Dog, the game has been active development for 6 years(?). And for those entire 6 years the game was a certain way, it played a certain way, it was a chosen genre of game. Now, after those 6 years of work, we've completely shifted gears to a completely different genre, a completely different gameplay loop, a completely different game.
People PAID for this. This isn't very much a "erm, if you don't like it, dont play it" moment, it's more like we were all here supporting a game that (from my understanding) won't get finished. We've sliced the community of people that loved your game into people that like roguelikes and people that don't.
And it's not like I hate roguelikes, I have a crap ton that I love, it's the out of left field right turn to a gameplay loop that is completely different. We've gone from a chill game that was taking inspiration from risk and other strategy/simulation games to a mindless "play until you get lucky" roguelike.