I prefer the new version, they look quite good. Nothing against the younger ones, just a personal opinion.
And that's totally fair. I've always been a little averse to change so when something I like gets changed and it isn't an immediate and clear improvement, I tend to dislike it quite a bit.
The age isn't the issue. I would prefer if all 3 girls looked older. The dev could have played around with the existent models, removed the uniforms and tweaked it so they would look older. Make them college students instead of what I assume is highschool. But he chose to pretty much heavily alter them to a point they are almost unrecognizable. Except for maybe Lisa who now looks to be in her mid thirties. He beat them with the ugly stick quite a bit too
But, like you said, different strokes for different folks. I just hope the original version sticks around for a little longer