Is there a swinging path in TACOS? I don't remember one. And swinging is not why I decided to play TACOS. You keep making assumption about what I like. I like good stories, especially ones that are about Married couples sharing, but I read plenty of others as well such as Summer's Gone (no married couple in sight in this game).
You have lectured people many times that Anne does not cheat and yet number 2 and 3 you say are Anne cheating paths... Thank you for verifying what so many people have tried to tell you, Anne cheats.
No the story is not perfect, you said yourself a number of times in previous posts there are mistakes that need to be fixed in the story. That in itself means the story is NOT perfect... The story is perfect is YOUR opinion. Around and around we go. I am happy for you that you don't want to change it, but that doesn't make your opinion is any more 'right' then mine. Just because someone writes a game/story/book doesn't mean it is perfect, it means it is published especially in 2023. I know, I'm a published author.
Oh dear, let me explain it again.... I am sad you take the emotion out of your music, it just reduces music to sound. IMO that is sad.
I am glad you are happy with this game, that is great.
I am happy with the game as well, I just think it could be improved. I know you disagree and that is fine. I look forward to enjoying the finished game one day.
FFS I will explain again
1. I don't know if I like a path until I actually play the path. Otherwise how would I know if I like that path? That means I will encounter paths/characters/events I don't like along the way some times.
2. I think where you maybe getting confused is, you think because I don't like one particular character/event/etc, that I hate the whole paths they occur on, that is not necessarily so, it means I hate one bit of that path or I may hate the whole path, it depends on many factors. For example, on very long paths TACOS will eventually have, Ryan will be a tiny portion on a couple of paths. Why would I never play those paths again for one small annoying character? It makes no sense.
That is all.