The following review is based off my personal experience with playing this Game/Visual Novel... I try to be as brutally honest and detailed as I can, and these are my own opinions and thoughts, from one or more play throughs...
(12/07/2017 - Review of v2.0)
Ok, I played the 2.0 version of this visual novel/game and for the most part the script was fun and interesting, although there were a few spelling errors, but only a few... I enjoyed the story and the interactions through out the home, and even enjoyed figuring out what to do next... My only qualm was that there was ALOT of repeating of scene text even though sometimes it was altered in certain parts depending if you were pushing the main plot along... The repeated text could probably be shortened to help the story feel more like it was going forward at a steady pace without having the space bar through the repeated text every time...
The visuals were very good, and I enjoyed the plot... Because of the repeat in text and some visuals, the plot did move a bit slow at times, and felt like it was constantly teasing you with just a tiny bit more than the previous game day, before doing it again the next game day... After several hours of game play it ended with another character entering the story, which I kinda felt like it was one of those doh!! moments, as I felt the plot was finally gaining some momentum, then pow a wrench was thrown into the works followed by a cliff hanger (since it stopped at that point)... I don't want to say I was annoyed, but I did feel ever so slightly disappointed, as the story had me hooked...
It'll be interesting where the authors actually take this VN/game's story as it continues, but I hope it doesn't continue to tease again with yet another character as another possible love interest, and who knows what is up with the mom and dad... Because of the time investment up to the point it stopped, I did feel unsatisfied with how it abruptly stopped, but I understand it's not a finished product... I also hope there aren't huge plot twists in this vn/games future that might take away from what already exists...
I felt like it was playing out like a love story, which I was enjoying, but with the addition of Vicky, I don't know now what will happen going forward... Will it continue it's trend, or become more chaotic? (monkey wrench's are not always good if you throw too many) Only time will tell...
I'll have to wait till it's done before I revisit it, because I couldn't handle another piece of the pie when I want the whole enchilada...
(01/05/2018 - Review Update - v3.1 Beta)
Because I really enjoyed the content from the previous version I decided to try out the next update and I have some mixed feelings...
I do still like this VN/game, but it's a bit confusing about what direction the story is going now... As there seems to be the introduction of several twists in the story, or at least hints at what direction the story may possibly go...
As an example, with the addition of the Maid into the story, she appears to have some underhanded plans involving the protagonist and his sister, which makes my protective senses fire off... The story through v2.0 was lengthy and there was already something brewing with the parents, without more plot twisting with the maid... I sort of felt the story was more focused on the love/romance story side of things previously, but now it seems to be shifting more towards a lust vibe, with lots of bad guy twists thrown into the mix... I don't know if I should be worried, or if it will not be as big of a deal (aka as much of a monkey wrench thrown into the works) as I fear it might be... The protagonist seems to be shifting more from a loving romance/seducing sister motif to a, I want my way with all the hot women around me motif, with the introduction of the Maid... And the Maid seems to be another copy of the protagonists mother, since she has no real interest in the wellbeing of the two main characters... She's just doing what ever it is she's doing, to get money, with no interest in the protagonist or his sister...
Now, they do give a few more details about the parent twist, which makes you really understand why the protagonist hates his mother... Because she is selfish and could really care less about her kids wellbeing... Who knows, maybe she's in league with the Maid and her evil plot? Don't know, and not sure I want to know...
All that sub-plotting, and then add in the costume stuff along with what keeps being hinted as the torture room... What are their plans for that? Because this update seems to be hinting at the protagonist and his sister doing stuff in their costumes, in the storage room... I really hope the personality of the sister is not going to completely and utterly altered into some S&M sadist... I thought with v2.0 that this was more a love story, not a domination story... Who knows, as this is just teasing of possibilities at this moment in the story, nothing actually concrete at this point...
Overall, I still like this visual novel/game, but i have reservations with not really knowing what true direction the author's have for it... I hope it doesn't go off the deep end, because what drew me in was the love story, possible romance stuff, that even though yes the protagonist lusts after his sister, he still loves her and showed compassion for her in v2.0... And if it begins completely going crazy with subplots and bad guys who have it out for the protagonist and his sister, and their relationship suffers and becomes something twisted and without compassion, just something totally perverted and without love, I'm not sure I'll continue following along with it... Only time will tell, as it's really up in the air right now, with this update adding a lot more questions then answers...