I must confess I felt a bit embarrassed after reading posts #4685 and #4686.
Yes, this thread is ridiculous at the moment but how can we discuss a game that doesn't exist? There's not even much point still talking about the 1.6s when 2.0 looks like being a major reboot rather than just an update - especially now as it's so tantalizingly close now I can almost smell it!
I visit this thread every day hoping for news of 2.0 and I'd much rather see some crazy shit that will make me laugh than a blank page.
Having said all that, maybe someone should spend Christmas deleting about 80% of the recent posts so we won't look foolish when the 'Cool Kids' from other threads visit ours in future!
I did start a little Photoshop project yesterday but I aborted it after a couple of hours when I finally admitted to myself that my talent is silly ideas and not Photoshop. It was going to be a tableau featuring all the TP characters plus nuns, penguins, all your favourite foodstuffs a Cookie Monster and nearly everything else that had been mentioned since Patreongate. Sorry my fellow pirates. I feel I've let you down during our darkest hour.
Well, I also felt a bit embarrassed. I have however done a quick search for Chocolate Chip Cookies and found my first post from the Patreon situation where some unknown person suggested them. That was Message #3630 on October 28th. So while the Formidable Food Fanatic Foundation (tm) has been active the situation isn't completely terrible. The Food debates didn't really take off until this month or maybe late Nov, and even so there have been other interesting (and Game related) discussions and posts.
If the Food talk has offended anyone I do apologize. It was meant as a little silly fun while waiting for the various problems
@irredeemable had to be straightened out. Perhaps things went a bit extreme, but they have kept this thread alive for more than a month and a half, giving Deem time to work through his problems (and hopefully give us all some laughs). Yes, it increased the number of posts and pages here, but we escaped the majority of posts dealing with Patreon so I feel it was an overall win.
Now to be silly. Hey Deem do I get a Cookie for my research and work to drag your game into the Kitchen.

@Meghan's Dad, There is a Fan Art thread for this game, so I say make us some Wonderful pics for the Holiday season(though I don't personally agree with eating small Antarctic birds).
Just some thoughts, an apology, and some silliness.