I get that the supported languages are English, Japanese, Chinese, Korean and Spanish, but what does the "VI" stand for? Visayan?
The space screenshot is interesting to say the least. Though as others have said in this thread, an NTRMAN game "iiiinnnn sssppaaaaaaaaacceee" would be a cool concept. Would the Prison Game be set on a prison colony in space? Be it a space station or a planet that is essentially Space Australia in it's humble beginnings as a Penal Coloby?
Is the GILF character from the tribe or one of the doctors looking for a cure?
Not gonna lie, I wish you could buy NTRMAN's games on Steam. Because they're definitely something I would buy on Steam if that were an option.
Did not expect someone to bring out coordinates calculations in this thread, but I'm glad you did. Though in hindsight I probably should've seen that coming since we saw a screenshot of a scene in space.
She definitely wants the tribal dick. NTRMAN once again delivers on the character design department with a slightly chubby looking MILF that exudes fertility from her mere presence.
So Claire might be British then? Also, who is this Admiral that you speak of? I haven't fully played Tenants of the Dead because I was waiting for the full English Voice update. But now I might not have to since Arrival of the Goddess seems to have a full English VA first day of release. Also, only the women get voiced in their respective languages, right?
You certainly have the endurance for a possible No Nut November, that's for sure.
Yeah this tends to happen whenever a new NTRMAN game gets announced. Since no one makes any threads for the new NTRMAN game until it's actual release, the last game's thread gets dominated by discussion of the unreleased game until it finally gets it's own thread.
Would be nice if Sarah was in the game as well. Though to be honest, the comic this game is based on seems more like a prototype to this game's semingly more fleshed-out exploration of this NTR trope/plotline.
Yeah the 3 universes thing seems about right. Would the Space one be in the Fantasy or Anomaly Universe? I could see the Prison one being in the "normal" universe unless NTRMAN himself introduces something vaguely supernatural within this hypothetical prison game.
Does anyone have a bigger picture of the Season 2 banner with a higher resolution? I can't see the supposed space MILF very well.