This is what the revamp was supposed to fix, at a minimum. If it didn't, it has failed.
We have argued many times in this thread.
The key world in your post Is the world "minimum".
Dev in fact didnt set an actual clear target when he decided to revamp his game. Players had their own expectations and one of my main disagreements with most was that they always lowered them.
It was clear from probably after the release of ch 3 rev. that the Dev was setting the bar low regarding the revamp. Even that he actually failed to pass it.
Its not the coding and routes problems that still exist. Its main failure Is that old players struggle to play it.I Havent finished it yet, from your responce it seems that you Havent even played it yet.
Segnbora with whom i mainly disagree not in the way he analyzes things (he Is 100% correct in that) but in his conclusion (always defencive towards the Dev) also didnt played it.
Its the main failure of a revamping procedure that almost lasted the same time As the creating one and delivered the same content almost at a 100% scene by scene, line by line, subplot by subplot. Fatique and Boredom.
Segnbora few pages behind noted what this game Is all about (and yet again failed to Come to the right conclusion)
"Dev wants to see anne getting Fucked As more As possible"
The most accurate description of what this game Is all about.
Also the cause of its problems. The plethora of random dudes or sublots where anne gets Fucked, created the need of constant rendering during the creation of the original edition. Also created in order to kinda balance this storywise the need to have a plethora of side chicks, which also leads to constant rendering.
The outcome Is a plethora of random dudes and random chicks with zero character depth. The huge amount of sublots and side characters, and all the side decisions player had to make lead to a chaotic subbrancing game. Difficult to code and Difficult to keep side stories consistent through game play.
Dev followed the same pattern while revamping it. Stayed in his comfort zone (rendering), which wasnt original editions main problem. While continuing giving less priority to coding, characters depth or decisions value which was the main problem of the original edition.
If someone decides to write a story of his memoirs of a trip to jamaica where the main purpose of the trip was to see his wife getting fucked As more times and As many ways As possible dont expect to read about jamaican culture or history. Dont expect characters depth, meaningfull dialoques or much of a story.
TAC original Is among the best fapping materials in this site, but not much of a game. Great games have character depth, solid game structure, decisions value and an understandable logic behind those decisions.
TAC revamped Is exactly the same, half polished fapping material.