One of the biggest failures of the original (and the first revamp) was that it set up consequential relationships but only ever followed through on one of them (Martin). Most of Anne's and Tony's partners are inconsequential, and after a while they completely clog up the story and turn it into endlessly repeated nonsense. But there are characters that potentially pose a much bigger threat to the relationship; for Anne that's Martin, Ryan, Mike, Dre, and perhaps Malcom (because they have history). For Tony, it's Nicole and Kelsey (probably Anne's relatives as well, but that's another story that's never picked up). And for both of them, there's Troy (who Anne's fucking) and his wife (whose name I can't remember; the blonde) who works with Tony and who he's fucking; both of them cheating on each other with the same couple could lead to all sorts of delicious drama. This story would be much more interesting if one of their more consequential relationships was regularly present, rather than introduced and forgotten.
Dre, for example: Anne very clearly has a thing for him that goes well beyond the fun of new dick. It's in the text and it's in the renders. She actually complains if her husband turns her night with Dre into a threesome. She was supposed to have him over for a whole weekend, but the dev forgot to make that happen because bars full of cowboys or something. There's so much more drama and interest in a story where Anne is absolutely falling for Dre and increasingly excluding her husband from that relationship, than in one where you have to choose if she bangs the old car salesman or the young car salesman.
And it's not like the dev doesn't see this potential; refer to the dudes she bangs in both Punta Cana and on the swingers' boat, and Tony's feelings about how she talks about being with them. It's a harder story to write, for sure. But it's actually interesting, for a change. She can have feelings about Nicole; she does have feelings about Kelsey. He sees that there's potential story there, he just refuses to actually delve into it.