Here's an overpowered clean slate savefile made by editing certain values for people that want that, extract it to [username]/appdata/roaming/TalesOfAndrogyny (you can access appdata folder by pushing windows button + r, it opens up a run prompt and type %appdata% and click OK, dunno about other platforms, i'm a windows user), it's the quicksave.json so you have to load the quicksave once you start the game in order to play it, i made it so it already has the best gear (i didn't go to get chastity, but there's enough soul crystals / magic points if you want to ugrade it or get some spellls).
If you want to edit the character name, just open the file in any text editor and ctrl+f "name": "Hiro", and replace that Hiro with whatever you like but a word of warning before you do any edits, always make a back up of the save files you are about to edit, because if you goof something up, the savefile will corrupt and you will receive a heart attack when you load that save (just kidding, it just opens up with the TROJA encounter and your save will be broken after that).
Want to have a different class? Just ctrl+f "jobClass": "THIEF", and edit that thief either into WARRIOR, PALADIN, THIEF (dunno why you would edit it into that since it's already it but whatever), RANGER, MAGE, ENCHANTRESS, BITCH, MARE, BUNNY, QUEEN, PROSTITUTE, SCHOOLGIRL or LEWD_SCHOOLGIRL, you have to use ALL CAPS because it's case sensitive.
Want to change race? Ctrl+f "race": "Elfblood", and change that into "Lowlander", (default race), "Highlander", "Mountainman", or "Orcblood", Case sensitive, first letter must be capitalized.
Want to change hair color? Easiest way to do this is to go to the salon in the town of monsters, editing the save file is way more work and if you do not know what you're doing, you can corrupt your save file.
Want to change eye color? Ctrl+f "eyeColor": "Golden", and change that golden into "Blue", "Pink" or remove the line completely for teal (default color), case sensitive, first letter must be capitalized
Want to change breast size? Ctrl+f "breast": "LITTLE", and completely remove that line to make it flat (default size) or change the "LITTLE" into "HANDFUL" or "FUN", has to be all caps, it's case sensitive.
Want to change the size of your butt? Ctrl+f "bootyliciousness": "Fat", and change that "Fat" into "Round" or remove the line completely for it to be a Bubble (default size), first letter must be capitalized
Want to change penis size? Ctrl+f "phallus": "AVERAGE", and change that average into "TINY", "SMALL" or remove the line completely for cute (default size), all caps once more and you know the drill by now.
Want to change feminity?" ctrl+f "feminity": "EFFEMINATE", and change that effeminate into "MASCULINE", "UNMASCULINE", "GIRLY", "FEMININE" or completely remove that line for it to be androgynous (default "femininity").
There's also up to date 100% profile for version if you want to use it, full gallery, all outfits unlocked and maximum bonus points for new character creation.
Oh man, i spent way too much time making this guide, there also might be typos or some information might be incorrect, i tried to test them at the same time i was making the guide so it "should" work, a good time for me to remind to always back up your files before you do edits, huh?