
Forum Fanatic
Dec 4, 2022
Logical but not probable because ironically it is Anne who has the conversation to recover what they had before opening the relationship and the brain of ticks (tony for the rest) the only thing that interests her is to continue having sex with others and that her marriage is going away fuck is secondary to him


Active Member
May 8, 2017
i still the logical ending to this game would be to have Tony realize that sharing Anne has gotten way out of control and it needs to stop. so he should make the ultimatum no more fucking other guys..or divorce. Tony has plenty of other options to choose from. oh and kill Martin. yes i want that asshole dead. as he deserves..
Nah I'd like to see Martin having a plane crash with his stewardesses, sorry, female flight attendants on a remote prison camp island and their inhabitants are only black males..,
a well earned place for a dad like Martin...doomed to watch and serve!
As for Tony making an ultimatum would mean the end of any relationship...that won't work.
He opened the pandora box well knowing about her life style before their engagement.


Nov 12, 2021
I have been watching Chapter 14 Full Fixed and have reached a stage where I was told to "save here". After that page nearly all of the images are unobtainable even though the dialogue is. I am using a Mac. How come the images are not obtainable and how can I fix it? Also, is there a Mac version of Chapter 15 Standalone by any chance, and if so, how can I get a copy please?
Last edited:


Active Member
May 8, 2017
I have been watching Chapter 14 Full Fixed and have reached a stage where I was told to "save here". After that page nearly all of the images are unobtainable even though the dialogue is. I am using a Mac. How come the images are not obtainable and how can I fix it? Also, is there a Mac version of Chapter 15 Standalone by any chance, and if so, how can I get a copy please?
Unfortunately the Mac version isn't complete. It's not Chapter 14 Full Fixed, it is Chapter 14 Tuesday...

Grumpy Old Aussie

Engaged Member
May 6, 2023
Logical but not probable because ironically it is Anne who has the conversation to recover what they had before opening the relationship and the brain of ticks (tony for the rest) the only thing that interests her is to continue having sex with others and that her marriage is going away fuck is secondary to him
I think your probably right, but I still think there is a chance the dev may take the line that Tony at this stage is pretty much given up and going through the motions and provide an ending for that. I wouldn't be surprised to learn Tony had already woken up to Anne and her so-called job.

Grumpy Old Aussie

Engaged Member
May 6, 2023
Hopefully you're right, but if the core of the story is going to be the same, what are the chances that we'll see a different Tony or that he won't go back to being a dog that has to make do with what his owner gives him and she just it can make you angry when something happens that you don't like
Why not both? There are different endings. I don't know if the dev has said how many. We know there is one where Anne and Tony are finished (Go Kelsey). I expect there will be at least one happy ending for Anne and Tony as well. Could be one where they decide to live a normal life and one where Tony accepts his place as Anne's cuck. Who knows.
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Forum Fanatic
Dec 4, 2022
Surely you are right and he could have endings with Anne, alone or with some of the other women (wait for me, dear Nicole, we will have our happy ending), I don't think there will be an ending where they come back to life sooner since it would be very boring for them but maybe something in between as Anne wanted in tac


Forum Fanatic
Dec 4, 2022
But only you would know, Tony, you don't have to know, poor thing, would your happiness be ruined by a small detail? he has the right to be happy even when there is a small secret and that with time he is no longer so small, Ha Ha :ROFLMAO:


Conversation Conqueror
Mar 4, 2020
But only you would know, Tony, you don't have to know, poor thing, would your happiness be ruined by a small detail? he has the right to be happy even when there is a small secret and that with time he is no longer so small, Ha Ha :ROFLMAO:


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2021
Martin is the bad guy of the story and he does his job well. I hate him with a passion but we are suppose to, that is his role and Mircom has done a great job with writing him in to the TAC story and that will come across in to the TACOS story. It has too, you can't let the Martin energy go to waste, Mircom has to take advantage of it. So we will see more of him no doubt.
This highlights the problem I have had with TAC (and now TACOS) all along. Without Martin, Anne becomes the antagonist. Martin is our bad guy if we choose the cheating path. But what happens when Anne is faithful? What drives the story? Nothing. It becomes a boring fuckfest for Anne with no motivation or limitations on who she screws. A character that we are supposed to cheer for and love becomes the most hated.

The premise is that we are supposed to enjoy Anne sleeping around because she does it for the MC. She has sex he watches or relays the story to him afterward. The couple's growth depends on this happening. The story depends on this happening. One of the issues with the way the story is told is we see Anne's point of view when she has her encounters. This is easier and flows better for readers because we can make choices on the fly during sexual encounters. Otherwise, we would have to make choices during a flashback of how it played out ("What do I do?" versus "What did she do?"). Mircom could change the way we view these scenes by only showing them when Anne tells the MC about what happened. He does this a couple of times and gives the player the option to skip those events in TAC with various results. Sometimes, Anne gets pissed that you chose not to listen to what happened. Other times, we just move to the next scene.

There comes a point in TAC when the MC confronts Anne about her cheating with Martin. Anne comes clean and the MC promptly says he doesn't want to know what happens. Voila! Anne is faithful again and the story moves on with no impact, removing all the thematic tension and leaving us with a still cheating Anne. The story loses its drive and we lose our hardons. I have little doubt this is not Mircom's intention. He didn't build up Anna only to have readers hate her. No, Martin is the antagonist; it is his job to be hated.

So, what is Mircom to do if he gives the reader the option to skip cheating with Martin, thereby removing the energy that moves the story forward? Unless Mircom has a secret weapon hidden in his storytelling arsenal, he has to take a risk: take away readers' ability to choose or allow the story to become a lifeless point-and-click porno.


Mar 27, 2021
I think that the creator cannot please everyone, but that he will pursue his path as it should be, when you see a film or read a book, you don't call whoever made it and you make him change, you accept what the producer develops, for them, taking the risk is part of the game.
But this is a game in development, not a movie or book. It's not a finished product. He always had it so there were different paths you could take while playing the game, all I'm asking for is for him to stick to those those paths and not let them overlap. Otherwise, why bother having paths/options to begin with? Why have a stat that says 'Faithfulness' but not utilize it?


Forum Fanatic
Dec 4, 2022
Australian, if that happened to you, that's crap and I'm sorry you've been through a situation like this, mine was a joke because I can't imagine an end but I'd like to see it, but in my case I would never have children with Anne I already have children in the real world and if I have it with her my salary would not reach me, if my wife finds out better she confesses to me because I am a dead man, a lot of pressure for me :eek:

Grumpy Old Aussie

Engaged Member
May 6, 2023
Australian, if that happened to you, that's crap and I'm sorry you've been through a situation like this, mine was a joke because I can't imagine an end but I'd like to see it, but in my case I would never have children with Anne I already have children in the real world and if I have it with her my salary would not reach me, if my wife finds out better she confesses to me because I am a dead man, a lot of pressure for me :eek:
Its all good my friend, don't mind me I have man flu, I'm grumpier than normal.
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