Considering this paragraph (among other things written there too) from their Patreon page I doubt there will ever be one officially:Still no public release
i already got the new buildConsidering this paragraph (among other things written there too) from their Patreon page I doubt there will ever be one officially:
"Your support at $10 USD a month or more gives you access to all playable builds, demos, and art of the video games I make! Including completed games."
There is already plenty of hardcore/non teasing stuff out there. I don't think this game needs to go in that direction at all unless it's as a reward for achieving certain things in the game. This is a niche game and it needs protecting! Not homogenising.It does looks like it's going to be fun atleast gameplay wise shame it looks like it's just going to be a teasing game though. It would also be a god send to atleast have one lesbian scene with the main boss using a dildo on the restrained MC once the game ends of getting to that point.
Furries, why does it have to be furries........ I am fine with cat ears and tails. But why this game have to have furry and also a very interesting artstyle and game play.
Why do people get this upset over a game having furries in it and offhandedly suggesting they be removed? Did anyone consider maybe the game wasn't made with you in mind? There's thousands of games on this site, you can more than easily find one that suits you instead of passive-aggressively moaning about one game that doesn't cater to you.Darn, shame it's furry. The concept is awesome.
It is not only gay and furry that get that kind of reactions, pretty much anything that isn't pure vanilla get replies like that to some degreeWhy do people get this upset over a game having furries in it and offhandedly suggesting they be removed? Did anyone consider maybe the game wasn't made with you in mind? There's thousands of games on this site, you can more than easily find one that suits you instead of passive-aggressively moaning about one game that doesn't cater to you.
"omg this game would be so perfect if theymade what I want instead of what they want to makeremoved <insert thing here>"
Why is it always gay/and or furry games that get this reaction? What ever happened to just ignoring things you don't like? Like, if you went into a game thread that had NTR stuff proudly displayed in it, you wouldn't go "damn I wish they removed the NTR" (actually, they probably do), you'd just hide the thread and move on. But people have different standards when it comes to gay games or furry games, passive-aggressively whining about how the game has great gameplay and graphics, but "oh I wish they stopped catering to their primary audience that they originally made the game for, and made games for me, instead. It would be really good if they did that, it's such a shame"
To which I reply with thisIt is not only gay and furry that get that kind of reactions, pretty much anything that isn't pure vanilla get replies like that to some degree
Why do people feel the need to go into games tagged with content they don't like just to tell people they aren't going to play it like anyone else gives a fuck.
Said it once and i'll say it again. This isn't an airport, you don't need to announce your departure, no one else cares what you do.
Takes alot of mental gymnastics to get to that point bud. Since when does pointing out my game preferences means I want them removed ?Why do people get this upset over a game having furries in it and offhandedly suggesting they be removed?
Not everyone likes NTR and Tentacles, but you don't see it's fan's being so triggered as to rage post on this kind of level. They just say "yeah well it's not everyone's cup of tea" walks off.It is not only gay and furry that get that kind of reactions, pretty much anything that isn't pure vanilla get replies like that to some degree