Then I would rather Saturday have no ritual and have it all next update. Fujino was never good at pacing himself or his story.
I mean, has there been any indication in-game or IRL that the ritual will happen this update? Because it's honestly a bit too tight in terms of scheduling.
If this update does contain the beginning of the ritual, which I doubt, what I can see happening is that the ritual will require Asuna of doing the hanky panky with the piggy in order to bring Yui into the game, but that she will back off.
You might ask, " But Dates, Asuna is a whore who conveniently views VR sex as not really cheating. Why would she have a problem with getting penetrated by Inoda's Fat Sword?"
There is a big difference of casual sex outside of a relationship, and getting impregnated by someone who is not your partner in order to bring your digital child into the virtual world in the cuckoldiest of ways.
I don't think Asuna is already corrupted enough to actually get pregnant with Inoda child this very upcoming update, although I could be very well wrong.
Anyways, what's the point of hoping for a good development from Fujino, when he has already told everyone that the best girl will not get a scene this update?