
Jul 12, 2017
I think my review was quite fair. As far as RPGM games go this one is fairly high quality. Art is great, there's no grind, superb voice acting, and really easy to progress through. Beyond that, I'm not sure what you'd expect.

Guess I should've went
"Unplayable because pubic hair. If you hate how women have hair anywhere but their heads, don't play this game. Btw real life women have hair on other places than head so be careful when you go out."
Dude i'm not even saying what i am saying because of pubic hair or whatever (i haven't even been following that whole idiotic discussion that you guys have apparently been having for a while now already) , but the fact that this game is in all aspects a 3 stars game at most. The story it is telling has been done way too many times to even care about it, the art is mid tier at most, and it just gives off the feeling of being generic as hell.

Now you're free to think of it as the best game ever if you so wish, but in my book that is just telling me that you either have very low standards (the case with most people nowadays) or you just haven't played many hentai RPGs in general so you don't know better.

In the end what i am saying is that this game is in no way, shape or form a 5 star game, and before you ask me "but if it isn't, than what is?", go play something like Eclipse Knight Saga (now THAT is some real quality shit), or ASYLUM (or any of the other games from leaf geometry for that matter). Hell there are plenty of other games out there that may serve as an example.

Again this is in no way an attempt to shit on your taste in games, but the whole "But the ART is SuBjEcTiVe!!!" sort of excuse that people like to grab on to way too much these days doesn't and shouldn't work every damn time. That sort of shit got us to the point where any random idiot that can draw 3 concentric circles on a white background gets to call himself an artist.


Nov 30, 2018
because its a GAME and Not a Reality!!! TOUCH THE GRASS, BOY! kids this day are ridiculous. (i have intuition that you a a femenist or libtard)
In real life when you have breast this large they usually get surgically removed. It's a genetic defect in that the regulating hormones fail to control the growth. It's called Gigantomastia by the way. It's actually a disease. I find such a disease nauseous, and disgusting. Breasts are good when they are well proportioned to hit that sweet spot not when they are so large that they actually start causing problems with no extra benefits.


Apr 29, 2020
That sort of shit got us to the point where any random idiot that can draw 3 concentric circles on a white background gets to call himself an artist.
Nope that is mostly a problem of the art scene being an elaborate money laundering/investment scheme. Art isnt worth anything because its art. It is worth something because a bunch of rich assholes see it as an "investment" so they will buy up and promote "artists" to generate works they can hoard to inflate the cost generating wealth for themselves. All you have to do is find someone with a reasonable body of work buy all of it then pay to promote their work at exhibitions. Its not prestigious because its good. Its prestigious because its WORLD RENOWN and appears in a lot of galleries. Which are all paid for by the owners of the art or groups that were made for the explicit purpose of showcasing art. And shockingly most of those groups are owned by the people that own all of the art.

Art is part of the cultural zeitgeist. If the only people that give a shit about art are a bunch of rich assholes that are using it as an investment then its not art. Its a fucking stock market casino. Real art is the stuff you see made and presented everyday that people enjoy for its value and not what a bunch of dipshits use to gamble. Classical art has been dead for ages at this point ever since it was monetized to oblivion.
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Nov 18, 2022
Dude i'm not even saying what i am saying because of pubic hair or whatever (i haven't even been following that whole idiotic discussion that you guys have apparently been having for a while now already) , but the fact that this game is in all aspects a 3 stars game at most. The story it is telling has been done way too many times to even care about it, the art is mid tier at most, and it just gives off the feeling of being generic as hell.

Now you're free to think of it as the best game ever if you so wish, but in my book that is just telling me that you either have very low standards (the case with most people nowadays) or you just haven't played many hentai RPGs in general so you don't know better.

In the end what i am saying is that this game is in no way, shape or form a 5 star game, and before you ask me "but if it isn't, than what is?", go play something like Eclipse Knight Saga (now THAT is some real quality shit), or ASYLUM (or any of the other games from leaf geometry for that matter). Hell there are plenty of other games out there that may serve as an example.

Again this is in no way an attempt to shit on your taste in games, but the whole "But the ART is SuBjEcTiVe!!!" sort of excuse that people like to grab on to way too much these days doesn't and shouldn't work every damn time. That sort of shit got us to the point where any random idiot that can draw 3 concentric circles on a white background gets to call himself an artist.
Ahh, I see what you mean. The gameplay itself.

I must confess when I review games I review them on two facts, one of it being the art, and the other being playable as hentai games. In this case, the game has really nice art, and it delivers as a hentai game.

As in, you can simply boot it up and get to the meat and potatoes within the first hour and keep playing. To address what you have said, I did play many of the adult RPGs here, both WEGs and Japanese DLsite titles, and a good portion of games this year haven't really caught my eye on this aspect. Often the art is grand, but then the gameplay is tedious and grindy. A game about sex fantasies shouldn't have me talk to every NPC or repeat an action a dozen times for one CG. I also shouldn't have to memorize a complex battle system just so I can get off. I also am a massive JRPG nerd, been playing these since the 90s with games like Phantasy Star, and while having immersive JRPGs is nice, I don't want to commit my brain to strategies when I play a hentai game.

So yeah, that's my grounds on my review. I gave it a 4 star which I feel is very fair for the quality of this product.
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Jun 27, 2020
Windows 10

This error does not appear in all games.
If none of these troubleshooting steps for common hentai game problems work then I'm out of ideas.
  • Have the previously mentioned Microsoft Visual C++, both 32bit and 64bit
  • Have DirectX End-User runtime installed
  • Be on Japanese system locale(not an emulator)
  • Make sure file path isn't too long(depending on how you extract you may have "RJ01143019-Sword_Demon_Bargo>RJ01143019-Sword_Demon_Bargo>" so rename the second one to 1 or something)
  • Don't open in sandbox
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Reactions: StormXP


Aug 27, 2018
In real life when you have breast this large they usually get surgically removed. It's a genetic defect in that the regulating hormones fail to control the growth. It's called Gigantomastia by the way. It's actually a disease. I find such a disease nauseous, and disgusting. Breasts are good when they are well proportioned to hit that sweet spot not when they are so large that they actually start causing problems with no extra benefits.
my brother in christ, you are complaining about fucking fiction

explain it away with magic or something, just don't throw a pissy fit over something that is fictional by design.


Jul 23, 2018
I think my review was quite fair. As far as RPGM games go this one is fairly high quality. Art is great, there's no grind, superb voice acting, and really easy to progress through. Beyond that, I'm not sure what you'd expect.

Guess I should've went
"Unplayable because pubic hair. If you hate how women have hair anywhere but their heads, don't play this game. Btw real life women have hair on other places than head so be careful when you go out."
if it makes it any better i hate it on men aswell and on myself also were playing games that are porn not actual people so equating real women to objectified drawings is stupid i dont expect real women to do anything they dont want to do to there bodies and the whole reason i like drawings is that no real people are being put through anything in order to get my rocks off.


Jul 23, 2018
Why is it that EVERY TIME a woman has a nice, thick bush, you get a bunch of man children whining about pubic hair, but when the women have none and look like fucking mannequins, as they usually do, nobody says a word?

Anyway, I played this in Japanese and one thing I remember it lacking is a good penetration scene. For as scrumptious as her hairy pussy looks, you never get a good view of it taking the meat.
asking if theres an option to turn it off isnt whining its asking im sorry i find it gross i cant control my tastes im not shitting on you liking it thats cool and if there isnt an option to do so thats fine ill play a game that has ether the option or just doesnt have pubic hair.


Jul 12, 2017
Ahh, I see what you mean. The gameplay itself.

I must confess when I review games I review them on two facts, one of it being the art, and the other being playable as hentai games. In this case, the game has really nice art, and it delivers as a hentai game.

As in, you can simply boot it up and get to the meat and potatoes within the first hour and keep playing. To address what you have said, I did play many of the adult RPGs here, both WEGs and Japanese DLsite titles, and a good portion of games this year haven't really caught my eye on this aspect. Often the art is grand, but then the gameplay is tedious and grindy. A game about sex fantasies shouldn't have me talk to every NPC or repeat an action a dozen times for one CG. I also shouldn't have to memorize a complex battle system just so I can get off. I also am a massive JRPG nerd, been playing these since the 90s with games like Phantasy Star, and while having immersive JRPGs is nice, I don't want to commit my brain to strategies when I play a hentai game.

So yeah, that's my grounds on my review. I gave it a 4 star which I feel is very fair for the quality of this product.
Cool, i get what you mean and it's okay to want the games to be less of a hassle to get anywhere (personally i am more of a "give me more stuff to do!" type of guy), but my post was more directed to those people who gave this game 5 stars which is just baffling...


Nov 30, 2018
my brother in christ, you are complaining about fucking fiction

explain it away with magic or something, just don't throw a pissy fit over something that is fictional by design.
No, I'm not complaining. I am saying why people find these ones fugly.


May 1, 2020
If none of these troubleshooting steps for common hentai game problems work then I'm out of ideas.
  • Have the previously mentioned Microsoft Visual C++, both 32bit and 64bit
  • Have DirectX End-User runtime installed
  • Be on Japanese system locale(not an emulator)
  • Make sure file path isn't too long(depending on how you extract you may have "RJ01143019-Sword_Demon_Bargo>RJ01143019-Sword_Demon_Bargo>" so rename the second one to 1 or something)
  • Don't open in sandbox

Thanks for the help, I'll just delete the game)
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Jul 12, 2017
Thanks for the help, I'll just delete the game)
Bro, you really aren't missing out on much by not playing this game believe me, so don't beat yourself too much about it... The best advice i can give you is to just unpack the CG's, see for yourself how disappointingly little content there actually is and then just forget it ever existed.
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4.20 star(s) 5 Votes