I didn't take a screenshot so don't remember which character said it but one of them called him MC in my last playthrough
To be fair, unless someone was
first a programmer (or similar) and
then a storyteller, it can be easy to make that mistake. I've seen the variable of
[MC] be used but brackets forgotten, so "MC" was shown instead. I've seen decently often that the default name instead of the variable gets used. That's generally somewhat common with developers I work with, whether as a beta tester or a proofreader. One developer even self-inserted. While I also saw that the default name of the MC was common instead of the variable replacement, I even saw an instance where
the developer's name (not the MC's) was hard-coded. LMAO.
If the developer has a proofreader (this one may or may not; IDK) then it's only fair also to lay blame on them, since they're supposed to catch that type of thing. And everyone makes mistakes, obviously, but it doesn't mean they're not at fault for missing it.