This game gets hard quick. I really wish I could finish it, but Im hardstuck in zone 3. I cant go more than halfway with full concentration. The cards you get with levels arent enough to feel stronger. Some are really cool, most are not, and everytime I try the other skills, I get smashed, so no progression on that front. Even just one point improvement per card after 5 levels would be enough to not feel like Im not making any progress, but its just more cards and by end game there are so many you rarely get what you need.
Any tips? What card are worth upgrading? I typically upgrade strength cards and healing first on Shryke, and maybe weak and feeble. Kinda the same with Elaria. What character upgrades are important and in what order. I always choose +1 energy and then +1 card.
have a small deck, don't take cards that arent "really good" as they will just bloat your deck
0 cost cards are almost always really good, except if you get too many of them
like if you have 5 healing potions or something, you might draw too many in one turn and basically waste your turn
you can easily win the game as Shryke with something like 3-4 jabs, couple of healpots, a couple of hunter sigils, a warden's resolve or two and maybe a swipe
oh and remember to remove the starter cards like strike or shield once you get replacements, they are straight up worse than having warden's resolve to pull more jabs
+1 energy then +1 card is good, I tried going +1 card +1 card when I had a LOT of 0cost cards and it worked just fine