In the future will it be possible to interact with your child ?
Can we change him as he is growing up? Like if I want my child to grow muscular I should make him do exercise or give him some kind of buff drug.
And if not is there any incest stuff planned ?
Maybe asking for a mechanic in witch you can raise your child and modify him is asking too much but I see a lot of potencial in this game.
And I think I saw this fetish in one of your comics.
Yes, you should be able to interact with your offspring, to what degree will depend. The biggest problem with handling offspring is that of course not only can each of the girls get knocked up many time over the course of the game, but with the amount of guys around there are a lot of variables in place as to what the offspring may look like. Because it isn't all scripted, I am not going to be able to design unique looking offspring for every possible combination. The best I can probably do is create a selection of possible offspring with different skin tones and a few variables for features and sizes. And at the risk of having them all look the same (or not enough like their father/mother) will perhaps keep their face's hidden during scenes. But idk yet.
Right now, the goal is on the pregnancy and birth system. Even if the pregnancy takes just 3 days, and the growth is accelerated, it will still take some time in-game for them to grow up. So sexual interactions with your offspring are one of the last things I am going to add in TD, and I cannot promise how in-depth it will be. But there will be at least some low level system involved if you want the girls to fuck their offspring in the post/end-game content.
Again, due to scene variations getting too complex, there probably will not be a lot of options to modify most characters bodies in this game. It will be reserved for some special characters and quests etc.
And yes, if that didn't make it clear, there will be incest. Although, thanks to patreon's rules, it will have to come bundled with the beast patch and manually enabled in the game.