Thanks, sorry if I came off as a little harsh. The main premise has promise, so keep working on development. I'll keep an eye on it. Focus initially on cleaning up the presentation, navigation. Let people in the quest log know where they can get a job or let the character have a computer that allows them to search and tell you where to go.
Also take a look at other QSP games, because the game stats (Corruption, submission, etc.) are oddly presented in your game. Most QSP games have a cleaner interface. I suggest downloading Girls Life for the look and feel of. Though I think the game has a lot of issues about quests, and game progress, it does have a really clean interface for presentation of stats. It's navigation isn't perfect, but it isn't bad either. Don't try to mimic its gameplay or storytelling, but it is a decent example of a QSP game with a nice UI.
Another QSP game, Clean Slate, which is a MtF transformation game, is a smaller size download, but its UI is really good. Even if you aren't interested in engaging the content, the QSP UI is one of the better ones. It might give you ideas on presentation (however, don't try to mimic the wardrobe system, which is nowhere near as good as Girls Life).
Anyway, good luck, I hope my recommendations help.