
Engaged Member
Jan 3, 2019
Also, in terms of humiliation, by that point a cheating MC has humiliated Anne more than a few times. You don't think her best friend told Anne about her and the MC? You remember what she thought about Kenny's surveillance? You don't think she suspects he's cheating on her?
This part does not make sense either what best friend would tell her friend she cheated with her husband ?? To me that ends any friendship right there.

To me this part looks like this if anne used her best friend to seduce her husband then she deserved the husband to cheat on her too.. She should stop crying like a little bitch because she got exactly what she deserved back.
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Engaged Member
Feb 20, 2018
This part does not make sense either what best friend would tell her friend she cheated with her husband ?? To me that ends any friendship right there.

To me this part looks like this if anne used her best friend to seduce her husband then she deserved the husband to cheat on her too.. She should stop crying like a little bitch because she got exactly what she deserved back.
Gonna have to agree with this 100%, if I recall the defense for Anne cheating with the MC's dad was "it was the MC's fault for sending him into the bathroom with Ane, he got what he deserved".

In that case Anne who flat out admits to setting up Nicole to bang her husband as a test, also gets what she deserves... As for the other cheating cases aside from Chloe, Anne has no fracking way of knowing about them unless she is following the MC around, which we the player know she isn't...


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2017
For the record - I'm playing avoiding cheating with Nicole and Anna still cheats (although less). Haven't played not cheating at all.
No one's arguing the game doesn't eventually let Anne cheat no matter what the MC does. It's one of the core flaws in the game. The key issue necessitating a reworking is that Anne's cheating (rather than hotwifing, etc.) needs to be justified, and the game as it currently plays doesn't pay that off. (Again: the latest release just assumed that Anne was going to have all the available sex, because the revamp was already in the works.) There are variables that affect/allow this, but they arise fairly late in the game and don't (as with Martin) necessarily correspond to the choices the player makes. Hence the revamp.

This part does not make sense either what best friend would tell her friend she cheated with her husband ??
A best friend who's told they have an open relationship and has always wanted both Anne and the MC, later to find out that they don't have an open relationship because the MC is lying about it? Granted, that isn't in the text, but it's my headcanon and it makes much more sense than the text. In the tet as it exists, Nicole isn't any less to blame than the MC. Honestly, there are a number of awful people in this game, and Nicole is the first.

She should stop crying like a little bitch because she got exactly what she deserved back.
So many people in such a hurry to call Anne a bitch. How dare she object to the MC being a whore by being one herself?

She never "cried" like anything. She protested, the MC changed nothing about his behavior, and then she acted. She never once whined or complained, she just went ahead and did her thing.

Gonna have to agree with this 100%, if I recall the defense for Anne cheating with the MC's dad was "it was the MC's fault for sending him into the bathroom with Ane, he got what he deserved".
That wasn't "the" defense, that was my query. I don't understand why someone desperate to keep Anne and Martin apart wouldn't tell him to fuck off while still outside the bathroom. If you want to keep Martin and Anne apart, then keep them apart. There's a hyper-controlling, pseudo-alpha mindset that thinks the MC can force Martin and Anne together and then demand that they resist their obvious urges. A rational player who doesn't think he somehow has mind-controlling Domly Dominator powers over Anne wouldn't even give them the chance to cheat. The "too late, asshole"/cuckold moment in the shower is one of the most pointedly written and well-earned moments in the game; a moment when the MC pushed his wife way too far and paid the worst possible price.

In that case Anne who flat out admits to setting up Nicole to bang her husband as a test, also gets what she deserves
Because her husband is a cheating shitbag she deserves to be cheated on? He's genetically incapable of saying no? This is a very, very disturbing sexual worldview.

Anne has no fracking way of knowing about them unless she is following the MC around, which we the player know she isn't...
The MC can go home for lunch almost every single day, look around for her, wonder where she is, even sometimes wonder if she's out there having sex. But Anne, whose whereabouts we only occasionally know during those days, is...well, what, exactly? Filing her nails? How about that she already knows the MC is a cheating scumbag and can make logical assumptions from his inexplicable absences? She's either spying on the MC or out there banging dudes on the DL. Hopefully both, because fuck that guy.


Engaged Member
Feb 20, 2018
You really don't see the double standard your using between the two cheating circumstances for MC and Anne Segonbora ?

The two things are basically the same scenario, yet you blame the MC for both...when it's more like this:

1a - MC sends his dad to tempt Anne
1b - Anne sends Nicole to tempt MC

2a - Anne doesn't control her urges and fucks Martin, MC's fault
2b - MC doesn't control his urges and fucks Nicole, Anne's fault

Your logic or the way your coming across is:

2a - Anne fucks Martin, MC's fault for being an idiot and setting it up
2b - MC fucks Nicole, MC's fault for being a cheating scumbag, he deserves everything bad that happens from that point on !!

I mean seriously ? Especially since you agree with many of us, that there is no point in staying faithful as the game gets less sex scenes, and Anne still fucks around regardless.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2017
1a - MC sends his dad to tempt Anne
1b - Anne sends Nicole to tempt MC
Which happens first? The latter. Long, long before the former.

2a - Anne doesn't control her urges and fucks Martin, MC's fault
2b - MC doesn't control his urges and fucks Nicole, Anne's fault
Which happens first? The latter. Long, long before the former.

And that's the MC's fault, not Anne's. Who believes otherwise? Nicole can't possibly be preemptive retribution for something that's not going to happen until weeks in the future. The MC can't punish Anne for something she hasn't yet done. But Anne can certainly punish the MC for something he's already done, over and over and over again. Martin happens so much later than Nicole that I can't believe you're trying to draw an anti-temporal cause/effect connection. Anne fucking Martin is both of their faults if it's forced into being, but it's the player's fault for putting them inside the same shower, much less the same bathroom, and expecting something different.

The MC throws countless dudes at Anne and she willingly fucks all of them, with full spousal consent, knowledge, and approval. He colludes with her boss to spy on her and she gets justifiably cranky, but he doesn't give a shit. He fucks her friend and lies about it. He keeps pushing her, she starts to rebel against his hypocrisy. I'm seriously, legitimately, fundamentally baffled that you somehow think this is her fault.


Aug 14, 2018
So I just went and replayed Chapter One with the express intention of preventing any cheating/swinging whatsoever... and without having any conversation with Anne about it the MC and Anne somehow agreed that she would do the first activity, the flashing in the mall. This is possible. From Chapter One. Either the MC has psychotic breaks or the game needs to be reworked from the ground up to make any sense. I'm pointing this out for players who might get frustrated at a long time before the next update. Hopefully, the creator might do something like a 1-2 chapter rewrite every month or two, but a more realistic expectation might be a 4-6 month layoff from new updates to allow for a total reworking of the game code/logic. Or he could say "fuck it" and just keep going down this path, which i wouldn't mind, but would be disappointed with.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2017
Right. I'd love a Project Sage-style "I'm reworking the game" pause, but make it very public. Don't toy with those who're waiting for a new chapter. Make it clear that you're coding a new game with the existing assets and ask for patience. I think that would placate pretty much everyone.


Engaged Member
Jan 3, 2019
Which happens first? The latter. Long, long before the former.

Which happens first? The latter. Long, long before the former.

And that's the MC's fault, not Anne's. Who believes otherwise? Nicole can't possibly be preemptive retribution for something that's not going to happen until weeks in the future. The MC can't punish Anne for something she hasn't yet done. But Anne can certainly punish the MC for something he's already done, over and over and over again. Martin happens so much later than Nicole that I can't believe you're trying to draw an anti-temporal cause/effect connection. Anne fucking Martin is both of their faults if it's forced into being, but it's the player's fault for putting them inside the same shower, much less the same bathroom, and expecting something different.

The MC throws countless dudes at Anne and she willingly fucks all of them, with full spousal consent, knowledge, and approval. He colludes with her boss to spy on her and she gets justifiably cranky, but he doesn't give a shit. He fucks her friend and lies about it. He keeps pushing her, she starts to rebel against his hypocrisy. I'm seriously, legitimately, fundamentally baffled that you somehow think this is her fault.
Well what happens when mc dont fuck nicole then ?? B not happened but A will be... if both are doing this they both are liable for cheating to happen. not only one also if anne sends out a friend to tempt her hubby then there was never trust in this marriage and they should divorce asap..

You could say the other way arround mc did not trust anne so he sends martin and anne cheats with martin.. then MC starts his cheating habbit.
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Engaged Member
Jan 3, 2019
You really don't see the double standard your using between the two cheating circumstances for MC and Anne Segonbora ?

The two things are basically the same scenario, yet you blame the MC for both...when it's more like this:

1a - MC sends his dad to tempt Anne
1b - Anne sends Nicole to tempt MC

2a - Anne doesn't control her urges and fucks Martin, MC's fault
2b - MC doesn't control his urges and fucks Nicole, Anne's fault

Your logic or the way your coming across is:

2a - Anne fucks Martin, MC's fault for being an idiot and setting it up
2b - MC fucks Nicole, MC's fault for being a cheating scumbag, he deserves everything bad that happens from that point on !!

I mean seriously ? Especially since you agree with many of us, that there is no point in staying faithful as the game gets less sex scenes, and Anne still fucks around regardless.
2A it should say this is Anne fault for not controlling her urges And this is Anne Fault. MC setup his dad to test if anne is cheating.
2B MC fault for not controlling his urges, and this is MC fault. Anne Setting up her friend to test if hubby is cheating.

You only really control what MC does. what Anne does is out of our control. When Anne starts cheating she really cheats, MC can still be controlled to not cheat in this game at all.

The MC throws countless dudes at Anne and she willingly fucks all of them, with full spousal consent, knowledge, and approval. He colludes with her boss to spy on her and she gets justifiably cranky, but he doesn't give a shit. He fucks her friend and lies about it. He keeps pushing her, she starts to rebel against his hypocrisy. I'm seriously, legitimately, fundamentally baffled that you somehow think this is her fault.
Yes he does, but at the same time anne throws her friend into this aswell with soul attempt to make sure the hubby starts to cheat. This game is suppose to be named Adventurous couple. Yet the scenraious thrown into this game is anything but adventurous.

I would rather have this type of scenario thrown into this game.
The husbands picks the guys the wife can fuck, and wife picks the woman the mc can fuck and both live happlily ever after.

The real problem with you remark is i already stated i was playing the faithfull FAITHFULL hubby not the cheating hubby. Anne will always cheat no matter what. so how is that the husband fault ??
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Låt den rätta komma in
Jul 2, 2017
The real problem with you remark is i already stated i was playing the faithfull FAITHFULL hubby not the cheating hubby. Anne will always cheat no matter what. so how is that the husband fault ??
I can't tell you that, because she will. That's part of the issue regarding how the game is coded. Even if you do everything "right" — choose to swing or have a hotwife/open relationship, don't cheat on Anne — she will still, by the end of the most recent update, have sex with people and not tell you about it. The dev was quite clear that he left pretty much all the scenes in the most recent update "open" because he's rethinking everything that led to it and couldn't sensibly code it based on what had come before. The game needs a top-to-bottom rework, and that's what's supposed to be happening now.

That said, if someone plays the game the way you described that you did, Anne should most definitely cheat on the MC. That would be the only logical and fair response to the MC cheating on her and lying about it.


Engaged Member
Feb 20, 2018
The thing is @UncleVT I dont agree that the game needs a COMPLETE re-work... Just stop Anne from lying through her whore teeth about Ryan at the end of Chapter 10 if MC is on the faithful path... and while your at it, remove Marcus from showing up AT ALL if your on the non-black side... That's it !!

The only way a re-work would make sense, is if the swinging goes into "full swing" whether together or separate but with consent !! meaning, all the times MC bangs Nicole Anne gives consent, all the times he bangs Bethany (minus getting her pregnant) Anne gives consent ! Banging the black Chick in DR ? Consent... banging Chloe, Anne gives consent, banging Zarah and her roommate (girls from Diner) Anne gives consent ! The married milf from the Diner that lives in the see-through hosue ? Anne gives consent, and heck watches them !!

Thats the only way a re-work would be justified, everything else is just fixing variables, and trigger flags, RESPECT the players choices... As segonbora already told me multiple times, and I agree with him, in my particular paythrough they are both cheating, so let them cheat, fuck it (my fault for making bad calls) I'll ride it through to the bad ending with divorce or whatever... but if someone is playing faithful, she SHOULD NOT cheat, that simple... people that picked threesome, they should get mostly that content... people that chose cheating during the porn thing (Anne should cheat on you despite faithful MC, as the MC is making it seem that's his kink). Swinger route (the one I'm more interested in) should be as I described above ! Also your race preference should be respected (which for the most part it was in my game except for Anne mentioning something that NEVER happened in my game) and Marcus was optional anyway...

I know some people would probably defend the way the game is currently saying "its the MC's kink to share his wife, not Anne's !!"... Yes it starts that way, but before long cheating or non-cheating route, Anne proclaims and I quote "it would be hot to watch my husband with other women too"... BAM ! right there should stop the MC's sex scenes from being cheating, and make it so he can call Anne during lunch to come watch him get busy and get herself off, just like he does when he watches her.


Jan 7, 2019
Sometimes I wish this game end faster because in this forum is about to creat a big riot. If at the end of this game most are not satisfied, there will be fires and complaints till here in Brazil ! LMAO....


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2017
The one (and perhaps only) thing upon which we all seem to agree is that it would be preferable to not offer a hotwife/open relationship/swinging route if the game can't actually be played that way. (I'd add the caveat that if a negative outcome is what the dev wanted all along, then it's his game and his business.) But all we're really doing, as UncleVT's repost pointed out, is reiterating over and over again that the current game's code makes this impossible...something we've known for about three chapters now. Every version of the question "but why?" has that one very simple answer.

In theory, I think cheating by either character should be punished via the actions of the other, which I detailed at fanatical length . It's not a gamebreaking issue for me, and I'll still finish the game if infidelity is forced, thinking it was fairly solid and fun for a first effort even if it didn't make much sense at times. But in terms of a hierarchy of preference, my top choice would be a game that had well-executed stories for both honest and dishonest routes (and their variants), my second choice would be for a game that insists this was a road they never should've traveled (sort of a Pandora's Box VN rather than a game as such), and my least favorite would be a game in which dishonesty doesn't matter. It's really all a question of how much work Mircom3D wants to put into it, and if his ultimate decision is, "you know what, I'm just gonna finish this off and start thinking about my next game," I can't really say that I blame him.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2017
wow, a rewamp of the whole game, i wonder if he Cave in and removes the Anne cheating parts altogether then to get some Peace quiet.
Dec 30, 2017
The game errors when i stop the guy coming home from the bar to give anne a massage

And when will be the next update? I'm excited when anne and mc's ex girlfriend said that he dump him for martin, i know that martin will somehow get both girls (like a scene with both of them) cause the two are stewardess? I know martin is behind of that since anne was called by the airlines.

Been waiting for the ch11 since 2nd week of january. I'm coming here 3-4 times a day until now hahahahaha
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