LMAO, it's fine, confusions happen XP And no, it was more of an inference of his character by me, essentially during this scene in the Canon anime/the novels, it was very clear that Kirito was telling Asuna this because he WANTED her to come with him as otherwise he wouldn't, because she meant more to him than his whole future (Ugh

), but she obviously accepted. It should also be said this canonically only happened AFTER she had solved the issues with her mother, which was in the previous arc, so in the current NTR World of Fujino this petition is actually much worse in every way for both of them XD
Yeah, that's the thing, Fujino made ALL his previous games work off the extreme cliche NTR Tropes, insta-corruption, all girls around are sluts, everything runs off NTR logic, all MCs are unable to satisfy their girls at all, who are all sluts at heart that only crave big dicks, etc. People relatively liked them, though, for his niche audience, so he was going well with them, it's when he made this SAO game that he decided to try something different for the first time, but if you look back at Part 1 you can STILL see traces of that a lot, especially with all the minor NPCs/side-characters, all of them and the world still ran on the same logic as all his previous games, with Asuna and Suguha's stories being the only exceptions (And Suguha just barely as it still happened incredibly fast that she got easily tricked, blackmailed, and fucked by Hebishima through a series of convenient stupid things and Fujino having to twist the timeline on top of that so she wasn't already at peace with her feelings for Kirito XP).
That's why all the changes in part 2 are so different from all his previous works even more, and I feel that may be one of the reasons people complained a lot too, after being so 'popular' for years with games where the girls got insta-corrupted his decision to drag things on even more by having Asuna had a 'realistic' reaction towards Inoda after the rainy night probably made people even madder/more put-off than if he had already done this before, Fujino has never been the game-maker they expected to do things like these so a lot of his decisions have really come out of left field