If you would rather jerk it to women or pre-pubescent boys, you can do so without bitching about it in this thread, yes?
I don't know why you're bringing women into this, but yeah, a cute shota would be hotter and make for a better twink. Except I'm not talking about how hairy the twink is. He looks fine except for that cringy hairstyle. It's the 'bear' as the gays like to call them. He's too damn hairy, and you'll see me saying the same thing in straight porn threads as well. Hairy dudes are fucking gross and a huge turn off to look at. Just like any other ugly bastard type.
At a certain point it just starts feeling like straight porn tho
Femboys were always meant to appeal to straight men. That's why they used to be called
traps. If this is intended to be targeted at straight men, something needs to be done about that godawful hair. There's no good reason for him to look like that. Or for the other dude to be that hairy. Unless of course this was meant to target actual gays, in which case, why have femboy in the title at all.