
Apr 1, 2017
Are you subbed to his Patreon? And if so, do you think any of your donations over the last 5 years has built towards a release of any amount of content whatsoever?
Because 5 years is a really long fucking time, and as much as I like the game and think it has potential, it's ultimately a VN with some simplistic exploration and turn based combat mechanics.

I think someone could hand this guy a million dollars and that wouldn't move the needle one way or the other towards him making an update.
Ultimately he has to choose to do this shit and unless he's been remaking the game with a much larger scope he hasn't been doing very much since writing a sex scene or two accompanied by a CG, especially with his minimalistic art style should take months, max, not half a decade.
I consider every artists that hide their art or games behind patreon walls as a scammy salesman, meaning I don't care about their existence, if I don't see their produced art anymore. That's the only thing I care about patreon and such. I dunno why people like you like to count other people's money if the artists don't hide anything behind paywalls. You can also wonder if Meandraco's mother still gives him an allowance and how much of it goes to creating monster porn.

Dwarf fortress took 22 years to release official graphical tiles and it's still in development. You can say: "Dwarf fortress is a very complex and wide game, how can you compare it to a simple VN"? Well, I'll answer: Both games are passion projects, dwarf fortress has been developed by two people, Teraurge has been done by one, those people still need to work to get food, pay taxes and etc, or do you consider 380 euros for Meandraco enough to quit his main work?

Do you know why most VN's stay in a demo status for years? Have you considered how hard for one person to do all the work small indie game companies do? Or do you think the code writes itself in a program or all the art, backstage, CG have been done by AI already? It takes their precious time, doing monotonous things over and over. Most games will never see the end credits, most die when the single developer quits by different reasons. Million dollars won't work here, the artist won't spend it on hiring a crew, he will spend it on fixing the roof or buying themselves a better tablet. The pacing will stay the same, that's what you don't get. You can hate how slow he makes the game, but nothing will change on his side, he doesn't care, since, again, that's his passion project. He is not building an Ark for you or anyone else, there is no flood coming to drown us, so why should he move his pen faster? He doesn't have an obligation to even release it to public. I doubt you would have heard about this game if it wasn't shared here. And so you should stop caring about moving his pen faster. He won't, not for you, not for any other. It's been 5 years, yes, so come to terms with it already, you could find something better to do than criticizing another "Abandoned" game.
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Oct 6, 2017
Dwarf fortress took 22 years to release official graphical tiles and it's still in development.
To be fair that's a terrible example. Or a great example I guess, but it goes against your point. The reason Dwarf Fortress is developed so slowly is due to poor development practices, not necessarily how complex it is. While DF is being built as this monolith of old upon outdated, Rimworld managed to go from a pure idea into a full fledged game that's been wildly more successful and arguably more fun. That's what a passionate and skilled developer can do. Same thing here - realistically in 5 years you could remake Teraurge completely in a new engine, probably more than once, probably make a sequel too, if you really wanted to.

That's not to say people should act entitled to anything of the sort. We all have our priorities in life and making an obscure porn game probably isn't anyone's top of the list. It's completely understandable. But let's not pretend that Teraurge is some hyper complex project requiring many expert-level skill sets. It's a niche, well executed porn VN. For what it is it's fantastic but its development is obviously quite troubled and some people are frustrated about that fact.


Active Member
Jun 23, 2018
To be fair that's a terrible example. Or a great example I guess, but it goes against your point. The reason Dwarf Fortress is developed so slowly is due to poor development practices, not necessarily how complex it is. While DF is being built as this monolith of old upon outdated, Rimworld managed to go from a pure idea into a full fledged game that's been wildly more successful and arguably more fun. That's what a passionate and skilled developer can do. Same thing here - realistically in 5 years you could remake Teraurge completely in a new engine, probably more than once, probably make a sequel too, if you really wanted to.

That's not to say people should act entitled to anything of the sort. We all have our priorities in life and making an obscure porn game probably isn't anyone's top of the list. It's completely understandable. But let's not pretend that Teraurge is some hyper complex project requiring many expert-level skill sets. It's a niche, well executed porn VN. For what it is it's fantastic but its development is obviously quite troubled and some people are frustrated about that fact.
He's being so disingenuous that I'm not even going to bother responding to him.
I agree with pretty much everything you wrote though.


Apr 1, 2017
To be fair that's a terrible example. Or a great example I guess, but it goes against your point. The reason Dwarf Fortress is developed so slowly is due to poor development practices, not necessarily how complex it is. While DF is being built as this monolith of old upon outdated, Rimworld managed to go from a pure idea into a full fledged game that's been wildly more successful and arguably more fun. That's what a passionate and skilled developer can do. Same thing here - realistically in 5 years you could remake Teraurge completely in a new engine, probably more than once, probably make a sequel too, if you really wanted to.

That's not to say people should act entitled to anything of the sort. We all have our priorities in life and making an obscure porn game probably isn't anyone's top of the list. It's completely understandable. But let's not pretend that Teraurge is some hyper complex project requiring many expert-level skill sets. It's a niche, well executed porn VN. For what it is it's fantastic but its development is obviously quite troubled and some people are frustrated about that fact.
It's not a great project, people are frustrated only because it's one of a kind. What I meant to say that people put too much expectations on a single person, especially when this person doesn't owe anything to them. The core problem is that people are expecting something over nothing. There is nothing to expect, it's been too long, and yet they think they know it better. The should have already let it go years ago, but they keep returning to rub a salt on an decaying wound. I see no reason to continue this discussion further. It will be a samsara wheel all over again. Don't waste your breath on me.

He's being so disingenuous that I'm not even going to bother responding to him.
I agree with pretty much everything you wrote though.
You could have at least once read you own quote at the bottom of your page, and some draw some conclusions about the dev and his game already. Maybe you wouldn't have to make some pointless arguments in the first place.
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New Member
May 21, 2023
i see we've circled back around to the trimonthly 'why dev slow, we should make own game' copium huffing, kekw

i agree that its definitely a fair bit disappointing that the development process of teraurge has been sporadic and slow at best, but as people have said earlier, developing a fully-fledged niche fetish porn game requires a lot of diverse skillsets and its not the dev's obligation to sacrifice potential creative freedoms by outsourcing said skillsets just to deliver our alien sex slop faster lol

hell, hes not even obligated to deliver any product in the first place, cause its not like the dev set up a kickstarter promising That There Will Be A Product If We Reach This Monetary Goal So Give Me Money then ran away with the funds, at least not to my understanding of the comprehensive teraurge dev process lore

there also definitely is something to be said about AI art and why its more than a little bit dogshit but thats an entirely separate fistfight in itself-- something about rights of the artist and how grafting generators suck and they look bad yadda yadda


Active Member
Jun 23, 2018
i see we've circled back around to the trimonthly 'why dev slow, we should make own game' copium huffing, kekw

i agree that its definitely a fair bit disappointing that the development process of teraurge has been sporadic and slow at best, but as people have said earlier, developing a fully-fledged niche fetish porn game requires a lot of diverse skillsets and its not the dev's obligation to sacrifice potential creative freedoms by outsourcing said skillsets just to deliver our alien sex slop faster lol

hell, hes not even obligated to deliver any product in the first place, cause its not like the dev set up a kickstarter promising That There Will Be A Product If We Reach This Monetary Goal So Give Me Money then ran away with the funds, at least not to my understanding of the comprehensive teraurge dev process lore

there also definitely is something to be said about AI art and why its more than a little bit dogshit but thats an entirely separate fistfight in itself-- something about rights of the artist and how grafting generators suck and they look bad yadda yadda
For the last 5 years he's been collecting $400 to $1,000+ a month. He may not be legally obligated to deliver an update but it's incredibly scummy to collect that amount of money with no intention to deliver what people are supporting you for.

For that amount of money you can't dedicate say 2hrs a week to working on the game? Because if he had we would've had an update years ago.
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New Member
May 21, 2023
For the last 5 years he's been collecting $400 to $1,000+ a month. He may not be legally obligated to deliver an update but it's incredibly scummy to collect that amount of money with no intention to deliver what people are supporting you for.

For that amount of money you can't dedicate say 2hrs a week to working on the game? Because if he had we would've had an update years ago.
its definitely more than a little bit shitty yeah, but i feel like people often underestimate the amount of work that developing an entire game really takes. art direction, story writing, environment building, programming, etc. all can take literal years to make cohesive- especially all of these elements together. but i also personally think that transparency is key in that case. as you said its pretty shitty to collect subscriber pledge funds and then not be at the very least clear about your plans/intentions with the project, even if theres no legal obligation to do so

if the patreon subscribers still choose to give the dev their sixpence shillings after that then, well, thats on them lol


New Member
Jul 9, 2017
Hello, here I leave you extra content that a friend sent me through mediafire that he found on the discord servers, I hope you enjoy it



Oct 6, 2017
art direction, story writing, environment building, programming, etc. all can take literal years to make cohesive- especially all of these elements together.
Come on. What content Teraurge has out doesn't take years to make. Pretty sure I can find a guy on any freelance website to port it to a modern engine for one of those 500 dollars I'd get from Patreon per month if you're really lacking in skills too. Honestly I forgot about the Patreon part, people definitely have a reason to be angry about it.

You also cannot really call it a "passion project" either. It's a part time job.


Sep 11, 2020
For the last 5 years he's been collecting $400 to $1,000+ a month. He may not be legally obligated to deliver an update but it's incredibly scummy to collect that amount of money with no intention to deliver what people are supporting you for.

For that amount of money you can't dedicate say 2hrs a week to working on the game? Because if he had we would've had an update years ago.
its definitely more than a little bit shitty yeah, but i feel like people often underestimate the amount of work that developing an entire game really takes. art direction, story writing, environment building, programming, etc. all can take literal years to make cohesive- especially all of these elements together. but i also personally think that transparency is key in that case. as you said its pretty shitty to collect subscriber pledge funds and then not be at the very least clear about your plans/intentions with the project, even if theres no legal obligation to do so

if the patreon subscribers still choose to give the dev their sixpence shillings after that then, well, thats on them lol
I can't even with this thread... always pulling the patreon (that none of you even pay for) like a secret weapon, on why the dev is bad, not even bothering to read what the patreon page states...

Nowhere on patreon it is mentioned that you are paying for development of the game.

You are entitled to nothing, and dev owes you nothing. Yes, even if you pay for the Patreon.
If you are mad that the game still isnt out, vacate the premises and go play the rest of the anime garbage that is out and definitely isnt ripping you off on patreon. Or shut up and wait.

Its the same sh!t, all over again, every few weeks.
Time is a flat circle.


New Member
May 21, 2023
I can't even with this thread... always pulling the patreon (that none of you even pay for) like a secret weapon, on why the dev is bad, not even bothering to read what the patreon page states...

Nowhere on patreon it is mentioned that you are paying for development of the game.

You are entitled to nothing, and dev owes you nothing. Yes, even if you pay for the Patreon.
If you are mad that the game still isnt out, vacate the premises and go play the rest of the anime garbage that is out and definitely isnt ripping you off on patreon. Or shut up and wait.

Its the same sh!t, all over again, every few weeks.
Time is a flat circle.
yea, i agree basically 100%. this is functionally what my point was LOL (see: my first recent post in this thread) though re-reading my second post i realise that i didnt word it clearly enough, so apolocheese for any misunderstanding there

to reiterate/paraphrase what i said prior, the dev doesnt owe anybody a completed project. it was made clear that, when you support him via patreon, youre not getting early access to a game or any similar benefits because there might not be one in the first place-- with this being said, i think that a lack of public transparency about the development process has the capacity to be misleading, though that isn't necessarily his fault. people just lack reading comprehension so clarity would be helpful but its not obligatory

and even if he did say that If You Give Me Money I Will Make A Game then.. yeah, its gonna take a while, because developing a full indie game from the ground up takes a lot of time and effort! and yes, it truly can and does take upwards of multiple years to do this; it isn't so cut-and-dry as "work this many hours because you are receiving this wage" = "polished and enjoyable end result". making a whole ass game by hand, solo, means that youre doing like 8 jobs at once. shit takes a long time


Active Member
Jun 23, 2018
I can't even with this thread... always pulling the patreon (that none of you even pay for) like a secret weapon, on why the dev is bad, not even bothering to read what the patreon page states...

Nowhere on patreon it is mentioned that you are paying for development of the game.

You are entitled to nothing, and dev owes you nothing. Yes, even if you pay for the Patreon.
If you are mad that the game still isnt out, vacate the premises and go play the rest of the anime garbage that is out and definitely isnt ripping you off on patreon. Or shut up and wait.
Look, no one is paying him on Patreon to support his streaming endeavors or fund his lifestyle. People are supporting him in the hopes that he will continue development of Teraurge.

Like I said, he has no legal obligation, he could change his Patreon description to: "give me free money so I can buy booze and cigarettes" and people would still donate to him, not to get him his nicotine and alcohol fix, but because they want to see Teraurge's development continued.

Its the same sh!t, all over again, every few weeks.
Time is a flat circle.
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Sep 11, 2020
Look, no one is paying him on Patreon to support his streaming endeavors or fund his lifestyle. People are supporting him in the hopes that he will continue development of Teraurge.

Like I said, he has no legal obligation, he could change his Patreon description to: "give me free money so I can buy booze and cigarettes" and people would still donate to him, not to get him his nicotine and alcohol fix, but because they want to see Teraurge's development continued.
"Nobody is paying on only fans to fund the girls lifestyles. They support them in deluded hopes they will be noticed and maybe get some action."

So by your logic, they are fully entitled to get angry and demand to get some action with the girl, because in their head they decided that is what they are paying for, right?

I also love how you naturally know everyones intentions on the patreon with such clarity. You truly must be an oracle of some kind.
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