Haven't read the forums since the last time I posted but sometimes I hear what's being said second-hand, despite my efforts to avoid it.
As for the content issue last time I checked the game was nearly 40,000 words. The largest previous update was update 5, the line total for it was less than a thousand. Just in the new files alone (that is, stuff that's directly content related) 2.0 is already over 2000 lines. That does not include any of the new map code, or any of the hundreds of lines of rewriting both old code and dialogue. You're free to extract the scripts and compare if you'd like.
As for renders, there are 90-something in the most recent build, but there will be probably 150 total. Update 5 had about 100, but many of those I added later and there was very little animation in 5. Right now it's looking like 2.0 will have about 900 frames of brand new animation in 2 scenes that I think are much higher quality than anything I've done previously. That's not including recontextualized and rerendered animations
As for the fundamental changes, I have made every effort to be in full compliance with Patreon's community guidelines. The thing about that is, though, it's really only the superficial changes that I regret having to make. The more substantive changes, specifically the removal of MC, I think are good for the game. As I said on Patreon at the time, I thought writing the MC scenes was incredibly boring and I'm sure that showed. Gameplay-wise it was just a grind and it often lead to complete incoherence in the story and silly contrivances to try to make up for that fact.
On a completely unrelated note, I have made every effort to make the game mod-friendly, even more so than Renpy games are inevitably.
Well, I think that's a big enough wall of text for now. I hope you enjoy 2.0.