If the revamp involves reworking variables — which it almost certainly will as Mircom3D intends to "correct" the routes and he can't do that without making the variables do that work for him — then yes, it will be necessary to restart from the beginning. Since I did that very thing while reexamining the game, trying to figure out what sort of game it really was, I can say that it was well worth it. The descent (or, if you prefer [and I do], ascent) into depravity is fun, but it's also interesting to watch how his renders and staging improve, how his animations dramatically improve, and how the narrative changes from "I think you should fuck that guy"/"OK, I'll go fuck that guy" to more complex — and often darker — motivations and outcomes. I've assumed...perhaps incorrectly...that English isn't his first language, but in a world of adult games where that's more often true than not, TAC is remarkably coherent (writing-wise; the plot/route issues have been discussed to death, often by me) and surprisingly subtle. All the signs of dissatisfaction and discord that are so clear by Chapter 10 are actually evident far, far earlier in the game.
Everyone has to start somewhere, but I think the Mircom3D of today would write a somewhat different and much more sophisticated game if he started TAC right now, knowing what he knows. I look forward to the revamp and to the future chapters, but also to whatever he's going to do next.