Oh, yeah I'm still around.
I haven't worked on this seriously in a long time though (11 months?)
To be clear when I started this - it was an active mod on the main game, adding features/events to a game that was actively developed, it was never intended to be a remake, more like an unofficial DLC.
As you probably know the original story sort of ran out of steam, lots of threads but didn't really tie them together.
After Orion packed up and left I had a crack at re-writing a more satisfying end, I tried a few different ways of doing it, but I'm a coder/editor not an author and I didn't really like any of them.
They all seem to get a bit "No John, you are the Zombies".
I've even had a go at making AI images/gifs for the game so I was less constrained by what animations I could find, but (as you probably know) it's time consuming and far from perfect.
I've really enjoyed Nebel/Survival Mission Z - and would love to make a game like those (having a crack in Godot of late), but realistically it is _very_ unlikely to ever get released.
Anyway - that's the latest Dev version + source code. (Last worked on 11 months ago!) expect it to be a bit buggy - and I don't know that it's notably different to the last release here, but if someone else wants to pic up that baton, that's as good of a start as I can give you, I think.