important. They seem to believe it's a game about all the SAO girls getting corrupted and stolen in some way. And while it is to a degree, Part 1 set the tone that this was a story about Kirito's actual girlfriend, Asuna, falling to a fat ugly nerd, Inoda. Part 1 set up that this is a netorare story about Kirito, Asuna and Inoda. The other SAO characters were just filler.

I think even some of the Kyoko plot has been unecessary. As a character she serves to be a wedge between Kirito and Asuna and would have served perfectly in that role even if Inoda hadn't made her his bitch. Inoda could have found other ways to get to Asuna at her house, I'm sure. But I've seen the perk leaks, I know where that is all leading.

A good writing rule goes something like this;
"If you can cut a character out of a scene/story and nothing about the plot would change, then they should be cut".

I'm not really arguing that they should be cut, moreso that their inclusion needs relevance to the main plot, without being a complete side track. The side girls should be made important to Kirito's story somehow, or left as minimally seen cameo's, like when you'd visit Sugu at the cafe or just see her new bf's photo's of her posted on the perv forum.
so the issue he got is time hmmm


Engaged Member
Sep 12, 2019
0.32版本 修復內容

1、 修復6/1以及6/4回想豬田回想黑屏問題

2、 修復下城區蛇島和詩乃在錯誤時間持續出現問題

3、 修復6/9據點一樓豬田路徑錯誤問題

4、 修復6/11便利店御宅族事件卡死問題

5、 修復6/11樹屋內玩家卡死問題(至少我反覆測試未發生問題)

6、 修復6/11樹屋出門追逐鴿子仍然可以返回樹屋的問題

7、 修復豬田博客卡死問題

8、 降低三分之二的戰鬥大招技能音效聲音

9、 修復英文版perk、狀態未翻譯問題

I have been working over time recently and to make the game in this condition. I barely sleep 4 hours a day to make this update. Unfortunately In March, I still have to work over time for a while, so I think I have to take a break. I'm sorry there will be no update in March. but still I will spare some time to do the preparation task of the game. Thank you for understanding.

Version 0.32 Patch Notes:

1. Fixed the black screen issue in the Inoda flashback on June 1st and 4th.

2. Fixed the issue where Hebishima and Sinon appeared at the wrong time in the downtown area.

3. Fixed the incorrect path in the Inoda route on the first floor of the base on June 9th.

4. Fixed the freezing issue in the otaku event at the convenience store on June 11th.

5. Fixed the player freezing issue inside the treehouse on June 11th (I tested it multiple times and didn't encounter any issues).

6. Fixed the issue where players could return to the treehouse after chasing the pigeon outside on June 11th.

7. Fixed the freezing issue with Inoda's blog.

8. Reduced the volume of some skills sound effects by two-thirds.

9. Fixed the untranslated perk and status issues in the English version.


En ver0.32:

I request the mod remove the English Fix links.


New Member
Jul 3, 2017
I mean, If you look from a medical perspecitve on thinks, the main cast is absulutely mental. :ROFLMAO:
Inonda is an obsessive maniac.
Asuna cognitive dissonance.
Kirito has split personalities.
As I understand storywise explanation at least for Asuna's cognitive changes are hinted as affected in the perks menu:

[Motherly Instinct Lv2] “But... why do I hear a voice telling me to take care of him a little more in my heart...?”
Asuna feels a stronger urge to care for Inoda when she sees him sharing her burdens and relying on her. Sometimes, she breaks her own principles to help him. When he receives Inoda's affirmation through her help, Asuna considers her previous sacrifices as worthwhile, filling her heart with happiness and fulfillment.

Looks like the Administrator plays with several different people, not just Kirito, and could strongly influence main characters to do interesting moves.


Mar 31, 2022
Oh yeah, mind you, I personally didn't mind much the progression the main story, I'm one of the few people who doesn't care much, but it just felt weird that something apparently so key for the last update was pushed back, though if it was entirely because of how tired/busy he is I get it, my main fear is that it wasn't added because he suddenly decided to discard that particular plot development :O

See, that's the thing, "decent side story" goes right out of the window if she did, indeed, only needed to be turned down by Kirito once after being worried about him earlier at the cafe to go right back to Hebishima's dick. Being "horny and pissed" and immediately calling him is a regression, her gaining "confidence and being the one initiating it" doesn't mean anything because it's still completely ignoring that literally yesterday in-universe she had spent 2 days riding Kirito's dick while he was out, seemingly enjoying it, then trying to get Hebishima killed and fangirling over Kirito saving his ass. It's easy to forget because it's been a month for us but in-game this happened not even 24 hours before the current update, so it feels like her character completely regressed, just like Asuna went back to her horniest self thanks to plot-reasons.

Mind you, it could STILL be that she didn't call Hebishima over for sex if the previous plot was still going, but if Fujino decided to just drop it because of all the complaints as it was better to focus on hurrying up the main story rather than trying something new with the sidestories, it will be honestly sad, especially after almost a whole month of being hyped up for her new character's direction (Which was also why I originally wanted to stay cautiously optimistic9.
In my head she just called Hebishima to do a quest with her and he used that opportunity to harass her or try to prod her relationship with Kirito.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2018
As I understand storywise explanation at least for Asuna's cognitive changes are hinted as affected in the perks menu:

[Motherly Instinct Lv2] “But... why do I hear a voice telling me to take care of him a little more in my heart...?”
Asuna feels a stronger urge to care for Inoda when she sees him sharing her burdens and relying on her. Sometimes, she breaks her own principles to help him. When he receives Inoda's affirmation through her help, Asuna considers her previous sacrifices as worthwhile, filling her heart with happiness and fulfillment.

Looks like the Administrator plays with several different people, not just Kirito, and could strongly influence main characters to do interesting moves.
Certainly, the Administrator can create various opportunities, but players might perceive her as responsible, raising concerns about the believability of the entire scenario. This somewhat undermines the NTR narrative, as it becomes unclear whether Inoda genuinely stole Asuna or if he could have accomplished it without her help. The same ambiguity applies to Kirito – should players feel sorry for him when an entity is ultimately responsible for everything? It raises questions about the significance of all his actions if the outcome is predetermined.
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Mar 31, 2022
Yeah, sorry, but I was just trying to be as impartial judging this as I felt I could after playing the update. As someone who doesn't care much for the main story I could "feel" the obviously rushed parts more easily because I wasn't dancing over the moon about Inoda finally getting to fuck Asuna willingly (In-game at least), so the way things felt 'off' for the sake of convenience stood out more. Suguha being there in the cafe for example, as you said, felt like it could have been the beginning of her showing even more of her concern about him and his relationship with Asuna from the last update, but it was simply cut short and her being there was pointless and could have easily have been Agil instead who already was around earlier. And then Leafa showing up in FOG but immediately being turned off felt like how a before-previous-update interaction with her would have gone, aka the typical excuse for her to get fucked again by Hebishima while the plot tried to paint it as "Kirito's fault", so it felt even more off for me.

Once again, if this was just Fujino being tired/overwhelmed and deciding to put it off then it can't be helped, but my fear is that it felt like he completely dropped the previous new storyline he had added for her that I was so excited about because of said tiredness, given it was much easier than focusing on a Suguha development 'nobody' cared about :(
I imagine Fujino might change stuff and flesh out everything on this update since he will have a long time until the next one hopefully. He still has to do the inside of the tree house and whatever suguha and hebishima where doing. So it is a good opportunity to also go back and change stuff he already did to be better.


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2017
0.32版本 修復內容

1、 修復6/1以及6/4回想豬田回想黑屏問題

2、 修復下城區蛇島和詩乃在錯誤時間持續出現問題

3、 修復6/9據點一樓豬田路徑錯誤問題

4、 修復6/11便利店御宅族事件卡死問題

5、 修復6/11樹屋內玩家卡死問題(至少我反覆測試未發生問題)

6、 修復6/11樹屋出門追逐鴿子仍然可以返回樹屋的問題

7、 修復豬田博客卡死問題

8、 降低三分之二的戰鬥大招技能音效聲音

9、 修復英文版perk、狀態未翻譯問題

I have been working over time recently and to make the game in this condition. I barely sleep 4 hours a day to make this update. Unfortunately In March, I still have to work over time for a while, so I think I have to take a break. I'm sorry there will be no update in March. but still I will spare some time to do the preparation task of the game. Thank you for understanding.

Version 0.32 Patch Notes:

1. Fixed the black screen issue in the Inoda flashback on June 1st and 4th.

2. Fixed the issue where Hebishima and Sinon appeared at the wrong time in the downtown area.

3. Fixed the incorrect path in the Inoda route on the first floor of the base on June 9th.

4. Fixed the freezing issue in the otaku event at the convenience store on June 11th.

5. Fixed the player freezing issue inside the treehouse on June 11th (I tested it multiple times and didn't encounter any issues).

6. Fixed the issue where players could return to the treehouse after chasing the pigeon outside on June 11th.

7. Fixed the freezing issue with Inoda's blog.

8. Reduced the volume of some skills sound effects by two-thirds.

9. Fixed the untranslated perk and status issues in the English version.


En ver0.32:

I request the mod remove the English Fix links.
Thanks again for being a hero without cape, King!

In my head she just called Hebishima to do a quest with her and he used that opportunity to harass her or try to prod her relationship with Kirito.
NGL, I would LOVE if it really was just that, as it would mean that her new development wasn't just thrown outta the window, but I honestly couldn't see it that way at first glance from how the narration seemed to imply: Reminder, here Leafa/Suguha does NOT play the game for fun or because she liked it, at least as far as we know, unlike her Canon self, she only started playing because Hebishima made her do so and every time she has been only before was mainly because of Hebishima too, so for her to call him over right after having logged in just for Kirito but being turned down seemed to indicate she was doing so to fuck, which was a regression to her new character. Granted, I would love it if the next update Fujino proves me wrong, but my worry comes from the fact that's how the narrative seemed to come across at that moment, especially as right afterward we embark on a quest whose entire purpose is for Kirito getting full-on-NTR-ed again XP
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Mar 31, 2022
I liked the Asuna developments in this chapter,maybe it was a bit too sudden but i can understand the whole FGO vs Reality dichotomy that she is going trough and beeing reinforced.

I am not too hopeful where Suguha's storyline is going however,personally i still belive that she just called Hebishima to do a questline and not to get instantly fucked by him but im not 100% sure. Also she barely showed up,once in the cafe where she said some meaningless lines and once in the game as Leafa where Kirito said he had something else to do (Very understandable since he doesnt even know Leafa is Sugu)

Tho that might come down to this update beeing "rushed" to meet the monthly quota and Fujino beeing burnt out.

Ps:I tought it was funny the movie Asuna and Kirito went to watch was by Director "Fujino" where it was a long movie with the characters having a lot of dialogue with intense action scenes.


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2018
I imagine Fujino might change stuff and flesh out everything on this update since he will have a long time until the next one hopefully. He still has to do the inside of the tree house and whatever suguha and hebishima where doing. So it is a good opportunity to also go back and change stuff he already did to be better.
yeah, maybe the admin is talking to another entity, that can rewind time, so only Asuna remembers it as a dream :p


Engaged Member
Sep 12, 2019
I imagine Fujino might change stuff and flesh out everything on this update since he will have a long time until the next one hopefully. He still has to do the inside of the tree house and whatever suguha and hebishima where doing. So it is a good opportunity to also go back and change stuff he already did to be better.
I hope he doesn't do this. It is one thing to put in things he didn't have time to finish like Asuna's POV and Alice's story on Thursday. But going back to change what you already released is such a bad practice. I know with hotfixes you can change anything and release it again. But speaking as a software developer, doing that only makes you less careful when releasing if you know you can always go back and change it. Also thinking about how you could fix something instead of focusing on the future is just stressful and unhealthy.


Mar 31, 2022
I hope he doesn't do this. It is one thing to put in things he didn't have time to finish like Asuna's POV and Alice's story on Thursday. But going back to change what you already released is such a bad practice. I know with hotfixes you can change anything and release it again. But speaking as a software developer, doing that only makes you less careful when releasing if you know you can always go back and change it. Also thinking about how you could fix something instead of focusing on the future is just stressful and unhealthy.
I mean he does have 2 months if he thinks something he did was poorly made or rushed i dont see why he couldnt change it for the better after all this seems like both a product and a passion project for him. Tho admitedly i havent used RPG Maker enough to know how hard or easy it is to retroactively add stuff to a story.


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2017
I hope he doesn't do this. It is one thing to put in things he didn't have time to finish like Asuna's POV and Alice's story on Thursday. But going back to change what you already released is such a bad practice. I know with hotfixes you can change anything and release it again. But speaking as a software developer, doing that only makes you less careful when releasing if you know you can always go back and change it. Also thinking about how you could fix something instead of focusing on the future is just stressful and unhealthy.
Sadly, it wouldn't be the first time he did this, as if you recall he added a lot of things back to the first few days of the first week, even including Sinon earlier by having her replace the random librarian girl to add more CGs, but yeah, I would prefer if he didn't exhaust himself.

Any bets on who can challenge Administrator?
My bets:
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damn, I didn't think of her, good bet ;)

I just used 0.32 to check the now-translated new perks AND go check the door that indicates Administrator is talking with someone XP Honestly, I personally don't think she's talking with someone 'opposing' her, tbh, it's clear now that Fujino is using her mainly as a plot device to further facilitate NTR, nevermind the fact she's no longer what she was in Canon but a straight-up God. Unless he went and once again fundamentally changed something of Canon that was supposed to be exactly the same (Like he did with Suguha's arc despite Sugou and ALO apparently still having happened XD), both Yui and Heathcliff are nothing but virtual data (Nevermind how he specifically has excluded Yui from the story for very obvious plot-reasons), so there is no way either of them could be an 'issue' for Administrator.

If anything, I would imagine she may be talking with either Asuna or Inoda to indirectly affect them even more and speed up the NTR even faster :p
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Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2018
I mean he does have 2 months if he thinks something he did was poorly made or rushed i dont see why he couldnt change it for the better after all this seems like both a product and a passion project for him. Tho admitedly i havent used RPG Maker enough to know how hard or easy it is to retroactively add stuff to a story.
It wouldn't be a big issue if he does this right now before moving on, but I agree with king, it's a bad practice. Another thing to consider is the possible and likely shitstorm from the supporters. ^^
4.10 star(s) 101 Votes