
Sep 18, 2018
They really don't, though, which is what the last half-dozen pages of discussion have been about (though I hardly blame you if you gave them a miss :D). The word "open" is really important in open relationships. There is not, at the moment, a way to play the game in which at least one of the two isn't hiding their sex life from the other, and unless you play the MC as nearly monastic it's both of them hiding things from, and lying to, the other.
Ditto... If we try to aspect the whole view from the spot, that they were not on the same page on its entirety from the beginning, and Anne just playing along, by love, by curiosity, by she hates to being objectified therefore got an option to wind out without any fights, than we can hardly assume, that a loving couple can't realy be open and avoid getting hurt in her book, and if You choose her inherently cheating, won't help to deduct their or her reasons on the long run. An open couple hardly can give an emotional fuck to anyone after a certain satisfactory level on the grounds of sex, which is definitely not the case according to Anne. As I reread the scripts, I intend to beleive this much more. So in my book, MC fucked up the ability, to be her equalizer. Yet, we have chapters to do otherwise, as I assume. If you wish of course.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2017
There's definitely a sexist double standard in complaining about Anne's behavior if the MC is dipping his wick everywhere (at least she tells him about some of what she does), but unfortunately I'm...not surprised. One sees similar comments in pretty much every game with a male protagonist and multiple available NPCs.

Regarding the MC's cheating, on a replay I realized that Anne calls him out on three separate occasions...not really to complain that he's doing it, but that he's doing it and keeping it a secret...and yet he never even attempts to change his behavior. That, all by itself, suggests that he deserves little respect from Anne, nor does their relationship, nor does their agreement to explore honestly and openly. Now, in an ideal game every time he cheats (which is what having sex without including or telling her is, by the initial terms of their arrangement) would increase a variable that affects the likelihood that she'll also cheat and, eventually, leave him, or at least cuckold him. But an even more ideal game would give him the opportunity to choose to tell her or hide it from her, and the former would lower that variable while the latter would occasionally raise it (under the assumption she wouldn't find out about every single one of his partners).

I admit that I didn't particularly care for the plumber scene — I was into the idea, but the execution reminded me of all those "Bambi in Lechertown" (or whatever the trope is) RPGM games where the female protagonist keeps being forced into sex with ogres — and while I also could've done without the Phil scene, I'd at least have liked it to go another way: another photoshoot or something, not involving the MC in any way, in which Phil just makes a move on Anne and she somehow feels sorry enough for him that she accepts, only to be presented with Yet Another Monster Cock (spoiler: orgasms ensue). I was perfectly fine with the doctor scene; it's patently ridiculous, yet he at least seemed like someone she might reasonably have sex with.

I'm also fine with Anne having tons of sex with tons of people, but there's a point at which the character bloat becomes too much (and this is true for both Anne and the MC, especially the latter). She's promising pretty much every character she bangs a repeat, and unless she decides to start asking for money, at some point she's going to run out of hours in the day. Same with the MC, who is in danger of not getting his work done. I don't know how long this game will go on, but I wouldn't mind seeing an end to new characters (and there are plenty, especially on the MC's side, that haven't really been explored yet). In a revamped game with meanignful variables, we'd now be at the stage where those variables were having significant effects on the relationship (e.g. ryananne > 6 and mcanne < 15 means that she's going to do exactly what she does at the end of Chapter 10 [leaving that vague to avoid having to put it in spoiler tags], but ryananne > 6 and mcanne > 15 means that she'll tell the MC what happened, and so forth).


Active Member
Dec 17, 2017
Next time Anne can call for a plumber and ask for "pretty boy" to come fix her sink, instead of some old fat guy that shows his butt crack when he squats, eh? Maybe one from the July issue of Plumbers' Hump Monthly.
So if you think having a "realistic" plumber is OK, what do you think about Anne's mom basically having the body of a 20 year old? Because that's not realistic. Let me guess, you draw the line at realism when it come to milfs? Old ugly dudes.. fine, old ugly women... hell no! Sorry that I want my pretty people fucking other pretty people. That makes sense. Anne acting like a meth whore doesn't. Perhaps Microm should get the Mabel 8 set and use her. You know even things out.

There's definitely a sexist double standard in complaining about Anne's behavior if the MC is dipping his wick everywhere (at least she tells him about some of what she does), but unfortunately I'm...not surprised. One sees similar comments in pretty much every game with a male protagonist and multiple available NPCs.
Speaking of double standards in games, how many games have you played, or seen where the hot female fucks old dudes, old ugly dudes, fat old ugly dudes, or just plain ugly dudes. Now how many games have you seen where the hot male fucks old ladies, old ugly ladies, fat old ugly ladies, or just plain ugly ladies?

This is why we call Anne a whore, she will fuck anything that moves. The MC at least has standards.
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Aug 30, 2017
Speaking of double standards in games, how many games have you played, or seen where the hot female fucks old dudes, old ugly dudes, fat old ugly dudes, or just plain ugly dudes.
Plenty, obviously, and I never enjoy it. Nor did I enjoy it here. Though I'll be honest: I was less bothered by the plumber than I was by Luke. That felt predatory.

Now how many games have you seen where the hot male fucks old ladies, old ugly ladies, fat old ugly ladies, or just plain ugly ladies?
In terms of balance, I guess not enough, but I think this is fairly easily explained by the gender identity of the vast majority of game developers. I'll repeat that I was surprised to see it appear here. It's not that I'm bothered by Anne having sex with men who aren't traditionally attractive, it's that it came out of the blue and all in a single chapter. To me it represents a turn towards degradation, which is a fetish that consumes those RPGM games I was speaking about and isn't a fetish this game has previously considered.

This is why we call Anne a whore, she will fuck anything that moves. The MC at least has standards.
I don't care for the word unless it's literally true, which it isn't here, but I'll leave that aside for a moment. As for the MC, he has "standards" only in the sense that he hasn't been offered a female verison of Phil yet.


Sep 18, 2018
Speaking of double standards in games, how many games have you played, or seen where the hot female fucks old dudes, old ugly dudes, fat old ugly dudes, or just plain ugly dudes. Now how many games have you seen where the hot male fucks old ladies, old ugly ladies, fat old ugly ladies, or just plain ugly ladies?

This is why we call Anne a whore, she will fuck anything that moves. The MC at least has standards.
First of all, would you mind to leave this royal plural? We means you, few other people.

Secondly, you and your excruciatingly high standards (and the wish to find aesthetically somewhat appropriate reflections of them) would be more pleased i assume, if you and your standards would somehow manage to find a living creature like Anne like a vital first step, than fell in love with, than watch her fucking with pretty people, than ask yourself what do you feel exactly (estranged, truned on, extranged and turned on, can you loose here, if not why, if yes why?) than repeat this thing with ugly people, revideate similarly and than share with me your comparative experiences, possible reasons behind them.

Thirdly, i saw those events plenty in real life. If they chasing money so you call them whores, if they chasing you, you call them love, if they chasing you and money you call them golddigger, if they chasing you, anothers, pleasure, satisfaction, getting off, answers in their lives but not money inclusively, in this case via sex... what would your noun be? On what basis? One would be enough? - I know you might want just fap, but the content itself is more than that already, if you mastered the skill of reading, of course, you would hardly could conclude things afar from this. If yes, please share me how?

This is why we call Anne a whore, she will fuck anything that moves. The MC at least has standards.
Anne herself is MCs wife. Did you notice that tiny detail? - Tho we managed to step the entry level of their possible dynamics. Those are changed. By players choice. The plumber scene suggests me that Anne is not traditionally superficial. If you play thru the game, she is pretty much an integrated girl, script, idea, actor in a story we have here. In a certain way of experimentation, and what will she learn from it, its her thing to express and Microm's, not your's and anyone's taste's. Reality's, at the best. Track the story instead, than we can talk about more... khm, tangible matters.


Active Member
May 1, 2017
So if you think having a "realistic" plumber is OK, what do you think about Anne's mom basically having the body of a 20 year old? Because that's not realistic. Let me guess, you draw the line at realism when it come to milfs? Old ugly dudes.. fine, old ugly women... hell no! Sorry that I want my pretty people fucking other pretty people. That makes sense. Anne acting like a meth whore doesn't. Perhaps Microm should get the Mabel 8 set and use her. You know even things out.
I can give you a few realistic examples of hot women that still look that good> Jane Seymour, Morgan Fairchild, Tanya Roberts, Barbara Eden, the list goes on. Far as Pretty women in these games, my standards are probably not the same as yours. I've played plenty of these kinda games with ugly women in them, there are actually some in this game I find ugly. As for ugly men fucking pretty women, "George" the daz3d model, has had sex with more gorgeous women than Quagmire.


Active Member
Dec 17, 2017
As for ugly men fucking pretty women, "George" the daz3d model, has had sex with more gorgeous women than Quagmire.
That was the point I was making when it came to double standards. That women sleeping with ugly dudes is in most Daz3D games, but men sleeping with ugly women is pretty rare. Sleeping with old women like granny looking, almost not heard of.

If you want to debate I'm all for it, but be civil and leave your snarky attitude behind.


Active Member
May 1, 2017
...but men sleeping with ugly women is pretty rare. Sleeping with old women like granny looking, almost not heard of.
That would kinda throw the whole porn game market in the toilet wouldn't it? Why would anyone want to play a game that only has ugly women in it? But, far as men fucking ugly women, there use to be a saying...ugly women have pretty friends, you dig?
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Sep 18, 2018
Attitude... pages of discourses about ATTITUDES, and you complaining about mismatching attitudes whereas and don!t misunderstand me but i cant see the debate of yours according to mine. Mine with few people here. It is quite obvious that our ones centers around motives, patterns, scripts, intentions, told and untold plots, their chances in general, under the aegis of existent psychodynamics those are surprisingly touched by and/or centers around sexuality.

I do understand that you might managed to identify yourself with the MC in a certain way, but fortunately your not... him. Anyways, in any choice based visual novels, simdates, RPGMs or anything in the genre, the player's personality cant take precedence over the whole, just can manage the characters, if agrees with them, try to pick a wished content, or leave the whole idea if he can do neither. Manage maximum a morally coherent play-through to his/her will, if the content allows it, but that's that.

Or takes suggestions to the author. On this point, you did indeed manage to enable my "snarkyness", tho I did not convey direct or judgmental rudeness in any way. Was a bit cheeky tho, but in my book you just deserved that because we have (?) here a (it will be mildly cheeky now) "différence substantielle" about a focal point of view on Anne's and MC's behavior in comparison.

My thought was explained quite... a length i cant help that. I ve my experiences, and i joyfully speaking about any debates about anything that has close correlation about my past-than-present love life, its experiences, outcomes and its questions, hardships and contexts in order to help another people and myslef of course in their might present and my retrospective struggle, to understand a materialistically unorthodox yet very effective way (let me say Being Adventurous) to come to terms with each other's importance, its reasons, within ourselves, and in our romantically meant partners.

Atop of that the next thing i see, is a complaint that Anne inferior(?) or superior(?) (actually i dont know which one attracts emotionally a positive and which one a negative sign?) in being a whore, by the sole reason that he fucked basically everything out of the blue, and the RPGM degradation takes precedence. (Players choice in 99%). - Not to mention that being a whore is being conventionally somewhat immoral. According to them lying considered much more immoral. And thats the very matter here. An open relationship (between psychically, emotionally mentally fitting individuals) can break down the concept of the conventional issues of marriage, EGO... whats left is the another person debunked nude (Literally tho) from wich point you can rebuild your relationship, or get rid of it. This has a prerequisite factor, called Honest Love. And THIS is, what we trying to find out here. About MC and about Anne. And about Microm's vision, in order to (upper ones), and in order to just have a debate because (upper ones).


Jan 7, 2019
Hope for the developer of game could read this Mirconn (sorry for my poor english, ok). The game is fantastic of course and the work to do this is more than huge. I just loved the lesbian and toys scenes, was to hot. I mean, in my opinion, the small thins about sexuality are very important too. For example: A well elaborated scene when Anne prepare yourself for a sex (shaving, enema, nails work etc), not about tan everytime. Another location(s), are necessary too (house and beach are good, but....) a gloryhole in a gas station during a trip could make some of us very happy, don't?! Other: A path when she or both could be owened (humiliation or just lust way?). The scene when she takes the first anal action was in my opinion TOO easy (she just swalloed that moster in the ass and was just that? Maybe a background in the past could put the event in a better way!). The more fetishes and smaller details could satisfy more people to love the game and atract other people too. Hope that i can at least contributed with anything and I'm totally available for news ideas or help.


Jan 4, 2018
omg victorie,gia and kelsey thoose models want wait well actualy hope that they get some action


Nov 21, 2017
Here is my constructive criticism for a game with a lot of potential:
1. I think anne lacks respect for the mc as the game goes on because we, the player, are not given the chance to be attractive/assertive enough to her. I think it is really important that mircom starts letting the player tell anne that he wants to/is going to fuck other women. We already know anne wants to see this and just wants honesty. This would help make the MC more desirable in anne's eyes in my opinion. This would also lead to awesome threesome opportunities where the MC and Anne's relationship can grow closer and everyone is on the same page/power dynamic. You can and should have other routes for players that like to be pathetic cucks, but please give us a chance for the MC to be a real man and someone anne is truly attracted to and wants to keep as her equal and not just cheat on and run all over without remorse or consequences.
2. I personally don't like to see anne turn into a whore that fucks literally anyone like she does currently, and not everyone should have a giant cock and be some amazing lover.
3. PLEASE give the MC the chance to outright block ryan and put him in his place. A great outcome would be for the MC to take charge and fuck anne in front of ryan while letting him get zero action. Also, we need the opportunity to fuck ryan's wife and let him know about it if he and anne lie to the mc about their activities. Can't you just see ryan's shock and anger along with anne's surprise and lust if the MC calls them out on their lying to him with a video of the MC fucking the shit out of ryan's wife and her loving it/bad mouthing ryan. That would be awesome.
4. I'm glad Martin can be blocked as I literally hate that guy. I wish the MC had a chance to kick his ass/get aggressive with him for daring to mess with anne. Once again, give us the chance to show anne that we are a real man.
5. Big one here: Please give us the option to get a little more dominate with Anne. We know she likes this, and this would go a long way in making the MC attractive in her eyes and not become a pushover. Please give us the option to exert a little control over anne in certain situations. This would clearly turn her on and improve the relationship's balance of power.

Thank you for a great game.


Jan 6, 2019

I replayed from the beginning. In chapter one it gives you an option to tell Ryan he cant stay (missed opportunity). I chose that in hopes to avoid Ana's relationship to him but he still comes?
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