So post casino is the "actual" game?
Well, that implies that what's been developed up until now isn't a part of the game, when it very much is so. Basically, things will just slowly open up a bit more past this point. It will still be a bit linear in terms of the main story/quest itself ofc, with the cast still confined to the town in ACT 1. Also the days will still be linked to some events until I have the pregnancy cycle fully implemented. After that, you'll be able to have Tiffany sleep whenever you want to progress time and do side quest & things in whatever order you want (except for some cases where time is important). Even right now though, aside from all the choices you can make, there is side content that exists that you can miss or skip (Like Debra, Jasper, George, etc). And there will be more characters and side quests to discover in the north side of town, and ACT 2 will have 2-3 main factions you can choose to side with. Ofc while the main quest is heading in one direction (like basically any game with a story), there will be multiple endings/outcomes based on choices made. Not to mention the planned post-game content.
My point was mainly that I'm a long way from any kind of ending and when you add it all up, not all that far into development comparatively speaking.
Which if that is the case AWESOME, because there's quite a lot of meat on the bone as it is, despite my criticism and i'm very much looking forward to further development. Even joined your patreon just to keep up with "THE NEEEEEEEEWS"
Thanks for the support. I appreciate it. Obviously I couldn't afford to develop the game without all of my patrons. I don't always check and post here all that often though, so it will be more reliable to get a response by posting on the Discord or Patreon.
I don't know if this will be possible, but i took some more time to replay the game. And i felt like the speed at which she LOVES something feels a little jarring to me. It might just be because you don't want to have a super in-depth corruption mechanic, which i get it requires a lot of work and it would probably make the setting a little bit darker.
That whole system is set up with the intention of you being able to decide what Tiffany does and doesn't already like from the get go. It's why it happens whenever a new fetish appears for the first time. I absolutely hate adult/hentai role playing games that don't allow me to role play as a slut from whatever point I decide to jump in. I find nothing more annoying than not being able to make the choices I want at any point, and instead having to grind "corruption points" in order to always have the sluttiest option be available, just in case I decide I want my character to take it. Usually these games tend to lock some sex scenes behind high "corruption level" values. But what if I'm playing a character who has some kinks, but not others. In most of these games, if you don't choose every single "corruption" choice when presented, you can often get locked out of making that choice when you get to certain scenes.
Basically, in TD, I want the player to be able to choose what kinks you want Tiffany to already have, and if she doesn't like a certain thing, always give the player the option to choose if her feelings have changed before a scene starts. For players who don't want to be in complete control all of the time, I will also be adding some small percentage chances for Tiffany to become a slut for certain fetishes after a sex scene is done. But yeah, for key idea is for you to choose when she develops certain kinks, rather that the game determining it for you.
Which when i take a look at how Lara our lovely over the top, slap stick, Nono-word slinging blonde(Totally didn't see that comming and you made me exhale loudly).
But a gameplay way that just allows some player agency into how depraved she'll be other than the switch of she's either disgusted/impressed/impressed and turned on. But more like a balancing act. Like the more anal she has the more anal she'll like, but then on the other hand you could expend some sort of currency to remove said urges and go back to a little bit more innocent Tiffany. At least it would in my eyes feel more fluid and "normal"
I basically covered it above, but imo this is the best method for player agency. I guess what you mean is if you want her to be turned on at the start, you feel she should be slutty, but less intense about it, and then have her sluttiness increase the more times she submits? I mean, I could add something to that effect where the dialogue changes slightly every x amount of times she experiences a certain fetish. But that's not really the goal of the game from my perspective. My aim was just to let you choose when she becomes a slut for various things, and then when she does it goes full blast.
But tbf, right now there is not enough dialogue variations for scenes. In most cases, it basically checks whether she loves a fetish or not. I also need to be adding more neutral variations. Where she's into it, but not a full on slut about it. Basically choosing the middle option (Impressed) needs to have more of an effect so that there's three possible variations of each line during sex scenes.
As for "urges". There will be an addiction system with various consequences, that can be rolled back by getting her help in-game.
I will probably allow this for her kinks as well, in case players want to role play a Tiffany that has "accidentally become a slut".
Another thing will there be more elements to Dr. Milburn? Other than just the scene you get when he holds the girls hostage, could the player engage in some breeding activities.
Yes. There will be more with him and the girls he imprisons after they've been "tamed". Although I don't necessarily have plans for a "pet" system for taking them as combat distractions, it is possible that I will end up with something similar in the end.
And as the very tail-end would we be able to have animal companions who'd "save" Tiffany from a zombie fucking if you were to lose in combat, instead to go for an animal breeding?
Right now, I'm only confirming female companions (either naturally immune or after being given a temporary vaccine). Things get a little complicated after that with the combat system since men, animals etc will become infected and turn if they are bitten. Which makes them pretty useless companions if taking damage once from a zombie is going to make them turn after. There's a lot of little kinks like that involved with figuring out how it would work with all other aspects of the game. But yes, in theory, I would like for it to be possible for Tiffany to take animals as companions. I just can't confirm it yet until I've figured out the system some time in the future.