This one got me really hard
. The same shit i might have done with April. But also with Apurna.
Well this one is like 50/50. To me at least. It seams that MC is close to his sis which is all cool i guess, siblings do tend to get close, not incest close but since this is a game i decided to give it a go. Mom on the other hand is really troubled ever since she miscaried. With no support from dad she had be giver herself to alcohol, like that solves anything, when in reallity it only made things worse. Only in the middle of the game you could see that she decided to tell her kids what happend, why she drinks and again incest option for mom. While aunt to me personally is by far my fav blood related character. Like when you go to arcade and if you win and you choose to ask for a kiss she's like what the hell you'll get one.
I think that Harper mentioned that Moorhees had two kids. Boy and girl. Now we can presume that that creepy dude in the cabin is boy or grown up version. I don't believe it's Hunter, that dude with dog. To me he's more like a stalker or idk., have trouble on how to aproach ladies. While for female there are several candidates. April is one of 'em. Receptionist at sauna and massage center is one and Lisa, Apurns roommate. But to me everything points out for April (untill it's proven otherwise). Her behavior after that incident, i really got this feeling that she knows the person who's dragging her. To me it felt more like a test. And when MC forced his way into the cabin the creep is gone. And all April does is beg MC not to go to police and report on what happend.