Guys, I don't understand all this fuss about Anne. She didn't instantly transform from prude to "whore" (still can't see her as this and I'll explain why).
In the intro, we were told that Mc expected much more from their sex life. But she was afraid to indulge into this. Then, he had to convince her (remember there was a risk of game over, then). Once it is done, she knows two things : she likes this, and her husband too. Why should she restrain ? I mean, in the first parts, we were litteraly throwing her in many mens arms. Maybe she got the message.
I'd also like to speak about a comment about people not despising her in game for her actions. Guys, the men have a hot girl willing to please them. Offending her without her calling for this would be the best way for her to go and see more respectful people.
Having an overly active and open sex life isn't "being a whore". I mean, the mc can do much more, and his wife isn't pushing him that way. I haven't seen anybody here calling him a whore, or even pig.
So it's perfectly okay to bang it out with 25 (seriously) different near-strangers and your step-brother?
Most importantly, your husband's FATHER and Best Friend without MC's knowledge.
And yes others have mentioned MC is a man-whore. He has 17 potential partners, only gets with a limited number of those because he can't choose everyone a single path.
So it's perfectly okay to bang it out with 25 (seriously) different near-strangers and your step-brother?
Most importantly, your husband's FATHER and Best Friend without MC's knowledge.
And yes others have mentioned MC is a man-whore. He has 17 potential partners, only gets with a limited number of those because he can't choose everyone a single path.
1. There are plenty of references that no matter what path you are on, choices you make Anne says to the MC at the morning (After the first Dre scene) that she has caring husband, watching him while sleeping, than after the second Ryan sex at the end of ch. 10. she says to Ryan that She IS Lucky too (why is, for your consideration) ...
2. If i try to treat this game as a story, Anne, MC even with/without the player has their personalities, past etc.
Makes me very clear thru the whole game that sex, love, care according to Anne's and MC's psichodynmaics are more likely paralel things,to a certain point, most likely but their life basically centers around the generic Each Other.
3. Thats why i think, that regardless of your path, as i see, there are Dre, Martin, Ryan inflection points those could change Anne's feelings, BUT JUST ACCORDING TO THE VARIABLEs: Cheatanne, LoveMC. Later in the story she can continue with them but if the MC cheats "on purpose", or like that (Chloe), that would not count as a drive core leading her towards any other actor, might add a second variable (guilt, loveMC or idk...), Meaning; All of them r fun, but meaningless after a certain satisfactory limit.
4. Easy to say that MC cheats on Anne with every moving hole, and of course than Anne will and actually do tend do give less credit to his very person in their and her lives, life. On the other hand, if the MC trying to be faithfull, and (F)act on purpose, or equalize things, that would trigger Anne towards the re-realization that why did they get married at the first place, on the positive MC respected way i mean.
5. Therefore
What Microm tries to do, in my opinion, that we are players in their lives, not they are, everything has consequences, to us, to them. Meaning he does not intend to make a game where the game itself is a choice driven sexcapade where the player (you my dear friend) playing with himself, cucks himself, cheats himself. That we can do it alone. A stroy awaits, because we have the platform of the present, externally, all we need is the way of this platform internally. Than we all shall have a great experience in frustration, joy, fap, laugh, etc.
5.1.: So My suggestion is: Dre, Martin, Ryan, Anne's emotional "coup d'état" over the MC, IF the variables allows them. As so Emma, Kelsey and or a third one to the MC over Anne.
5.2.: In my head there are two sexualy predicted paths here only; Cheating (Cuckold and pure Cheating, plotted and inflative affairs), Adventurous (Swinging, Voyeur, admitted and told affairs) - Within, the the mentioned persons can count as Fapable materials only (Adventurous variables); or as new ways of life to them (Cheating variables).
5.2.1. In numbers:
If Cheatanne is the higher: A major plot actor gets an additional number (Martin +1, Dre+1 ...etc) on the top of previous, scene-triggering requirement value, what will be gradually required further more.
Later to the additional (inflective) choices (example: Dre=7 scene triggers, Dre=7 cheatanne=4 scene triggers, additional option triggers, Dre+2); if, however the (nonexistent loveMC is the higher or required on an exact value or) simply Cheatanne is lower than the story requires, A: there is no action, B: there is action if the actor has the value to trigger the scene, but there is not additional choice (for example again: "Martin value is high scene triggers: Fuck Martin, cheatanne is low, than just Martin got fucked, if cheatanne is high, option triggers: "Say i love you" or "i want more" that gives a more genuine sexual content, and plus options, events in the future; IF and its IMPORTANT; the cheatanne and loveMC are present and high on a required value, A: simply there is no additional scene triggered, B: in this case, and ONLY it's choosable), so again, Martin just got fucked (there might be an altered dialogue in this specific case that has references of the importance of the given persons at the same time (MC, Martin here), but nothing decisive will happen. Or if it will, ONLY in this case, its reasonably Choosable, but again; if the MC was a bastard (LoveMC is low as fuck and Cheatanne is high as fuck... emotional justice delivered).
5.2.2. of course...
This is shall be applied to the MC according to his persons of matter. ... Something like that. (i consider loveMC as an important thing, MC on his faithfull route deserves his genuine content too, in references, dialogues, choices, etc... further more LoveAnne +1 For honesty, cheatMC +1 for cheating him)
Im saying again; scene triggers means: NO choice, it will happen, ONLY with high LoveMC, LoveAnne value there will be an actual Choice, not just triggered scene with the mentioned content. Story wise...
If its not CLEAR YET: Cheating her with Nicole; cheatanne=2, Adding Martin to the picture means Drake, Troy will triggers already, also with cheatanne=2 on this path, but when Anne meets with Troy at the coffee...cheatanne would not grown +2 or loveMC+2 would happen ALSO, and implement it from now on, because of her guilt of Martin, Troy, Drake and jealousy in general, regardless she had has her reasons previously.
5.3.: Make a variable tree in your head, Microm, and than you will have just decide where and why and how do you want to make a junction between the trees. It ll be self explanatory anyway, if you know your characters of course.
5.4.: Revamp suggestion: clear the ways to them, non of the ways must be inherently catastrophic. Plus a given variable opens up a choice dedicately (Additional i mean), or doesn't gives choice like with the doctor. But all in all there must be a reason behind it. Maybe a secret variable AnneLust or something.
5.5.:Further story... after this point i do reali suggest you to TAKE your TIME Microm. Give us some deepness. We will learn MC's past, one episode, Anne's is one too, than a thing starts to being unfolded why did they choose each other, if you give to it harder matter, weight... the better, if not... thats just fine too. Through that, the player gains some emotional hint upon he/she can decide, are they ready to give any credit to two damaged, sexually driven but inherently emotional and reasonable human being or not. I don't say that turn the game into 'Acting Lesson: Episode Anne and the Nilfgardian Flag"... but you get what i mean. The sex and its utterances are billion years old reflexes and instincts as so the deep emotions too. Cook a soup. Precisely, and with a lot of FAP of course.
So, I gave this game a try and surprisingly, I enjoyed it. But there were some bugs I think. I tried everything to reject Anne, but sometimes I didn´t had a choice. Some choices led to sex (e.g "watch film" and not "going to bed"), sometimes there wasn´t any choice to reject her.
Is it the intetion to getting cucked? What I liked to achieve, was Anne getting bored of me, therefore cheating with other men without mentioning it and a husband, who´s getting more and more jealous, self-centered with his work and not as easy as he seems to be with Anne and other males.
Also, do we find out, if Anne cheats with the MC´s dad or is it a secret (sex, not blowjob)?
So, I gave this game a try and surprisingly, I enjoyed it. But there were some bugs I think. I tried everything to reject Anne, but sometimes I didn´t had a choice. Some choices led to sex (e.g "watch film" and not "going to bed"), sometimes there wasn´t any choice to reject her.
Is it the intetion to getting cucked? What I liked to achieve, was Anne getting bored of me, therefore cheating with other men without mentioning it and a husband, who´s getting more and more jealous, self-centered with his work and not as easy as he seems to be with Anne and other males.
Also, do we find out, if Anne cheats with the MC´s dad or is it a secret (sex, not blowjob)?
Reasonable, but would give Microm a hell of a work later. Let us say canonically that Anne considers MC's work issues maturely, meaning: he does that for the two of them. For himself, and for her safety also, relationships cant mean that you write yourself out from your life completely and Anne is a normal adult according to this. So no, Anne's decisions based on MC's actions, and her intentions upon it, and of course, her sexually driven APPARENT behaviour. Dont forget that in this story something happens "real time" in front of us witnessing a kinda chrisis. According to Anne, her sexual hunger issues coping with her love, that latter one will eventually fade away or becoming stronger. Its up to us as i see.
So it's perfectly okay to bang it out with 25 (seriously) different near-strangers and your step-brother?
Most importantly, your husband's FATHER and Best Friend without MC's knowledge.
And yes others have mentioned MC is a man-whore. He has 17 potential partners, only gets with a limited number of those because he can't choose everyone a single path.
The two specific cases you speak about come from choices from both you and MC. It's MC and your will that make her go to her stepbrother and stepfather. I mean, there is a ton of games in which you have no content if you refuse "worst path" but not here. You can choose you character's wife not getting intimate with borderline characters, you can choose her not to be unfaithful (means not going with mens out of their marital games). If something is shoking in this game, you can be sure one of your choice made it happen.
Anne does nasty things with her husband approuval, I find it sexy. IF she does cheat or cuckold him, it it your making. I'm happy this kink is available in here also, it makes the game rich.
The MC is a total nymphomaniac and have an incredible number of affairs available in the game without his wife's knowing (one girl may even try to trick him into taking paternity of her growing baby even if it's impossible, unless I missed a scene) and people don't find it shoking. But the wife, OMG how does she dare ?
She will go to Martin on several occassions of her own will, and lies to the MC about doing it. (no idea why, if she is only doing it for both their sakes) If you tell them to stop in the shower, or at night she will straight up tell you ''NO'', showing that it is much more her intention then the MC's.
I did a low cheating route yesterday to find some missing scenes, and there's a lot of scenes that still happen even if you say no to everything.
Some of them are a bit buggy too. Luke still comes around on an afternoon even if you never met him. (how does Anna even know him then?) Anna still somehow goes around and fucks Troy even tho you never went to Chloe's home, and mentions ''that guy I have my panties to, you know the one''.
That said, I think its a bit too much strawmanning here. The MC is a slut too, that's not what people care about. MC and Anna can have as much sex as they want. What matters is that it makes sense from the plot and is interesting.
After all that's the difference between a good porn game and a bad one.
Personally I don't even care about the sex between Anna and MC. But their relation is still very important as setting for the scenes.
and people don't find it shoking. But the wife, OMG how does she dare ?
People do find it shocking. We don't get why he doesn't share that with his wife. That's the whole point, no? Both of them are off doing their own thing. Okay if that's the result of a route where they end up becoming estranged, sure. But in the overall feel of the story it doesn't make sense. Both of them want to see each other fuck others right? So why lie.
What is the MC even doing fucking girls and not even introducing them to his wife? Especially when ironically his wife is both better looking then all other women in the game, but also more interesting then most of them. So why does he even fuck others?
She will go to Martin on several occassions of her own will, and lies to the MC about doing it. (no idea why, if she is only doing it for both their sakes) If you tell them to stop in the shower, or at night she will straight up tell you ''NO'', showing that it is much more her intention then the MC's.
Don't, she also got pretty upset when she says she heard him, the MC as (your own choice) encourages his father to go in. Seems she does not like to be treated as a SLUT. A sexual object, not at home, not with especially by the very person she is supposed to travel along on this very "path" together. She might thought even, that this will teach him a lesson about borders. Tho... she got too much by that donkey dick to get off, eventually. Thats why i told to you earlier, that events like Martin, Dre, Ryan etc. atop of all that, gives weight to the emotions on both sides. When its become a "real thing", real on their, and on the story's standards i mean.
Exactly. To my mind the Adventurous route (swinging, voyeur, spicyly told things) is the one, what leaves the emotional roller-coasters uncharted, rolling thru the game, and when they've enough experience about the whole pureview to finish, or has a emotional reason to do so, what must happen down the road, they just stop, go for a baby for instance, and living happily ever after.
Some of them has an exact sense, but after the revamp it might be more clearer. And yes the game grew out itself, so revamp is necessary here. And of course (Sory Microm darling) but lazy writing. While coding, i know from first hand experience, that very easy to become situationally senile. I mean, just forget amongst the lines, that u wanted to make a different line of dialogue there, and another one there. One very tipical of this is when MC n Anne on "Dre in the picture" route have a scene, and if u dont pull down your trousers, and when she got offended by your "view of her" (no Dre Route), asking about "fcking the whole mall" was funny XD lol... than later down the road, we got the same dialogue, by Anne and MC about this, even these two things are pretty much not the same.
As i told you, to me, this "dont pull the trouser" would me a loveMC+2 in my book, coz Anne my get a bit upset, but also down the road if they ll talk about it, it would favour the MC with low Cheatanne value. Eventually if Anne loves to fuck with ppl at THIS point of the story, is irrelevant in this regard.
I've been taking note of which posts Mircom3D likes and which posts he doesn't, and the pattern indicates that the Pandora's Box/"be careful what you wish for" path is the one he's following. Not, of course, that mine is exactly a rigorous scientific study...
But for what it's worth, I hope I'm wrong. Despite my interest in games like this one and
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I'm not actually into cuckold or (real) NTR at all, but I'll happily play games that feature either if 1) the characters have rationales and motivations aside from being horny, 2) the writing's good enough, and 3) the sex scenes are hot enough. I'll play out the routes to see the other types of scenes, too; the only sub-genre that actually turns me off enough to stop playing is humiliation, which is why I gave up on
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. (That said, I'm not one to complain about the existence of content I don't want to see. I just play something else. Plenty of games in the digital sea.) Still, the game I really want to play is one that features swinging or an open relationship with honesty and open communication between the partners. It's a game that I don't think exists, except as a harem ending in other types of games; what I want to see is a game that starts that way.
For a while, this was that game (even if it was only one route). And maybe it will be after the revamp, or maybe it will be again once the couple goes through some difficulties as they lose themselves in extramarital sex (as one possible ending among several, of course). I'm still enjoying the game, despite the chaos and unpredictability of the paths, but I don't think I'm enjoying a game about an adventurous couple anymore. For me and my own personal interests, that's a shame.
Still, I firmly believe that Mircom3D should write the game he wants to write. (Assuming he's a he in the first place, which I don't know.)
I've been taking note of which posts Mircom3D likes and which posts he doesn't, and the pattern indicates that the Pandora's Box/"be careful what you wish for" path is the one he's following. Not, of course, that mine is exactly a rigorous scientific study...
But for what it's worth, I hope I'm wrong. Despite my interest in games like this one and
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I'm not actually into cuckold or (real) NTR at all, but I'll happily play games that feature either if 1) the characters have rationales and motivations aside from being horny, 2) the writing's good enough, and 3) the sex scenes are hot enough. I'll play out the routes to see the other types of scenes, too; the only sub-genre that actually turns me off enough to stop playing is humiliation, which is why I gave up on
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. (That said, I'm not one to complain about the existence of content I don't want to see. I just play something else. Plenty of games in the digital sea.) Still, the game I really want to play is one that features swinging or an open relationship with honesty and open communication between the partners. It's a game that I don't think exists, except as a harem ending in other types of games; what I want to see is a game that starts that way.
For a while, this was that game (even if it was only one route). And maybe it will be after the revamp, or maybe it will be again once the couple goes through some difficulties as they lose themselves in extramarital sex (as one possible ending among several, of course). I'm still enjoying the game, despite the chaos and unpredictability of the paths, but I don't think I'm enjoying a game about an adventurous couple anymore. For me and my own personal interests, that's a shame.
Still, I firmly believe that Mircom3D should write the game he wants to write. (Assuming he's a he in the first place, which I don't know.)
Yeah, but the problem is that the story has its own life now, in its possibilities, so what he wants to write... well, depends on, how deeply does he wish to understand and/or give a damn about his own characters he has been given to us, and to the imaginable existence... a lot of artist got changed about theirs point of view about certain things or got better insight by learning from their own work. We could ask tho, that a lot of stories in this genre aims what? money? aims to write out some taboo? make something that you would not dare to do by your own? Yes, Yes and Yes. And No No and No. We could not tell exclusively which one is the "principe directeur". All of them with "avec valeur personnelle".
My personal opinion is, that Microm as a person kinda intend to grow with the story, but to achive that efficiently, he should realy learn from Anne, MC, and their relation with his own person to avoid any "préjugé de diamant" instead and only, and SHOULD NOT GIVE A FUCK, about "ppl's vote" in this very context. Monitoring the market is always secondary. Advisable in any case, but not a priori. (Of course the fans, the ppl and Microm himself/herself (oh realy), are not two totally disjunct aggregations, if there are few kinda "least common multiple" in between, and helps him eventually, off you go, naturally).
I've been taking note of which posts Mircom3D likes and which posts he doesn't, and the pattern indicates that the Pandora's Box/"be careful what you wish for" path is the one he's following. Not, of course, that mine is exactly a rigorous scientific study...
But for what it's worth, I hope I'm wrong. Despite my interest in games like this one and
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I'm not actually into cuckold or (real) NTR at all, but I'll happily play games that feature either if 1) the characters have rationales and motivations aside from being horny, 2) the writing's good enough, and 3) the sex scenes are hot enough. I'll play out the routes to see the other types of scenes, too; the only sub-genre that actually turns me off enough to stop playing is humiliation, which is why I gave up on
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. (That said, I'm not one to complain about the existence of content I don't want to see. I just play something else. Plenty of games in the digital sea.) Still, the game I really want to play is one that features swinging or an open relationship with honesty and open communication between the partners. It's a game that I don't think exists, except as a harem ending in other types of games; what I want to see is a game that starts that way.
For a while, this was that game (even if it was only one route). And maybe it will be after the revamp, or maybe it will be again once the couple goes through some difficulties as they lose themselves in extramarital sex (as one possible ending among several, of course). I'm still enjoying the game, despite the chaos and unpredictability of the paths, but I don't think I'm enjoying a game about an adventurous couple anymore. For me and my own personal interests, that's a shame.
Still, I firmly believe that Mircom3D should write the game he wants to write. (Assuming he's a he in the first place, which I don't know.)
Okay, seriously i have no fucking clue how to go cuckold route and its pissing the hell out of me, can someone please help, in depth preferably as in the right choices to go with, thanks in advance.
I was trying to find scenes I hadn't yet seen (turns our there are more than a few I missed), and I stumbled on this, in the options.rpy file. The (former?) name for the game seems...telling:
I was trying to find scenes I hadn't yet seen (turns our there are more than a few I missed), and I stumbled on this, in the options.rpy file. The (former?) name for the game seems...telling:
It makes sense, after all, the MC has continually been acting like a cuckold at every possible moment throughout the 6 chapters I have played so far.
It was a bit of a letdown to have dialogue so far refer to events that actually didn't occur, as if there's one specific golden path you're intended to play and Anne/others will act accordingly no matter what you actually choose to do (for example Anne refers to how great Cornell was, even though I chose to have the MC call it off). But from what I can gather from the last few pages of this thread choices will start to matter eventually.
If there's a rework planned I would love to have choices actually change dialogue and maybe some events, even in the first half of the game. I noticed there are barely any progress variables used in the first 5 chapters, so none of the choices are remembered.
Personally I like NTR-cheating more than cuckolding in games like this, looking forward to seeing some of that eventually (I really hope it's visualized even if Anne doesn't spill the beans or the MC peeps).
Alright I have played through this last chapter around 10 times as I am a big fan.
1. I love the toy party scene.
2. I also love the Dre scene while she jerks him off.
3. The plumber scene was not my fav not sure why someone had to make him look like Fat Albert.
4. The docter scene should have had an option to have sex with the doctor.
I am very dissapointed. The previous chapters built up the possibility of MC cleaning up Ann e.g kissing after swinger, oral after beach with Drake, and the spa scene with Drake at the end of ch9.
I cannot locate anytime where this actually happens? If anyone finds it please let me know.
I think it could have been easily place in this chapter eg. Old neighbor who cums in her or swinger party.
Also please note: I played a game where I saw the beach scene with Drake, the 3way spa scene with Drake and Troy, and then at the end of chapter it showed the spa scene anal with Drake asking MC to clean up. I didnt know that was possible.
Man, finally got around to playing chapter 10! You know that scene with Josie? I compare it to when a buddy brings you some McDonalds: You're a little grossed out at first, but then you just dig right on in and still kind of love it.
Man, the scenes with my girl Fernanda, Emma and the Beach Scene were on point. Good job, Mircom. I only missed the coffee shop scene.