Well from past experiences most of Fujino's 2 month updates are quite good. I personally am looking forward to it a lot.
I wonder how long slutsuna can last against Inoda's relentless assault haha.
I think the plot will be something like this. Inoda will pester Asuna with requests to masturbate him and he will be satisfied, but Asuna gets nothing from it. As a result, she will ask Inoda to have sex with her, but he will refuse her (if Fujino is ready to implement this option). As a result, Asuna will do what she feared Inoda would do - climb on his cock while he was sleeping or playing the game (in fact, Inoda will just pretend). Since Inoda will just be lying on the bed, Asuna will have to do everything herself and maybe even cheer herself up with dirty expressions (some kind of repetition of the events at the hotel in the game).
After that, Inoda will pretend that he has just woken up and accuse Asuna of "violence". And he will even be able to blackmail her with this for later having sex in reality, since he will have a video of Asuna fucking him while he sleeps)))
personally, I would prefer it to happen several times to show the complete collapse of the Asuna (the first time she fucks Inoda when he is really in the game, and then he sees it in his hidden camera, the second time he pretends and enjoys, the third time he "wakes up" and blames her), but I understand that such repetition will just inappropriately delay the game, so it won't happen(