
Sep 1, 2019
Its a bit grindy, graphics are fun, audio is fun. Could have more H animations, could be a little faster. I'd recommend turning off the draw card animations. Basically, everything it does well, it does very well. and everything else is ok.

It IS a complete game. It clearly has space for more. A DLC with a corruption mechanic would be fun.

the big thing is more H animations, just in general. maybe a right click to instant play instead of drag to play? and a shortcut to end turn?


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
Well, the comment section's view of the game ranges from "complete waste of time, play Last Evil" (which I did last night, long live Black Hole) to "absolutely fantastic, must have GotY -ign"

Sooooo it looks like I'll have to play n' judge for myself if I wanna know. :confused:
Probably partially because 1.0 release was really badly balanced and far too easy and they just about immediately made balance changes (Like within 2 days). It also depends on if the reviewer has actually played GOOD deck builder games before or not. It might look good against typical H games because they're often so low effort, but it doesn't really compare to legit games of the genre in depth/variety at all. It looks polished and is a rather "complete" game, it's sad that that alone makes it seem amazing to a lot of people lol. At least the devs seem like they're willing to improve and continue working on it. It sounds like it's in a bit better place now than 1.0.

So how you feel about this depends on the version you played and if you've played stuff like Slay the Spire/Last Evil before. These deck builder games are becoming really popular for H games now, so hopefully people will expect a bit more from them eventually. They can be amazing if they have enough variety in build options, but most H devs don't seem to want to take the time to flesh them out and balance them.
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May 19, 2017
The cards reserved for higher levels on the heroines are fucking bonkers. And some of them feel out of order.

The Rogue goes from being excruciating to play to being the most broken of the three--the Forage card gives you herbs for free and Sleight of Hand lets you draw up to four cards. Pair that with the skill Winds of the Vale and as many Pocketwatches or Sneaky Surprises as you can cram in your deck and you can, as with the Priestess, shuffle your whole deck in a single turn.

But it gets better. Kunai do up to 5 base damage and are free to use. There's a 1-cost card that gives you three of them. The Apothecary card lets you make decently strong strength potions for 2-cost, which means that even without the Forager card you can multiply those damage boosts by however many kunai you end up with after abusing Sleight of Hand.

It takes a while, but with this deck Dusk can clear just about anything in a single turn--as long as you keep your deck free of "clutter" by removing all the helpful cards that might prevent you from completing a loop by taking up space, like poison bombs or whips or whatever.

The Warrior's deck gets interesting too--I thought that the shield builds were weird, but it looks like she can basically set herself on fire (get a bunch of injury cards) to do more damage on an attack, and then deal insane damage based on how many of those injury cards she has in her deck. High risk, high reward, and totally unnecessary with the content and enemies in the game at the moment. Especially since her heals are all consumables.

The I haven't seen what her high-level cards do. Unless Devout Calling can summon multiple spirits in a single use, it doesn't seem worth it. And the ability to pop one of your spirits into health points is busted, but so is Providence.

So far what I hate the most is how the money cards work. Priestess summoning up to four mice to rob a helpless slime is hilarious, and so is Dusk pickpocketing infuriated undead, but it encourages players who want to rack up XP to level their heroines to just...harass neutered enemies until they have enough gold to abuse the shop.

I think it'd be better if money cards were risky. Earning, say, up to fifty gold--and being a consumable--but costing three or four energy. Basically give up your turn for cash, one time per card.

Or if the players talking about battle-fucking and corruption get their way, the heroines getting fucked by monsters gives them debuffs or something and the money cards do something similar. Maybe make them more vulnerable to getting knocked over or lowering their attack or defense for a threatening value. That way players need to work around the risk of robbing their enemies blind, or risk being unprepared for the big bosses by playing it safe through the levels.

...and bring back the big-titty battle sprite for the priestess.


May 19, 2017
Whoof. I was wrong about the ideal decks for the Rogue and Priestess--sort of.

Using the kunai belt repeatedly can let Dusk rack up an endless supply of them when she's started a deck loop using Calculated Risk and Sleight of Hand, but then your deck is massively swollen with kunai if you ever need to move past that turn. So ideally, you use one kunai, one double-slash, and one whip while endlessly looping strength potions using the Alchemist and Apothecary cards (the devs misspelled Apothecary in the game). Keeps that clutter limited so you can start a loop again if you need to.
Also, spamming Crowdfunding on five enemies who can't do anything because you're in a loop is hilarious. Just watch those coins pile up. At higher levels (not much point reaching them, really) she gets access to a card that gives her random smoke bombs--looping one of these endlessly would easily be the most broken thing in the game.

Priestess isn't actually that complicated if you just want to win. Use Elven Fortune instead of Overcharge and Cleansing Rite to fuel those Providences and you can cycle your deck enough to rack up four overpowered, fully charged spirits who'll clear the field for you in a few turns. And if you want to grind gold all you really need are several Warrior's Gifts and those Lesser Mend cards, then spam rodents on a single weak enemy. Even easier with the weakness rays keeping certain enemies from doing any damage, ever.

I really hope the devs have more planned for this game. Had lots of fun playing around with the three characters and figuring out their builds. Or figuring out how to have fun, rather--Rogue really sucked in the beginning and I learned to hate seeing shields when playing Warrior. Priestess is the one who taught me that yes, eliminating certain cards from your deck can make the game a lot easier once you've got a build going that those cards don't improve.
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May 11, 2017
Anyone else feel like priestess is extremely RNG reliant for a successful build? At least at a low level.

With the other 2 I was able to finish quite easily in 1-3 tries (rogue was especially easy). While I'm on like attempt 8 or 9 with priestess and unable to clear area 2

Warrior was just stacking armor and consumables with preparation/potion bag and doing big damage with heavy slash and heavy thrust.

Rogue just has unlimited energy and insane card draw speed with calculated delay and sneaky surprise. Plus low risk to damage taken thanks to stealth.. and if any is taken just go full apothecary mode while hidden

Priestess on the other hand just falls apart if you either don't get faith card drops or you just happen to just not draw faith cards in a risky situation. Too much mend/debuffs means you risk losing the ability to do any damage at all, but without them her low HP means she can easily get whittled down.
I end up using special skill with priestess way way less than the others because I need to use it to conserve either faith cards or spirits when I have bad hands... which is often.

If I don't get summoner's focus or providence early on the run is essentially DOA
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Jan 5, 2022
does anyone have a problem with the resolution? despite setting it to 1280 x 720 it cuts my game screen by at least 20%, even when i make it fullscreen.

note that i have a 1280 x 1024 resolution monitor, i'm not sure if it's my spec or the game itself.
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New Member
Apr 2, 2020
A critical game update v1.4 has been released: big boobs for summoner.
I desperately hope that the game will be updated here, before that there is no point in playing it.


Jan 22, 2019
Whoof. I was wrong about the ideal decks for the Rogue and Priestess--sort of.

Using the kunai belt repeatedly can let Dusk rack up an endless supply of them when she's started a deck loop using Calculated Risk and Sleight of Hand, but then your deck is massively swollen with kunai if you ever need to move past that turn. So ideally, you use one kunai, one double-slash, and one whip while endlessly looping strength potions using the Alchemist and Apothecary cards (the devs misspelled Apothecary in the game). Keeps that clutter limited so you can start a loop again if you need to.
Also, spamming Crowdfunding on five enemies who can't do anything because you're in a loop is hilarious. Just watch those coins pile up. At higher levels (not much point reaching them, really) she gets access to a card that gives her random smoke bombs--looping one of these endlessly would easily be the most broken thing in the game.

Priestess isn't actually that complicated if you just want to win. Use Elven Fortune instead of Overcharge and Cleansing Rite to fuel those Providences and you can cycle your deck enough to rack up four overpowered, fully charged spirits who'll clear the field for you in a few turns. And if you want to grind gold all you really need are several Warrior's Gifts and those Lesser Mend cards, then spam rodents on a single weak enemy. Even easier with the weakness rays keeping certain enemies from doing any damage, ever.

I really hope the devs have more planned for this game. Had lots of fun playing around with the three characters and figuring out their builds. Or figuring out how to have fun, rather--Rogue really sucked in the beginning and I learned to hate seeing shields when playing Warrior. Priestess is the one who taught me that yes, eliminating certain cards from your deck can make the game a lot easier once you've got a build going that those cards don't improve.
i wouldn't use elven fortunes instead of overload if were talking the ideal priestess deck. elven fortune's finite mana and card draw isn't going to be better than using the overload + providence loop which is a true infinite. The nice thing about elven fortunes is they're never a dead card in hand so if you pick them up while you're trying to find overload and providence you'll at least never have to worry about getting rid of them later. they're also consumable so they thin out your deck as you use them in battle so they wont mess up your infinite loop. i used them the first couple runs before i realized how to generate infinite mana but after that i stopped bothering with them. this is my checklist for an ideal priestess deck

1x bee spirits
1x cleansing rite
1x overload (+1 required)
2x providence (+2 required)
3x minor enfeeble

2x boot powerups

the only reason you really need bee spirits is sometimes you will face more than 4 targets. usually in this case one or more of the targets are the type that flees battle but since you can only choose the first target your spirits kill there's going to be cases where you might get screwed up by enemy order. this only really means that sometimes you wont turn one kill groups you otherwise would have with bees so honestly this deck runs just fine with 1 fox spirit if there's never a good time to switch to bees during your run. there's no point in picking up any other summons because all your damage comes from the infinite amount of minor enfeebles you can cast in one turn. I've never needed to pick up rats for gold generation either so for me i don't think its necessary but you should get rid of them as soon as you don't need them.

once you have 2 boot powerups this deck will always have at least one providence in your beginning hand. you can start a battle by playing 3 spells: summon bees or cast minor enfeebles, at that point you will now have a total of 4 cards in the draw pile. play providence. you will now have every card in your deck in hand except for one providence. from there play overload which puts itself in the draw pile plus two fatigues which brings you to a total of 4 cards in your draw pile again. play your other providence you now have one more mana then you had before and again have all the cards in your deck in hand besides one providence. keep doing this if you need to generate mana. when you want to cast spell just remember to never put more than 4 cards into your draw pile at a time and save one mana so you can always draw everything back with a providence.

this deck is 100% guaranteed to have infinite mana and infinite card draw turn one so there's nothing it cant turn 1 kill except for undead. if you want to kill even undead turn one you'll need to replace cleansing rite with purify and get a third providence. you wont need cleansing rite anymore anyway because there's nothing that can survive one turn against you. you'll need the extra providence because purify puts 3 fatigues into the draw pile. once you've started the infinite loop you will always have 1 providence in your draw pile. after casting purify you will have 5 cards in your draw pile which is too many to pick up with one providence. what you'll need to do is throw the 3 minor enfeebles into the draw pile to bring your draw pile 2 a total of 8 then cast two providence.

i don't really care enough about turn one killing undead to make the deck more complicated so i prefer the first version. its simple elegant and concise. if they ever change purify to only create 2 fatigue cards then it will be perfect for this deck, or maybe someone can check if there's a purify +1 that only makes 2 fatigue cards? I haven't been able to check yet.
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New Member
Mar 30, 2018
Anyone else feel like priestess is extremely RNG reliant for a successful build? At least at a low level.
Not even the teeny tiniest itty bitty bit. If anything she gets worse the higher level you go with her because more cards enter the pool when her best stuff is her basic stuff.

Here's the dealio: defenses in this game are comically overpowered and consistent relative to the opposition you face and Elaria is no exception--Weaken is probably the single strongest non-looping effect in the game and she's the best at it, so happy birthday. Elaria can flawlessly facetank entire crowds by playing a Weakening Light or two. Meanwhile, her fox pet combo can already scale up hard enough that it can carry you to at least act 3 without anything outside your base kit--I'm not *sure* they can beat every encounter there, but only because I've always switched to a single bee by then to speed things up. Seriously, here's my total noob strategy guide for Elaria: Upgrade your Weakening Rays. Stick with a single Spiritual Strength since more buffage is totally unnecessary but can plausibly clog your hand at an inopportune time. Use your gold and shop resets to add fully Upgraded Weakening Lights. Replace your fox with a single bee at some point then start removing Weakening Rays once you have 3 fully upgraded Weakening Lights--that'll speed up your offense just by tightening the turn around time on Tokens and Spiritual Strength such that you need no longer worry about letting a buffed pet evaporate. Also, you don't *need* a Warrior's Gift, but adding a single one is nice and makes you extra invincible if you can get it. You don't actually want bullshit like Providence because Elaria doesn't need it if she isn't looping and adding cards to your deck for no reason makes it so you waste time and energy on faith generators when the first two tokens you start with are actually enough. Because of that dynamic Elaria can consistently win with thousands of gold left over--I managed it on my first unspoilered try!--because all she cares about is having 13-ish cards--several of which she starts with--on a tight rotation. This game is piss easy but even by that standard she's dummy OP even without the infinite loop stuff being talked about upthread.

Fun fact: I have never actually had a character get below 50% health in Tamer Vale and whenever people explain their infinite loop rogue combos instead of just smacking things in the face with weakness they just seem like this to me:

Screenshot 2023-09-07 165517.png

Anyway, Dusk wasn't difficult to play either due to the game's laughably overtuned defenses but I really, really aggressively hate her gameplay just by dint of the sheer interface tedium her initial loadout pushes. In the early game you can drag 9 fucking cards and get 13 damage out of it. That's a god damned war crime. Her gimmick is literally that she trades a usable interface in exchange for combo bullshit meant to provide solutions to problems that do not actually exist in the game at present. Night elves are practically my fetish and I still hope her fictional ass burns in hell.
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Jan 22, 2019
Not even the teeny tiniest itty bitty bit. If anything she gets worse the higher level you go with her because more cards enter the pool when her best stuff is her basic stuff.

Here's the dealio: defenses in this game are comically overpowered and consistent relative to the opposition you face and Elaria is no exception--Weaken is probably the single strongest non-looping effect in the game and she's the best at it, so happy birthday. Elaria can flawlessly facetank entire crowds by playing a Weakening Light or two. Meanwhile, her fox pet combo can already scale up hard enough that it can carry you to at least act 3 without anything outside your base kit--I'm not *sure* they can beat every encounter there, but only because I've always switched to a single bee by then to speed things up. Seriously, here's my total noob strategy guide for Elaria: Upgrade your Weakening Rays. Stick with a single Spiritual Strength since more buffage is totally unnecessary but can plausibly clog your hand at an inopportune time. Use your gold and shop resets to add fully Upgraded Weakening Lights. Replace your fox with a single bee at some point then start removing Weakening Rays once you have 3 fully upgraded Weakening Lights--that'll speed up your offense just by tightening the turn around time on Tokens and Spiritual Strength such that you need no longer worry about letting a buffed pet evaporate. Also, you don't *need* a Warrior's Gift, but adding a single one is nice and makes you extra invincible if you can get it. You don't actually want bullshit like Providence because Elaria doesn't need it if she isn't looping and adding cards to your deck for no reason makes it so you waste time and energy on faith generators when the first two tokens you start with are actually enough. Because of that dynamic Elaria can consistently win with thousands of gold left over--I managed it on my first unspoilered try!--because all she cares about is having 13-ish cards--several of which she starts with--on a tight rotation. This game is piss easy but even by that standard she's dummy OP even without the infinite loop stuff being talked about upthread.

Fun fact: I have never actually had a character get below 50% health in Tamer Vale and whenever people explain their infinite loop rogue combos instead of just smacking things in the face with weakness they just seem like this to me:

View attachment 2912608

Anyway, Dusk wasn't difficult to play either due to the game's laughably overtuned defenses but I really, really aggressively hate her gameplay just by dint of the sheer interface tedium her initial loadout pushes. In the early game you can drag 9 fucking cards and get 13 damage out of it. That's a god damned war crime. Her gimmick is literally that she trades a usable interface in exchange for combo bullshit meant to provide solutions to problems that do not actually exist in the game at present. Night elves are practically my fetish and I still hope her fictional ass burns in hell.
you certainly don't need to do any infinite loops to beat this game, its more just the fun of finding degenerate combos and making them work.


May 19, 2017
i wouldn't use elven fortunes instead of overload if were talking the ideal priestess deck. elven fortune's finite mana and card draw isn't going to be better than using the overload + providence loop which is a true infinite...

this deck is 100% guaranteed to have infinite mana and infinite card draw turn one
Solid analysis and in-depth explanation. Your build is definitely better because it can't really fail if you know what you're doing, but using Elven Fortunes is nice once you get enough of them (by abusing the shop, generally) because your deck becomes increasingly easy to cycle and manage as you use them up. Then, if you need to go to turn 2 or beyond, you still have lingering buffs and debuffs or boosted damage and your deck is so small that you can pretty much always get whatever you need anyway. The major downside (beyond the lack of infinite mana) is that you need to grind for gold in order to abuse the restock feature, and that sucks.

As for that, uh,, not technically. So long as your deck size surpasses your hand size, there's a chance that you won't draw a Providence card on the first turn. I counted ten in your list, and heroines draw five cards by default, right? With two Providence cards in that deck, you can end up with hands that see them both sitting in the draw pile on turn one. What the exact odds of that happening are I'm not sure, but it happens.
1.4 changes:

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Cool, thanks. Let's see...
Priestess got her appearance un-nerfed, nice.
They...encouraged farming for gold by making shit more expensive.
New enemy made to discourage gold farming on one specific elite enemy. Odd...
Shryke got buffed. Hilarious.
Elaria also got buffed. Why though?
And Dusk can no longer endlessly pull items from between her tits or generate infinite kunai. That...yeah, I had questions about that. Video game logic is a hell of a drug, huh?


Jan 22, 2019
Solid analysis and in-depth explanation. Your build is definitely better because it can't really fail if you know what you're doing, but using Elven Fortunes is nice once you get enough of them (by abusing the shop, generally) because your deck becomes increasingly easy to cycle and manage as you use them up. Then, if you need to go to turn 2 or beyond, you still have lingering buffs and debuffs or boosted damage and your deck is so small that you can pretty much always get whatever you need anyway. The major downside (beyond the lack of infinite mana) is that you need to grind for gold in order to abuse the restock feature, and that sucks.

As for that, uh,, not technically. So long as your deck size surpasses your hand size, there's a chance that you won't draw a Providence card on the first turn. I counted ten in your list, and heroines draw five cards by default, right? With two Providence cards in that deck, you can end up with hands that see them both sitting in the draw pile on turn one. What the exact odds of that happening are I'm not sure, but it happens.

Cool, thanks. Let's see...
Priestess got her appearance un-nerfed, nice.
They...encouraged farming for gold by making shit more expensive.
New enemy made to discourage gold farming on one specific elite enemy. Odd...
Shryke got buffed. Hilarious.
Elaria also got buffed. Why though?
And Dusk can no longer endlessly pull items from between her tits or generate infinite kunai. That...yeah, I had questions about that. Video game logic is a hell of a drug, huh?
ya the elven fortunes are really good cards, and i expect the dev will eventually patch out the infinite mana loop so eventually it will be better to have those.

the turn one infinite mana and card draw is actually guaranteed. You're mistaken about the card count. There's 8 cards in the deck and 2 boot power ups bring your hand size up to 7. There's two providence so there's no possible configuration where you don't have at least one providence in hand. i think you counted the boot power-ups i listed as cards.

with the purify version you have 9 cards because you need an extra providence but again you are guaranteed at least one providence because all 3 providence cannot begin in the deck in any starting hand configuration.


New Member
Mar 30, 2018
What kind of crack are people smoking to think that this game requires any defensive buffs? The entire game already plays as if the devs tried another deck battler once and got incredibly pissed off when they didn't draw their block cards at the right time. I know RNG makes the smooth brains set tilt but this game wouldn't actually be so grindy if the devs let offense scale harder and kept defense the same or even nerfed it somewhat. As it is you can reach inevitability with just a few choice defensive picks but then actually winning quickly from there can feel like a bit of a slog--hell, currently my favorite rogue build is to remove all the hidden and herb cards from the deck and just run feeble along with enough weakening and Gifts to passively stay alive while spamming pointy bits to the face. The turn count on such builds isn't impressive but at least each individual turn doesn't require dragging nearly a dozen cards around.
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Conversation Conqueror
Sep 5, 2018
I got through like 3 maps on the first character, and it didn't grip me. It's just too basic and easy. Money just piles up with nothing to spend it on. Most cards are not useful enough to take. Gold cards are very underwhelming. Infinite card removal/upgrade by rerolling cards. No artifacts (other than the basic boss artifacts).

Lovely pixel art though. However, the porn aspect is essentially zero, so the game would have made them more money by taking out the porn and keeping the sexy chicks.
3.80 star(s) 110 Votes