Yo is the content enough for a initial release or its just a couple of demo scenes?
As a erogame of sorts its sort of 6/10. Combat thankfully isn't hard, but there is minor grind in regards to finishing "quests".
There are some parts of the game (.31 update) that are not as clearly explained (wasting time in town involves both looking at the sex in the inn, as well as finding the "secret shop". slightly less annoying is when you are looking for asuna after finding the ugly git, she is just looking at some flowers in town).
And of course the translation for english is poor, but it isn't hard to understand, with the worst offenses occurring more during sex scenes or "peeping" scenes.
That being said as an NTR game it's probably a solid 8/10, and could easily be bumped up to a 9/10. The great thing is, if you are open to seeing other girls being fucked, who are also committing NTR against their partner's, basically it's a mechanic while you have "down time" if you explore just alittle bit, you find encounters, and these encounters continue to grow just like the main ugly bastard's progress with Asuna. Some you even get to see pre ntr event (hint going to the park and talking to one of the shop owenrs, or the parents watching their kid play in the playground, you get the setup for their NTR plots).
If you aren't into seeing these unfold, and are primarily interested in like main cast girls (Asuna/Sug), then you will be dissapointed, because Asuna has some meh to okay self reflection moments(final one of the .31 update is a great tip of the iceberg moment), but Sug has a the setup, but nothing really significant yet.

R: If you want a good ero game, and don't mind NTR this is probably 6/10 or lower. If you want a work in progress, but a eventful NTR experience, it's 8/10 if you are okay with Asuna not having a hard core scene yet, but a slow build up with a soft core finish with the current build.