yeah,the doc def wants to heal herself,maybe by becoming a vampire herself,maybe just the gene.I originally thought she secretly is looking for a way to destroy them,maybe both are true. Emilia on the other hand is feeling neglected by her father and feels like everyone is afraid of her and tries to keep her on a leash. I think both her and her father have further ambitions than just ruling their own clan. The possible scheming within that clan is giving me solid VTM flashbacks,probably why I love this so much. I just wish for an option to be evil later on,but not in terms of the humanity/control scale,but being a cold and calculated political player instead of a blood hungry animal who just kills people. Zoey is neutral in terms of the vampire infighting and she is a cool character,but I hope she can be corrupted into joining the power struggle,otherwise her plan of just leaving it all behind don't sit well with my plans. My fave is def Emilia tho.