You talk like harem relationships where there's one male MC and nothing but women, all staying exclusive to the MC, is somehow rare in mind control and corruption games. It's definitely not. Plus, it's not like Ava wants to grab any guy she can find for a gang bang, the MC is the one that makes her do it.
As to your earlier statements, my experience in real life says that poly relationships with a single man and the rest women don't actually work unless those women are abusively trapped in the relationship. It doesn't matter how honest you are with each other, women do not want to be the property of a man. If they aren't allowed to freely find other partners, including other men, they will leave for a better poly relationship where they are treated as an equal. I'll never understand why so many people refuse to share their toys, so to speak. Seems especially common among men.
Nop never made that statement but usually in harem ( with or without MindControl by the way ) you have tools, either a plot device or a gameplay mechanic like in Superpowered were you have a specific control power that regulates exclusivity ( so you can actually choose if you want to share your toys or not ).
And no in the company's setting Ava as a fonctioning human being is irrevelant she is just a puppet and the mc is a puppeter so my point is, why go command here to fuck a bunch of strangers unless the mc has a secret cucking fetish?
Or why , if it was to "soften her mind in preparation" so he can have a deeper control later , why once the deeper level of control attained he keeps here like this? (patreon vote your content system's fault in this case apparently
Again I said HEALTHY , "HEALTHY", i'm not talking about Eastern europeen women who go to USA or any other wealthier country with a marriage VISA or talking about Singapore contracted servants or any other human rights violation. Or even closer to home so to speak, having an actual sociopatic monster in human skin for companion.
Cucking,cuckqueen, bisexual, bicurious , ect exist in the real world. Heck havent you ever been "Blinded by love"? Willing to accept anything or most of the questionable/unfair things your companion ( AND i use companion as in genderneutral Male/Female ) does because he makes your heart go nuts? I was once upon a time.
I'm talking about meeting someone you like at a bar,nightclub, dating app or even strolling in the street singing new york new york, hitting it of and instead of the usual posturing, muscle flexing, trying to mask your flaws with 2 pounds of figurative or not makeup; having an actual honest exchange.
Granted it's easier if you have money, it's easier if you're a greek god(dess) physicaly or even if you're wity enough, ect and its even easier when you combine some together but it exist.
As for abusing or treating your companion like an object sorry to burst your bubble but the situation is not in anyway gender/bias , my mother used to run after my father with a butcher knife. And she was the one who smashed to pieces wooden objects on me and my brother's back.
As for why "Seems especially common among men." it's because most of the pornographic content is made by and for dudes.
Blame it on our greco/roman male centric origin, on the dark ages of medieval times, on the puritanism that spread 2 centuries ago and even affected and still affect countries like japan ( Before the meiji era japan was relatively free sexualy look a it now...)
Heck in USA not a hundred years ago a womans orgasm was dismissed as innapropriate it took state funded research to debunk sexuality, oral sex is STILL criminal in certain states. The trend of women tailormade porn in western country started only about 20 years ago and dont even speak about gay marriage, in my country the debate was made in a political smokescreen to divert the population from real!!! problems. We are evolving! Let just hope WW3 doesnt happen or we'll be back to a hunter/gatherer society for a few millennia.
But yeah could be worst, we could be in a soceity so closed up that we develop a schyzophenic nature regarding sexuality ( Yamete! YAMETE KUDESAI!
not pointing fingers... ) and create a generation of 28 year old loli/shotacon virgins who dont even know how to say hello to the opposite(or not) sex without fainting.